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20th Century Women Writers
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20th Century Women Writers


Bess Streeter ALDRICH (1881-1954)

Daisy BATES (1863-1951)

  • The Passing of the Aborigines (1938)--Text--

Gertrude BELL (1868-1926)
[edited by Florence Eveleen Eleanor (Olliffe) BELL (1851 - 1930)]

  • The Letters of Gertrude Bell, Volume 1 (1927)--Text----HTML (with images)
  • The Letters of Gertrude Bell, Volume 2 (1927)--Text----HTML (with images)
Marjorie BOWEN
(a.k.a. George R Preedy, Joseph Shearing, John Winch, Robert Paye)
pseudonym of (Gabrielle) Margaret (Vere) CAMPBELL (1886-1952)

     Historic Fiction

  • The Viper of Milan (1906) [set in 14th century Lombardy]--Text----HTML
  • The Master of Stair (1907) [John Dalrymple, 1st Earl of Stair, 1648-1707]--Text--
  • The Quest of Glory (1912) [Luc de Clapiers, Marquis de Vauvenargues]--Text--
  • A Knight of Spain (1913) [Don Juan of Austria]--Text--
  • Prince and Heretic (1914)--not yet available
  • Because of these Things (1915)--Text--
  • Dickon (1929) [Richard III]--Text--
  • Dark Rosaleen (1932) [Lord Edward Fitzgerald]--Text--
  • The Queen's Caprice (1933) [Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots] (by G R Preedy)--Text--
  • Mary Queen of Scots (1934)--not yet available
  • Patriotic Lady (1935) [Emma, Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson]----Text----HTML
  • Eugenie--not yet available
  • William and Mary Trilogy
    * I Will Maintain (1910)--not yet available
    * Defender of the Faith (1911)--not yet available
    * God and the King (1911) [James II, King of England, 1633-1701]--not yet available

     Other Titles

  • The Folding Doors--Text--HTML
  • Black Magic--Text----HTML
  • The Crown Derby Plate--Text----HTML
  • Collected Twilight Stories (A PGA Compilation)--Text--
  • The Bishop of Hell and Other Stories (1949)--Text--
  • The Last Bouquet: Some Twilight Tales (1933)--Text--
  • The King's Favourite (a.k.a My Tattered Loving: The Overbury Mystery) (1937) (by George R Preedy)--not yet available
  • Forget-me-Not (a.k.a The Strange Case of Lucile Clery) (1932) (by Joseph Shearing)--not yet available

Emily CARR (1871-1945)

  • Klee Wyck (1941)--Text--
  • The Book of Small (1942)--Text--
  • The House of All Sorts (1944)--Text--

Willa CATHER (1873-1947)

  • Sapphira and the Slave Girl (1940)--Text--
  • A Lost Lady (1923)--Text--
  • Lucy Gayheart (1935)--Text--
  • Death Comes for the Archbishop(1927)--Text--
  • Shadows on the Rock (1931)--Text----HTML
  • The Professor's House (1925)--Text----HTML
  • Obscure Destinies--Text----HTML
  • My Mortal Enemy--Text----HTML
  • Not Under Forty--Text----HTML
  • The Professor's House--Text--
  • The Troll Garden and Selected Stories--at PGA
  • Song of the Lark--at PGA
  • O Pioneers!--at PGA
  • Youth and the Bright Medusa--at PGA
  • My Antonia--at PGA
  • One of Ours--at PGA

Mary CHOLMONDELEY (1859-1925)

Gordon DAVIOT See Josephine TEY

E M DELAFIELD (1890-1943)

  • The Diary of a Provincial Lady--Text----HTML
  • The Provincial Lady Goes Further--Text----HTML
Rachel FIELD (1894-1942)

Miles FRANKLIN (1879-1954)

  • My Brilliant Career (1901)--from PGA
  • Some Everyday Folk--and Dawn (1909)--from PGA
  • Old Blastus of Bandicoot (1931)--Text--
  • Bring the Monkey (1933)--Text----HTML
  • All That Swagger (1936)--Text--
  • My Career Goes Bung (1946)--Text--

     Under the pseudonym "Brent of Bin Bin"

  • Prelude to Waking (1950)--Text--
  • Up the Country (1928)--Text--
  • Ten Creeks Run (1930)--Text--
  • Cockatoos (1954)--not yet available
  • Gentlemen at Gyang Gyang (1956)--Text--
  • Back to Bool Bool (1931)--Text----HTML

Ellen GLASGOW (1873-1945)

Radclyffe HALL (1880-1943)

  • The Well of Loneliness (1928)--Text--
  • The Unlit Lamp--Text----HTML
Gertrude LAWRENCE (1898-1952)

Elizabeth MacKINTOSH See Josephine TEY

Katherine MANSFIELD (1888-1923)

  • In a German Pension--Text--
  • The Garden Party--Text--
  • Something Childish and Other Stories--Text--

Margaret MITCHELL (1900-1949)

L M MONTGOMERY (1874-1942)

Baroness Emmuska ORCZY (1865-1947)

The Scarlet Pimpernel

  • The Laughing Cavalier (1913) (about an ancestor of the Scarlet Pimpernel)--Text----HTML
  • The The First Sir Percy (1920) (about an ancestor of the Scarlet Pimpernel)--Text----HTML
  • The Scarlet Pimpernel (1905)--at PGA
  • Sir Percy Leads the Band (1936)--Text----HTML
  • The League of the Scarlet Pimperne (1919) [stories]--at PGA
  • I Will Repay (1906)--at PGA
  • The Elusive Pimpernel (1908)--at PGA
  • El Dorado (1913)--at PGA
  • Mam'zelle Guillotine (1940)--Text----HTML
  • Lord Tony's Wife (1917)--Text----HTML
  • The Way of the Scarlet Pimpernel (1933)--Text----HTML
  • Sir Percy Hits Back (1927)--Text----HTML
  • The Adventures of the Scarlet Pimpernel [stories] (1929)--Text----HTML
  • The Triumph of the Scarlet Pimpernel (1922)--Text----HTML
  • A Child of the Revolution (1932)--Text----HTML
  • Pimpernel and Rosemary (1924) (about a relation of the Scarlet Pimpernel)--Text----HTML

Other Titles

  • The Man in Grey--Text--
  • Unravelled Knots--Text--
  • Skin O' My Tooth--HTML
  • Lady Molly of Scotland Yard--Text----HTML
  • In the Rue Monge--Text--HTML
  • The Old Man in the Corner (1909) - at PGA
  • A Bride of the Plains--at PGA
  • The Bronze Eagle--at PGA
  • Castles in the Air--at PGA
  • The Nest of the Sparrowhawk--at PGA
  • Unto Caesar--at PGA
Marjorie Kinnan RAWLINGS (1896-1953)
  • The Yearling (1938)--Text----HTML--(illustrations by N. C. Wyeth)
  • Cross Creek (1942)--Text----HTML
  • The Sojourner (1953)--Text----HTML
  • South Moon Under (1933)--Text----HTML

Henry Handel RICHARDSON (1870-1946)

  • The Fortunes of Richard Mahony [trilogy] (1930)--Text (2 mb)-- Comprising...
  1. Australia Felix (1917)--Text--
  2. The Way Home (1925)--Text--
  3. Ultima Thule (1929)--Text--
  • Two Hanged Women--Text-- (Short Story)
  • The End of a Childhood (Complete Stories of H H Richardson)--Text--
  • Maurice Guest--at PGA
  • The Getting of Wisdom--at PGA

Ann SCOTT-MONCRIEFF (1914-1943)

Helen de Guerry SIMPSON (1897-1940)

  • Boomerang (1932)--Text----HTML
  • The Spanish Marriage (1933) [Mary and Philip II of Spain, in 1554]--Text----HTML
  • The Woman on the Beast (1933)--Text----HTML
  • Saraband for Dead Lovers (1935) [Sophia Dorothea of Hanover]--Text----HTML
  • Under Capricorn (1937)--Text--
  • Maid No More (1940)--Text--
  • Henry VIII (1934)--Text----HTML

Hester Travers SMITH (1868-1949)

  • Oscar Wilde from Purgatory (1924)--Text--

Gertrude STEIN (1874-1946)

  • The Autobiography of Alice B Toklas (1933)--Text--

Jan STRUTHER (Joyce Maxtone Graham) (1901-1953)

  • Mrs Miniver--Text--

Josephine TEY (a.k.a. Gordon DAVIOT) -- pseudonyms of Elizabeth MacKINTOSH (1896-1952)

  • The Man in the Queue (1929)--not available yet [Gordon Daviot] ["Inspector Grant"]
  • The Expensive Halo (1931)--Text-- [Gordon Daviot]
  • Kif--An Unvarnished History--not available yet [Josephine Tey]
  • A Shilling for Candles (1936)--Text-- [Josephine Tey] ["Inspector Grant"]
  • Miss Pym Disposes (1947)--Text----HTML [Josephine Tey]
  • The Franchise Affair (1949)--Text-- [Josephine Tey] ["Inspector Grant"]
  • Brat Farrar (1949)--Text-- [Josephine Tey]
  • To Love and Be Wise (1950)--Text-- [Josephine Tey] ["Inspector Grant"]
  • The Daughter of Time (1951)--Text-- [Josephine Tey] ["Inspector Grant"]
  • The Privateer (1952)--Text-- [Josephine Tey]
  • The Singing Sands (1952)--Text-- [Josephine Tey] ["Inspector Grant"]
  • Richard of Bordeaux (1932)--Play--Text----HTML [Gordon Daviot]

Evelyn UNDERHILL (1875-1941)

  • The Letters of Evelyn Underhill (1943)--Text--

Elizabeth VON ARNIM (1866-1941)

  • Elizabeth and Her German Garden--at PGA
  • The Solitary Summer--at PGA
  • The Enchanted April--at PGA
  • Christopher and Columbus--at PGA

Dorothy WALL (1894-1942)

  • Blinky Bill --Text----HTML
  • Blinky Bill and Nutsy--Text----HTML
  • Blinky Bill Grows Up--Text----HTML
  • The Complete Adventures of Blinky Bill--ZIPPED HTML (includes the above 3 ebooks and images) (3 mb)

Beatrice WEBB (1858-1943)

  • My Apprenticeship (Volume 1) (1926)--Text--
  • My Apprenticeship (Volume 2) (1926)--Text--

Edith WHARTON (1862-1937)

  • Certain People (1930)--Text-- Comprising the following stories...
  1. A Bottle of Perrier--Text--
  2. After Holbein--Text--
  3. Atrophy--Text--
  4. Dieu D'Amour--Text--
  5. The Refugees--Text--
  6. Mr. Jones--Text--
  • Old New York (1924) Comprising the following novellas...
  1. False Dawn (The 'Forties)--Text--
  2. The Old Maid (The 'Fifties)--Text--
  3. The Spark (The 'Sixties)--Text--
  4. New Year'S Day (The 'Seventies)--Text--
  • A Backward Glance (memoir) (1934)--Text--
  • Hudson River Bracketed (1929)--Text----HTML
  • Twilight Sleep (1927)--Text----HTML
  • The Children (1928)--Text----HTML
  • The Gods Arrive (1932)--Text----HTML
  • The Mother's Recompense (1925)--Text----HTML
  • Here and Beyond (1926)--Text----HTML
  • The Age of Innocence--at PGA
  • The House of Mirth--at PGA
  • Ethan Frome--at PGA

Ethel Lina WHITE (1887-1944)

  • The Spiral Staircase--Text-- (Originally published as Some Must Watch)
  • She Faded into Air (1941)--Text--

Virginia WOOLF (1882-1941)


Home page

Updated 2 September 2009

  • Glass Sydney - Valiant Glass - Glass & Mirrors Specialists in Sydney
Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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