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Cookery and Home Science (the old-fashioned way)
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The Indian Cookery Book (c.1900) (Author/editor unknown)

17.--Kid Curry. Take a hind-quarter or a fore-quarter of kid, which may be obtained at from three to four annas the quarter; cut it up into sixteen or eighteen pieces; take condiments in the proportion given in recipe No. 16, and cook it in every particular the same as the chicken curry, allowing it to simmer three-quarters of an hour.


The Allinson Vegetarian Cookery Book (1915) by Thomas R Allinson

EGGS AU GRATIN. 3 hard-boiled eggs, 1-1/2 oz. of grated cheese, 1 oz. of butter, 2 tablespoonfuls of breadcrumbs, a little nutmeg, and pepper and salt to taste. Slice the eggs, place them on a well-buttered flat baking dish, sprinkle them thickly with the grated cheese, and dust with nutmeg, pepper, and salt. Spread the breadcrumbs over the top, and scatter the butter in bits over the breadcrumbs. Bake until the breadcrumbs begin to brown.


American Woman's Home by Catherine E. Beecher (1800-1878) and Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896)

It is the aim of this volume to elevate both the honor and the remuneration of all employments that sustain the many difficult and varied duties of the family state, and thus to render each department of woman's profession as much desired and respected as are the most honored professions of men.


The Book of Household Management by Mrs. Isabella Mary Beeton (1836-1865)

HARE SOUP. 170. INGREDIENTS.--A hare fresh-killed, 1 lb. of lean gravy-beef, a slice of ham, 1 carrot, 2 onions, a faggot of savoury herbs, 1/4 oz. of whole black pepper, a little browned flour, 1/4 pint of port wine, the crumb of two French rolls, salt and cayenne to taste, 3 quarts of water.
Mode.--Skin and paunch the hare, saving the liver and as much blood as possible. Cut it in pieces, and put it in a stewpan with all the ingredients, and simmer gently for 8 hours. This soup should be made the day before it is wanted. Strain through a sieve, put the best parts of the hare in the soup, and serve.


The Physiology of Taste by Brillat Savarin (1755-1826)

I have looked through various dictionaries for the word gourmandise and have found no translation that suited me. It is described as a sort of confusion of gluttony and voracity. Whence I have concluded that lexicographers, though very pleasant people in other respects, are not the sort of men to swallow a partridge wing gracefully with one hand, with a glass of Laffitte or clos de Vougeot in the other.


The Ideal Bartender by Tom Bullock



The Healthy Life Cook Book (1915) by Florence Daniel

23. TOAD-IN-THE-HOLE. Grease a pie-dish. Put in it 2 or 3 small firm tomatoes, or some small peeled mushrooms. Make a batter as for Yorkshire pudding and pour over. Bake until golden brown.


Every Step in Canning (1920) by Grace Viall Gray

METHODS OF CURING MEAT. The two most common methods of curing meat are first the brine or sugar cure process and second the dry-curing process. For general farm use the brine cured process is the better. It requires less time, less effort and not such an exacting place for the work. On most farms it is impossible to secure a desirable place in which to do the dry-curing as the meat is exposed to rats, cats, flies and other insects. The dry-curing requires considerable time to rub and salt the meat at different times while the only attention that is necessary for brine-curing is to properly prepare and pack the meat in the vessel and prepare the brine for it.


The International Jewish Cook Book (1919)--1600 Recipes According to the Jewish Dietary Laws with the Rules for Kashering; the Favorite Recipes of America, Austria, Germany, Russia, France, Poland, Roumania, etc., etc by Florence Kreisler Greenbaum

CHEESE BALLS. Take mashed cream cheese--add butter, cream and a little paprika. You can chop either green peppers, almonds or olives in this mixture, or the juice of an onion. Roll into small balls and serve on lettuce leaves. This is also very good for sandwiches.


School and Home Cooking (1920) by Carlotta Cherryholmes Greer


2 cupfuls flour, 3 1/2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, 1/2 teaspoonful salt,
2 tablespoonfuls fat, 1 to 2 tablespoonfuls sugar, 1 egg, 1 cupful milk

Break the egg into a mixing bowl, beat it. Add the milk to it. Melt the fat, add it to the egg mixture. Measure the dry ingredients thoroughly. Add them (through a sifter) to the other ingredients. Mix quickly and thoroughly, and drop into buttered muffin pans. Bake in a hot oven (400 degrees F.) from 25 to 30 minutes.


Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine (1902) by William Carew Hazlitt (1834-1913)

The precaution of coming to table with clean hands was inculcated perhaps first as a necessity, when neither forks nor knives were used, and subsequently as a mark of breeding. The knife preceded the spoon, and the fork, which had been introduced into Italy in the eleventh century, and which strikes one as a fortuitous development of the Oriental chopstick, came last. It was not in general use even in the seventeenth century here. Coryat the traveller saw it among the Italians, and deemed it a luxury and a notable fact.


Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes by Janet McKenzie Hill (1852-1933) and Maria Parloa (1843-1909)

CHOCOLATE PEPPERMINTS--Melt a little fondant and flavor it to taste with essence of peppermint; leave the mixture white or tint very delicately with green or pink color-paste. With a teaspoon drop the mixture onto waxed paper to make rounds of the same size--about one inch and a quarter in diameter--let these stand in a cool place about one hour. Put about a cup of fondant in a double boiler, add two ounces of chocolate and a teaspoonful of boiling water, then stir (over hot water) until the fondant and chocolate are melted and evenly mixed together; then drop the peppermints, one by one, into the chocolate mixture, and remove them with the fork to a piece of oil cloth; let stand until the chocolate is set, when they are ready to use.


Miss Parloa's New Cook Book by Maria Parloa (1843-1909)

Lemon Sauce--One cupful of sugar, half a cupful of water, the rind and juice of two lemons, the yolks of three eggs. Boil together the sugar, water, lemon juice and grated rind for twenty minutes. Beat the yolks of the eggs. Put the basin containing the boiling syrup in another of boiling water. Stir the yolks of the eggs into this, and beat rapidly for three minutes. Take up the sauce-pan and continue the beating for five minutes; then serve.


Simple Italian Cookery by Antonia Isola [pseud.]

VERMICELLI WITH OLIVE-OIL AND ANCHOVIES--Take one-half pound of vermicelli, boil in salted water and drain. While boiling put into a saucepan three anchovies, cut up fine, with four tablespoons of olive-oil. Fry the anchovies in the oil, then put the vermicelli into the saucepan, mix well for a few moments on the fire, then serve.


Science in the Kitchen (1893) by Ella Ervilla Kellogg

Boiled Cauliflower.--Prepare, divide into neat branches, and tie securely in a net. Put into boiling milk and water, equal quantities, and cook until the main stalks are tender. Boil rapidly the first five minutes, afterward more moderately, to prevent the flower from becoming done before the stalks. Serve on a hot dish with cream sauce or diluted lemon juice.


How to Prepare and Serve a Meal; and Interior Decoration by Lillian B Lansdown

FOR THE CHILDREN--If the children eat breakfast with the family, a regular child's service, with attractive little knives and spoons should be provided, and his whole service, preferably, should be arranged on a tray near the table's edge. Every child likes to have his own porridge bowl, his mug and little milk pitcher, and having his own table tools teaches him to be neat and self-reliant.


Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers by Elizabeth E Lea

APPLE FLOAT--To a quart of apples, slightly stewed and well mashed, put the whites of three eggs, well beaten, and four table-spoons heaping full of loaf sugar, heat them together for fifteen minutes, and eat with rich milk and nutmeg.


Seventy-Five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes and Sweetmeats (1832) by Eliza Leslie (1787-1858)

GOOSEBERRY JELLY--Cut the gooseberries in half, (they must be green) and put them in a jar closely covered. Set the jar in an oven, or pot filled with boiling water. Keep the water boiling round the jar till the gooseberries are soft, take them out, mash them with a spoon, and put them into a jelly bag to drain. When all the juice is squeezed out, measure it, and to a pint of juice, allow a pound of loaf-sugar. Put the juice and sugar into the preserving kettle, and boil them twenty minutes, skimming carefully. Put the jelly warm into your glasses. Tie them up with brandy paper.


Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches (1840) by Eliza Leslie (1787-1858)

STEWED DUCK--Half roast a large duck. Cut it up, and put it into a stew-pan with a pint of beef-gravy, or dripping of roast-beef. Have ready two boiled onions, half a handful of sage leaves, and two leaves of mint, all chopped very fine and seasoned with pepper and salt. Lay these ingredients over the duck. Stew it slowly for a quarter of an hour. Then put in a quart of young green peas. Cover it closely, and simmer it half an hour longer, till the peas are quite soft. Then add a piece of butter rolled in flour; quicken the fire, and give it one boil. Serve up all together.


The Consumer Viewpoint by Mildred Maddocks

WHAT THE PURCHASER LOOKS FOR--It has been amply proved that women are not especially interested in fine points of design unless that interest is implanted by competitive statements of the salesmen. They are not especially interested in form or color or detail, but they are supremely interested in dealer assurance that the machine is solidly built; that it will accomplish the work; and that its purchase will save them money, time or labor, perhaps all three. Let the appliance itself impress them with the strength of the materials used, the cleanness of its design and the perfection of work performed, and the sale is made.


Reform Cookery Book (1909)--Up-to-Date Health Cookery for the Twentieth Century by Mrs Mill

"We could live without poets, we could live without books,
But how in the world could we live without cooks."
(This book is punctuated liberally with couplets similar to the above.)


The Jewish Manual (1846)--Practical Information in Jewish and Modern Cookery with a Collection of Valuable Recipes & Hints Relating to the Toilette by Judith Cohen Montefiore (1784-1862)
MATSO CAKES--Make a stiff paste with biscuit powder and milk and water; add a little butter, the yolk of an egg, and a little white sugar; cut into pieces, and mould with the hand, and bake in a brisk oven. These cakes should not be too thin.


English Housewifery (1764)--Exemplified in above Four Hundred and Fifty Receipts Giving Directions for most Parts of Cookery by Elizabeth Moxon
73. To Pot PIGEONS--Take your pigeons and skewer them with their feet cross over the breast, to stand up; season them with pepper and salt, and roast them; so put them into your pot, setting the feet up; when they are cold cover them up with clarified butter.


The Art of Living in Australia (1893) together with three hundred Australian cookery recipes and accessory kitchen information by Mrs. H. Wicken by Philip E Muskett (died 1909)
POTATO CHIPS--To fry potatoes successfully, two things must be carefully attended to. First of all dry the potatoes thoroughly, and then have very hot fat. Peel the potatoes and dry them in a cloth. Cut into any shape--slices, strips, quarters, &c.--and dry again. Have a good quantity of very hot fat ready, put the chips into a frying basket, and plunge into the fat. Fry quickly, and directly they are brown enough they are done. Throw them on to some kitchen paper to drain off the fat. Pile high on a dish, sprinkle with salt, and serve very hot.


The Compleat Cook (1658) --Expertly Prescribing the Most Ready Wayes, Whether Italian, Spanish or French, for Dressing of Flesh and Fish, Ordering Of Sauces or Making of Pastry by W. M.

To Bake Red Deere--Parboyl it, and then sauce it in Vinegar then Lard it very thick, and season it with Pepper, Ginger and Nutmegs, put it into a deep Pye with good store of sweet butter, and let it bake, when it is baked, take a pint of Hippocras, halfe a pound of sweet butter, two or three Nutmeg, little Vinegar, poure it into the Pye in the Oven and let it lye and soake an hour, then take it out, and when it is cold stop the vent hole.


A Queens Delight (1671) --The Art of Preserving, Conserving and Candying. As also, A right Knowledge of making Perfumes, and Distilling the most Excellent Waters by W. M.
To make Sugar Cakes--Take three pound of the finest Wheat Flower, one pound of fine Sugar, Cloves, and Mace of each one ounce finely searsed, two pound of butter, a little Rose-water, knead and mould this very well together, melt your butter as you put it in; then mould it with your hand forth upon a board, cut them round with a glass, then lay them on papers, and set them in an Oven, be sure your Oven be not too hot, so let them stand till they be coloured enough.


Cassell's Vegetarian Cookery (1891) --A Manual of Cheap and Wholesome Diet by A G Payne

Eggs, Hard-boiled--Place the eggs in cold water, bring the water to boiling point, and let them boil for ten minutes; if the hard-boiled eggs are wanted hot, put them in cold water for half a minute, in order that you may remove the shells without burning your fingers. If the eggs are required cold, it is best not to remove the shells till just before they are wanted; but if they have to be served cold, similar to what we meet with at railway refreshment-rooms, let them be served cold, whole. If you cut a hard-boiled egg the yolk very soon gets discoloured and brown round the edge, shrivels up, and becomes most unappetising in appearance.


The Forme of Cury--A Roll of Ancient English Cookery Compiled, about A.D. 1390 by Samuel Pegge (1704-1796)

FOR TO MAKE A BUKKENADE--Tak veel and boyle it tak zolkys of eggys and mak hem thykke tak macis and powdre of gyngyner and powder of peper and boyle yt togeder and messe yt forth.


Recipes Tried and True by Presbyterian Ladies' Aid

WELSH RARE-BIT--One-half pint of grated soft cream cheese and one-half cupful of cream, melted together in a sauce pan; add a little salt, mustard, cayenne pepper, a teaspoonful of butter, an egg, or yolks of two. Stir until smooth, and pour over the toast.


Ice Creams, Water Ices, Frozen Puddings Together with Refreshments for all Social Affairs by S. T. (Sarah Tyson Heston) Rorer (1849-1937)

PEACHES MELBA--Dish a helping of vanilla ice cream in the centre of the serving plate, place in the centre of the ice cream a whole brandied peach, press it down into the ice cream, baste over four tablespoonfuls of Claret Sauce, and serve.


Made-Over Dishes by S. T. (Sarah Tyson Heston) Rorer (1849-1937)

Rice Muffins--Separate two eggs; add to the yolks one cup of milk and a cup and a half of white flour; beat thoroughly, add a half teaspoonful of salt, a teaspoonful of baking powder and one cup of cold boiled rice; stir in the well-beaten whites, and bake in gem pans in a quick oven twenty minutes.


Many Ways for Cooking Eggs by S. T. (Sarah Tyson Heston) Rorer (1849-1937)

EGGS MIRABEAU--Cut a sufficient number of rounds of bread, toast them carefully and cover them with _pate de foie gras_, put on top of each a poached egg, pour over sauce Perigueux, and send to the table.


The New Dr. Price Cookbook by Royal baking powder company, New York

SEVEN-MINUTE ICING--1 unbeaten egg white, 3 tablespoons cold water, 7/8 cup granulated sugar. Place all ingredients in top of double boiler. Place over boiling water and beat with dover beater for seven minutes; add 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and spread on top and sides of cake. For Chocolate Icing use above, adding 1½ ounces melted unsweetened chocolate or 4½ tablespoons cocoa after removing from fire. For Coffee Icing use 3 tablespoons cold boiled coffee in place of water.


Favorite Dishes (1893)--a Columbian Autograph Souvenir Cookery Book by Carrie V Shuman

SALMON CROQUETTES--One can of salmon, minced very fine; two large Irish potatoes, boiled
and mashed; half of a small onion, chopped fine; two raw eggs; salt and black pepper; two tablespoonfuls of Worcestershire sauce. Rub these together until very light. Make into balls, roll in cracker dust and fry in boiling lard.


American Cookery (1796)--The Art of Dressing Viands, Fish, Poultry, and Vegetables by Amelia Simmons
Pound Cake--One pound sugar, one pound butter, one pound flour, one pound or ten eggs, rose water one gill, spices to your taste; watch it well, it will bake in a slow oven in 15 minutes.


365 Foreign Dishes (1908)--(Author unknown)

Egyptian Meat Balls--Chop 1 pound of raw beef; season with salt, pepper and 1 teaspoonful of curry-powder; add 2 stalks of chopped celery, 1 small onion and some chopped parsley. Mix with 2 beaten eggs and 1/2 cup of bread-crumbs, and make into small balls. Let cook in hot butter until tender. Serve on a border of boiled rice and pour over all a highly seasoned tomato-sauce.


The Belgian Cookbook (1915) by Mrs Brian Luck (Ed.)

CABBAGE AND POTATOES--Boil the cabbages in salted water till tender. Chop them up. Brown an onion in butter, and add the cabbage, salt, pepper, and a little water. Slice some potatoes thickly, fry them, and serve the vegetable with cabbage in the center, and the fried potatoes laid round.


The Cook's Decameron: a study in taste, containing over two hundred recipes for Italian dishes by Mrs. W G Waters

Minestrone alla Milanese
Ingredients: Rice or macaroni, ham, bacon, stock, all sorts of vegetables.
Minestrone is a favourite dish in Lombardy when vegetables are plentiful. Boil all sorts of vegetables in stock, and add bits of bacon, ham, onions braized in butter, chopped parsley, a clove of garlic with two cuts, and rice or macaroni. Put in those vegetables first which require most cooking, and do not make the broth too thin. Leave the garlic in for a quarter of an hour only.


The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet (1672) by Hannah Wolley

Stored with all manner of rare receipts for preserving, candying and cookery. Very pleasant and beneficial to all ingenious persons of the female sex


Woman's Institute Library of Cookery
Volume 1: Essentials of Cookery; Cereals; Bread; Hot Breads

Woman's Institute Library of Cookery
Volume 2: Milk, Butter and Cheese; Eggs; Vegetables

Woman's Institute Library of Cookery
Volume 3: Soup; Meat; Poultry and Game; Fish and Shell Fish

Woman's Institute Library of Cookery
Volume 4: Salads and Sandwiches; Cold and Frozen Desserts; Cakes, Cookies and Puddings; Pastries and Pies

Woman's Institute Library of Cookery
Volume 5: Fruit and Fruit Desserts; Canning and Drying; Jelly Making, Preserving and Pickling; Confections; Beverages; the Planning of Meals

Updated 15 July 08

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