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Drama at Project Gutenberg Australia
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Drama (Stage and Radio Plays)

All of the works at Project Gutenberg Australia (PGA) are out of copyright in Australia and can be produced, within Australia,
free of charge and free of 'rights' payments. The authors all died before 1955.

Please CONTACT US regarding suggestions for additions to or deletions from this page (refer to 'Drama page').

In 1933, Aidan de Brune published 3 issues of The Little Theatre Magazine. For those interested, page images of those issues can be viewed at Aidan de Brune's listing.

Here is a  listing of all authors represented at Project Gutenberg Australia.

Some writers of radio and stage plays represented at PGA

[Also refer to these listings at Project Gutenberg in the US: One Act Plays; Other Drama]

Max (Malcolm) R AFFORD (1906-1954)

Plays and Radio Plays 

  • Consulting Room [Radio Play] (1948)--Text
  • Lady in Danger [Play] (1942)--Text
  • Lazy in the Sun [Radio Play] (1951)--Text
  • Mischief in the Air [Play] (1944)--Text

J M BARRIE (1860-1937)

  • Peter Pan or The Boy Who Would Not Grow Up (The Play) (first performed 1904)--HTML

George S BEEBY (1869-1942)

  • One Touch O' Nature--HTML
  • Still Waters (1923)--HTML
  • The Banner (1923)--HTML

Henry James BYRON (1835-1884)

Charles Haddon CHAMBERS (1860-1921)

  • "Seven, Seven, Seven--City"--A Tale of the Telephone--Text--

Anton CHEKHOV (1860-1904)

  • Collected Plays--Text
  • The Sea-Gull--Text
  • Uncle Vanya--Text

Cyril CLARE and Euston LEIGH

  • The Duchess of  Coolgardie (1896)--HTML

Sir Arthur Conan DOYLE (1859-1930)

  • Sherlock Holmes: A Drama in Four Acts

Fred DUPREZ (1884-1938)

  • My Wife's Family (A Farcical Comedy in Three Acts)--Text--

Anna Katharine GREEN (1846-1935)

  • Risifi's Daughter (1897)--HTML

Charles HAWTRY (1858-1923)

  • The Private Secretary (1907)--Text--

Stanley HOUGHTON (1881-1913)

  • The Dear Departed (1910)--Text--

Sidney HOWARD (1891-1939)

  • Ned McCobb's Daughter (1926)--Text--
  • They Knew What They Wanted (1924)--Text--

Fred JACKSON (Frederick J JACKSON) (1886-1953)

  • The Naughty Wife (1915)--Text--

Euston LEIGH and Cyril CLARE

  • The Duchess of  Coolgardie (1896)--HTML

Frederick LONSDALE (1881-1954)

  • The Last of Mrs Cheney--Text--

Musette MORELL (1897-1950) (a.k.a. Moyna Martin, Moyna Delayney, Fiona O'Farrell)

  • Webs of Our Weaving (1948)--HTML
  • The Better Road (1948)--HTML
  • Even the Birds of the Air (1948)--HTML
  • Presented Without Courtesy (1948)--HTML
  • If Animals had Their Way (1950)--HTML
  • Ten Puppet Plays (1950)--HTML

Eugene O'NEILL (1888-1953)

  • The Iceman Cometh (1946)--Text----HTML
  • A Moon for the Misbegotten (1952)--Text----HTML
  • Days Without End (1934)--Text----HTML
  • All God's Chillun Got Wings (1924)--Text----HTML
  • Desire Under the Elms (1925)--Text----HTML
  • The Great God Brown (1926)--Text----HTML
  • Welded (1924)--Text----HTML
  • Diff'rent (1924)--Text----HTML
  • The Fountain (1926)--Text----HTML
  • Lazarus Laughed (1927)--Text----HTML
  • Strange Interlude (1928)--Text----HTML
  • Mourning Becomes Electra (1931)--Text----HTML A Trilogy comprising Homecoming, The Hunted, The Haunted
  • Dynamo (1929)--Text----HTML
  • Anna Christie (1921)--HTML
  • Ah, Wilderness (1933)--Text--

Harry and Edward PAULTON

  • Niobe, All Smiles: A Farcical Comedy in Three Acts--Text

Rafael SABATINI (1875-1950)

  • The Tyrant (1925)--HTML

Lionel SHAVE (1889-1954)

  • A Sirius Cove (1948)--HTML
  • Red and Gold (1948)--HTML
  • That's Murder (1948)--HTML
  • The Resignation of Mr. Bagsworth (1948)--HTML
  • Twelve Moons Cold (1948)--HTML

George Bernard SHAW (1856-1950)

  • Saint Joan (1924)--Text----HTML
  • The Millionairess (1936)--Text----HTML
  • Buoyant Billions (1948)--Text----HTML
  • The Apple Cart (1929)--Text----HTML
  • "In Good King Charles's Golden Days" (1939)--Text----HTML
  • The Fascinating Foundling (1928)--Text----HTML
  • The Glimpse of Reality (1927)--Text----HTML
  • The Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles (1935)--Text----HTML
  • Village Wooing (1934)--Text----HTML
  • The Six of Calais (1934)--Text----HTML
  • Geneva (1938)--Text----HTML
  • On the Rocks (1933)--Text----HTML
  • Too True to be Good (1932)--Text----HTML
  • Cymbeline Refinished (1936)--Text--HTML
  • The Miraculous Revenge--Text----HTML
  • Pygmalion--Text
  • Candida--Text
  • Major Barbara--Text
  • Man and Superman--Text

Josephine TEY (a.k.a. Gordon DAVIOT) -- pseudonyms of Elizabeth MacKINTOSH (1896-1952)

  • Richard of Bordeaux (1932)--Text----HTML
  • Plays Volume III (1954)
     Lady Charing is Cross--HTML
     Sweet Coz--HTML
     The Staff-Room--HTML
  • Leith Sands and Other Short Plays
     Leith Sands--HTML
     The Mother of Mas?--HTML
     Mrs. Fry Has a Visitor--HTML
     Three Mrs. Madderleys--HTML
     Clarion Call--HTML
     Remember Caesar--HTML

Brandon THOMAS (1848-1914)

  • Charley's Aunt (Stage Play)--Text


  • Under Milk Wood (A Play for Voices) Text--HTML

Walter J TURNER (1884-1946)

  • The Man Who Ate the Popomack (1921)--Text
  • Smaragda's Lover--Text--

John WILLARD (1885-1942)

  • The Cat and the Canary--Text--

Updated 18 February 2022

  • Glass Sydney - Valiant Glass - Glass & Mirrors Specialists in Sydney
Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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