Cat and Dog


  • cat and dog and words

    Theme – word play

    theme: 150 basic ABC-words to learn (for example: apple, ax, ape, ant, arm, art) + 45 verbs + 9 prepositions + 12 colours + 9 shapes.
    if you have learned the words in this book, you can read all other books.
    this book contains 16 pages A5.

  • 1 – cat and dog and the ball

    theme: 150 basic ABC words of the book ‘cat and dog word’
    this book contains 12 pages A5.

  • 2 – cat and dog and the rain

    theme: 150 basic ABC words of the book ‘cat and dog word’
    this book contains 12 pages A5.

  • 3 – cat and dog and the hat

    theme: 150 basic ABC words of the book ‘cat and dog word’
    this book contains 12 pages A5.

  • 4 – cat and dog where is the cat?

    theme: 150 basic ABC words of the book ‘cat and dog word’
    this book contains 12 pages A5.

  • 5 – cat and dog and the yam

    theme: 150 basic ABC words of the book ‘cat and dog word’
    this book contains 12 pages A5.

  • 6 – cat and dog and the butterfly

    theme: numbers
    this book contains 16 pages A5.

  • 7 – cat and dog – dog is cold

    theme: Contradictions
    this book contains 12 pages A5.

  • 8 – cat and dog – draw and colour

    theme: shapes
    this book contains 12 pages A5.

  • 9 – cat and dog and the egg

    theme: personal pronoun
    this book contains 12 pages A5.

  • 10 – cat and dog – cat is yellow

    theme: interrogative pronoun
    this book contains 16 pages A5.

  • 11 – cat and dog and the worms

    theme: word play
    this book contains 16 pages A5.

  • 12 – cat and dog play cards

    theme: use this book in combination with the cat and dog playcards (see ‘games’ for more information).