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Biography and Autobiography at Project Gutenberg

(There are also many autobiographical and biographical ebooks on the Voyages and Travels page)

Where the books listed below contain links, the links are to works held at Project Gutenberg or Project Gutenberg Australia, unless otherwise specified.

Subject of Biography
ADAMS, Henry ADAMS, Henry The Education of Henry Adams
AIRY, George Biddell AIRY, Wilfrid (Editor) Autobiography of Sir George Biddell Airy [Astronomer Royal 1836-1881]
ARNIM, Elizabeth von ARNIM, Elizabeth von Elizabeth and her German Garden
ASQUITH, Margot ASQUITH, Margot An Autobiography (Vols 1 and 2)
AUDUBON, John James BURROUGHS, John John James Audubon
AUSTEN, Jane AUSTEN-LEIGH, James Edward Memoir of Jane Austen
BACON, Francis CHURCH, Richard William Bacon
BANFIELD, E J BANFIELD, E J The Confessions of a Beachcomber
BANFIELD, E J BANFIELD, E J Last Leaves from Dunk Island
BARNUM, Phineas T BENTON, Joel The Life of Phineas T. Barnum
BEERS, Clifford Whittingham BEERS, Clifford Whittingham A Mind that Found Itself
BESANT, Annie BESANT, Annie An Autobiography
BLACK HAWK BLACK HAWK Autobiography of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak, or Black Hawk, embracing the traditions of his nation, various wars in which he has been engaged...his surrender, and travels through the United States.
BOK, Edward BOK, Edward Americanization of Edward Bok. The Autobiography of a Dutch Boy Fifty Years After.
BOONE, Daniel HARLEY, Cecil B Life and Times of Col. Daniel Boone
BRONTE Family BRONTE, Charlotte Biographical Notes on the Pseudonymous Bells
BROWNING, Robert ORR, Mrs. Sutherland Life and Letters of Robert Browning
CARLYLE, Thomas NICHOL, John A Biography
CASANOVA Jacques Casanova de Seingalt The Complete Memoires of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt
CELLINI, Benvenuto SYMONDS, John A (Translator) Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
CODY, William Frederick CODY, William Frederick An Autobiography of Buffalo Bill (Colonel W. F. Cody)
COKE, Henry J. (Henry John) COKE, Henry J. (Henry John) Tracks of a Rolling Stone
CONRAD, Joseph CONRAD, Joseph A Personal Record
CONRAD, Joseph CONRAD, Joseph Some Reminiscences
COOK, James KITSON, Arthur The Life of Captain James Cook
CUYLER, Theodore Ledyard CUYLER, Theodore Ledyard Recollections of a Long Life
DARROW, Clarence DARROW, Clarence The Story of my Life
DARWIN, Charles DARWIN, Charles The Autobiography of Charles Darwin
DARWIN, Charles DARWIN, Charles More Letters of Charles Darwin Vol. 1--Vol. 2
DAVIS, James John DAVIS, James John The Iron Puddler: My life in the rolling mills and what came of it
DAVIS, Richard Harding DAVIS, Richard Harding Adventures and Letters of Richard Harding Davis
DEPEW, Chauncey Mitchell DEPEW, Chauncey Mitchell My Memories of Eighty Years
DOUGLASS, Frederick DOUGLASS, Frederick Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
DOUGLASS, Frederick CHESNUTT, Charles Waddell Frederick Douglass, A Biography
EDISON, Thomas DYER, Frank and MARTIN, Thomas Edison, His Life and Inventions
EBERS, Georg SAFFORD, Mary J (Translator) The Story Of My Life From Childhood To Manhood
FLINDERS, Matthew SCOTT, Ernest The Life of Matthew Flinders
FRANKLIN, Benjamin FRANKLIN, Benjamin
(Edited by Charles W Elliot)
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
FREDERICK THE GREAT MUHLBACH, Luise (1814-1873) Frederick The Great And His Family
FRISBIE, Robert Dean FRISBIE, Robert Dean The Island of Desire
FROEBEL, Friedrich FROEBEL, Friedrich Autobiography of Friedrich Froebel Translation and Annotations: Emilie Michaelis and H. Keatley Moore
GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von OXENFORD, John (Translator) Autobiography
GOLDSMITH, Oliver IRVING, Washington Oliver Goldsmith, a Biography
HAMERTON, Philip Gilbert HAMERTON, Philip Gilbert An Autobiography, 1834-1858, and a Memoir by His Wife, 1858-1894
HUGHES, Louis HUGHES, Louis Thirty Years a Slave From Bondage to Freedom: The Institution of Slavery as Seen on the Plantation and in the Home of the Planter.
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry HUXLEY, Leonard The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley Vol. 1,Vol. 2 , Vol. 3
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry HUXLEY, Leonard Thomas Henry Huxley, a Character Sketch
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry HUXLEY, Thomas Henry Autobiography and Selected Essays
JOHNSON, James Weldon JOHNSON, James Weldon The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man
KIPLING, Rudyard KIPLING, Rudyard Something of Myself
LAMB, Charles JERROLD, Walter Charles Lamb
LANIER, Sidney MIMS, Edwin Sidney Lanier
LAWRENCE, T E LAWRENCE, T E Seven Pillars of Wisdom

LAPEROUSE, Jean-Francois de Galaup, comte de

SCOTT, Ernest


LINCOLN, Abraham BROWNE, Francis Fisher The Every-day Life of Abraham Lincoln
LIVES of the Noble Grecians and Romans PLUTARCH (Editor: CLOUGH, Arthur Hugh) Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
M'CHEYNE, Robert Murray BONAR, Andrew A The Biography of Robert Murray M'Cheyne
MAHLER, Gustav ENGEL, Gabriel Gustav Mahler, Song Symphonist
MARTIN, Thérèse MARTIN Thérèse (of Lisieux) Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux The Story of a Soul (L'Histoire d'une Âme): with Additional Writings and Sayings of St. Thérèse. Translated by Thomas Taylor.
MAY, Karl MAY, Karl My Life and My Efforts
MILL, John Stuart MILL, John Stuart Autobiography
MITCHELL, Thomas CUMPSTON, J H L Thomas Mitchell--Surveyor General and Explorer--HTML

MORRISON, G E (George Ernest)
('Chinese' Morrsion)


An Australian in China

(Edited by Samuel Smiles)
James Nasmyth: Engineer, An Autobiography
PIOZZI (THRALE), Mrs Hester Lynch HAYWARD, A (Editor) Autobiography, Letters and Literary Remains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale) (Vol 1)
Edited with Notes and Introductory Account of her Life and Writings
RANNEY, Dave RANNEY, Dave Thirty Years on the Bowery: An Autobiography
ROOSEVELT, Theodore (1858-1919) ROOSEVELT, Theodore An Autobiography
ROOSEVELT, Theodore (1858-1919) THAYER, William Roscoe Theodore Roosevelt; An Intimate Biography
RUTHERFORD, Mark RUTHERFORD, Mark The Autobiography of Mark Rutherford
SAND, George DOUMIC, Rene
(Translated by HALLARD, Alys)
George Sand, Some Aspects of Her Life and Writings
SPENCE, Catherine Helen SPENCE, Catherine Helen An Autobiography
SPENCER, Edmund HALES, John W A Biography of Edmund Spenser
STERLING, John CARLYLE, Thomas Life of John Sterling
STILLMAN, William James STILLMAN, William James The Autobiography of a Journalist Vol 1 Vol 2
STURT, Charles CUMPSTON, J H L Charles Sturt - His Life and Journeys of Exploration--Text----HTML
THOMPSON, Charles THOMPSON, Charles Biography of a Slave Being the Experiences of Rev. Charles Thompson
TROLLOPE, Anthony TROLLOPE, Anthony Autobiography of Anthony Trollope
TWAIN, Mark TWAIN, Mark Mark Twain's Autobiography.--Vol 1 HTML--ZIPPED HTML--Vol 2 HTML--ZIPPED HTML
TWAIN, Mark PAINE, Albert Bigelow Mark Twain, A Biography. The Personal and Literary Life of Samuel Langhorne Clemens
VERGIL (Publius Vergilius Maro) FRANK, Tenney Vergil: A Biography
WHITE, Andrew Dickson WHITE, Andrew Dickson Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White--Vol 1--Vol 2
YOGANANDA, Paramhansa YOGANANDA, Paramhansa Autobiography of a Yogi

Updated 28 Nov 2007

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