aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
es gibt mehrere Nomenklaturen der gingivitis. Sie ändert sich lle paar Jahre. Sie wird von verschiedenen Gremien herausgegeben, die ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte haben (Praktiker; Forscher; Epidemiologen; Mikrobiologen). Die Nomenklaturen sind auch oft länderspezifisch (USA, Deutschland, international)
International Workshop for Classification, 11/1999. Gingivitis-Nomenklatur
A. Dental plaque-induced gingival diseases
- -Gingivitis associated with dental plaque only
- without other local contributing factors
- with local contributing factors
- Gingival diseases modified by systemic factors
- associated with the endocrine system
- puberty-associated gingivitis
- menstrual cycle-associated gingivitis
- pregnancy-associated
- gingivitis
- pyogenic granuloma
- diabetes mellitus-associated gingivitis
- associated with blood dyscrasias
- leukemia-associated gingivitis
- other
- associated with the endocrine system
- Gingival diseases modified by medications
- drug-influenced gingival diseases
- drug-influenced gingival enlargement
- drug-influenced gingivitis
- oral contraceptive-associated gingivitis
- other
- drug-influenced gingival diseases
- Gingival diseases modified by malnutrition
- ascorbic acid-deficiency gingivitis
- other
- Non-plaque-induced gingival lesions
- Gingival diseases of specific bacterial origin
- Gingival diseases of viral origin
- Gingival diseases of fungal origin
- Gingival lesions of genetic origin
- Gingival manifestations of systemic conditions
- Traumatic lesions
- Foreign body reactions
- Not otherwise specified (NOS)