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More books by these and other authors of westerns can be found in our author listings

Andy Adams

The Outlet

Joseph A. Altsheler (1862-1919)

The Free Rangers

Willard F. Baker

The Boy Ranchers on the Trail

R.M. Ballantyne (1825-1894)

Fort Desolation

The Pioneers; a Tale of the Western Wilderness

The Prairie Chief

Rex Beach (1877-1949)

Flowing Gold

Heart of the Sunset

Thomas Dykes Beasley

A Tramp Through the Bret Harte Country

Emerson Bennett

Kate Clarendon

Leni-Leoti; or, Adventures in the Far West

Oliver Goldfinch; or, The Hypocrite

The Bandits of the Osage: A Western Romance

B M Bower (1871-1940)

Cabin Fever


The Flying U's Last Stand

Good Indian

Her Prairie Knight

Heritage of the Sioux

Jean of the Lazy A

Flying U Ranch

The Lure Of The Dim Trails

The Ranch at the Wolverine

Rowdy of the Cross L

Glenn D Bradley

The Story of the Pony Express

Max Brand

The Night Horseman

Ronicky Doone

Ronicky Doone's Treasure

Ronicky Doone's Reward

Other titles at Brand's listing

Charles Neville Buck (1879-1930)

The Call Of The Cumberlands

Charles Egbert Craddock (1850-1922)

Down the Ravine

James Oliver Curwood (1878-1927)

Back to God's Country and Other Stories

Flower of the North

God's Country, and the Woman

The Country Beyond

The Flaming Forest

Nomads Of The North

Edward S. Ellis (1840-1916)

The Daughter of the Chieftain

The Life of Kit Carson

The Lost Trail

Jessie Graham Flower (died 1931)

Grace Harlowe's Overland Riders on the Great American Desert

John Fox Jr (1862-1919)

A Cumberland Vendetta

A Knight of the Cumberland

Hell Fer Sartain and Other Stories

The Heart Of The Hills

The Last Stetson

The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come

The Trail of the Lonesome Pine

W.A. Fraser (1859-1933)

Bulldog Carney

The Gold Wolf

Owners Up

Pat Garrett (1850-1908)

The Authentic Life of Billy The Kid

Zane Grey (1872-1939)

Fishing Books

An American Angler in Australia (1937). Zane Grey chases Marlin off Batemans Bay, on the New south Wales South Coast. However, there is more to this book which includes interesting descriptions of Australian flora and fauna by a person well-known for his interest in nature.

Tales of the Angler's Eldorado, New Zealand (1926). Zane Grey describes his fishing adventues in the waters around New Zealand. This book helped establish New Zealand as a world-famous area for big-game fishing.

Zane Gey's Western Magazine

Twin Sombreros. Will Brazos Keene marry Janis Neece. Or is it her twin, June Neece? Find out now! Read Twin Sombreros

Sunset Pass. Will True Rock win Thiry Preston's heart and hand and right all the wrongs which have occurred in Wagontongue while he has been away? Find out now!

Other Zane Grey Books

  • Under the Tonto Rim (1926) When Lucy Watson goes into the wilderness beyond Cedar Ridge to teach and to help the people to make better homes, she realises that she, herself, has more to learn than she could possibly have imagined.
  • Wilderness Trek (1944) In this story, set in the Australian bush, two American cowboys are involved in a cattle drive of 3,000 miles.
  • 30,000 onthe Hoof (1940)--Newly-weds Logan and Lucinda Huett head for the Tonto Basin to carve out a life as cattle ranchers. The difficulties they encounter, as well as their sublime moments, are graphically described in this novel about the settlement of the west. Note: This book was republished as Woman of the Frontier in 1998
  • Wanderer of the Wasteland (1923)--Adam Larey escapes to the desert after a shooting. He begins helping people in distress while at the same time coming to a deeper understanding of himself. With characters named Adam, Ruth and Magdalene this novel is, on one level, a parable of biblical proportions.
  • Lost Pueblo (1954)--Janey Endicott, a wealthy socialite is kidnapped and forced to join an archealogical expedition. She is unaccustomed to the harsh conditions but is thrilled at the prospect of a new love affair.
  • The Thundering Herd (1925)--A Zane Grey romantic story which also gives an account of the near-extermination of the American buffalo.
  • The Shortstop (1937)--The rags-to-riches story of a baseball player who makes good in money, love and friendship. The story is set against the background of the rise in popularity of baseball in America in the 1930s.
  • The Hash Knife Outfit (1933)--Jed Stone stands alone against the Hash Knife gang in Arizona.
  • The Young lion Hunter (1911)--Kenneth and Hal Ward spend a summer with a government ranger hunting mountain lions in Utah.

Emanuel (d.1951) and Anna Marcet (d.1941) Haldeman-Julius


James Hall (1793-1868)

Legends of the West

The Harpe's Head: A Legend of Kentucky

Richard Davis Harding

Ranson's Folly

Frank Harris

Montes the Matador and Other Stories

Bret Harte (1836-1902)

A Waif of the Plains

Brown of Calaveras

By Shore and Sedge


Condensed Novels


Devil's Ford

Drift from Two Shores

Flip: A California Romance

Found At Blazing Star

From Sand Hill to Pine

In a Hollow of the Hills

In The Carquinez Woods

Mr. Jack Hamlin's Mediation

On the Frontier

Selected Stories

The Heritage of Dedlow Marsh and Other Tales


Snow-Bound at Eagle's

Sally Dows

New Burlesques

Openings in the Old Trail

The Outcasts of Poker Flat

The Queen of the Pirate Isle

The Luck of Roaring Camp

Calamity Jane [Martha Canary-Burke] (1852-1903)

The Autobiography of Calamity Jane

R H Jayne

In the Pecos Country

E Pauline Johnson

The Moccasin Maker

Vaughan Kester

The Prodigal Judge

Joseph A. Munk (1847-1927)

Arizona Sketches

John Milton Oskison

The Quality of Mercy: A Story of the Indian Territory

Gilbert Parker (1860-1932)

The World For Sale

William MacLeod Raine (1871-1954)

Bucky O'Connor


The Hunting of Harry Tracy

Ridgway of Montana

Frederic Remington (1861-1909)

Crooked Trails,

John Richardson (1796-1852)


James E. Seaver (1787-1827)

Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison

Frank H Spearman

The Run of the Yellow Mail

Robert Strange

Eoneguski, Vol. I

Eoneguski, Vol. II

Octave Thanet

The Rowdy

Frank V. Webster (house pseudonym)

Cowboy Dave

Egerton Ryerson Young (1840-1909)

By Canoe and Dog-Trail

Duck Lake; or Tales of the Canadian Backwoods

  • Glass Sydney - Valiant Glass - Glass & Mirrors Specialists in Sydney

Updated 3 Aug 2019

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