Appendix A. Contributed Scripts

These scripts, while not fitting into the text of this document, do illustrate some interesting shell programming techniques. They are useful, too. Have fun analyzing and running them.

Example A-1. manview: Viewing formatted manpages


# Formats the source of a man page for viewing.

#  This is useful when writing man page source and you want to

#+ look at the intermediate results on the fly while working on it.


if [ -z "$1" ]


  echo "Usage: `basename $0` filename"



groff -Tascii -man $1 | less

# From the man page for groff.

# If the man page includes tables and/or equations,

# then the above code will barf.

# The following line can handle such cases.


#   gtbl < "$1" | geqn -Tlatin1 | groff -Tlatin1 -mtty-char -man


#   Thanks, S.C.

exit 0

Example A-2. mailformat: Formatting an e-mail message


# Format e-mail messages.

# Gets rid of carets, tabs, also fold excessively long lines.

# =================================================================

#                 Standard Check for Script Argument(s)




if [ $# -ne $ARGS ]  # Correct number of arguments passed to script?


  echo "Usage: `basename $0` filename"

  exit $E_BADARGS


if [ -f "$1" ]       # Check if file exists.




    echo "File \"$1\" does not exist."

    exit $E_NOFILE


# =================================================================

MAXWIDTH=70          # Width to fold long lines to.

#  Delete carets and tabs at beginning of lines,

#+ then fold lines to $MAXWIDTH characters.

sed '


s/^  *>//

s/^  *//

s/		*//

' $1 | fold -s --width=$MAXWIDTH

          # -s option to "fold" breaks lines at whitespace, if possible.

#  This script was inspired by an article in a well-known trade journal

#+ extolling a 164K Windows utility with similar functionality.


#  An nice set of text processing utilities and an efficient

#+ scripting language provide an alternative to bloated executables.

exit 0

Example A-3. rn: A simple-minded file rename utility

This script is a modification of Example 12-15.

#! /bin/bash


# Very simpleminded filename "rename" utility (based on "").


#  The "ren" utility, by Vladimir Lanin (,

#+ does a much better job of this.



ONE=1                     # For getting singular/plural right (see below).

if [ $# -ne "$ARGS" ]


  echo "Usage: `basename $0` old-pattern new-pattern"

  # As in "rn gif jpg", which renames all gif files in working directory to jpg.

  exit $E_BADARGS


number=0                  # Keeps track of how many files actually renamed.

for filename in *$1*      #Traverse all matching files in directory.


   if [ -f "$filename" ]  # If finds match...


     fname=`basename $filename`            # Strip off path.

     n=`echo $fname | sed -e "s/$1/$2/"`   # Substitute new for old in filename.

     mv $fname $n                          # Rename.

     let "number += 1"



if [ "$number" -eq "$ONE" ]                # For correct grammar.


 echo "$number file renamed."


 echo "$number files renamed."


exit 0

# Exercises:

# ---------

# What type of files will this not work on?

# How can this be fixed?


#  Rewrite this script to process all the files in a directory

#+ containing spaces in their names, and to rename them,

#+ substituting an underscore for each space.

Example A-4. blank-rename: renames filenames containing blanks

This is an even simpler-minded version of previous script.

#! /bin/bash



# Substitutes underscores for blanks in all the filenames in a directory.

ONE=1                     # For getting singular/plural right (see below).

number=0                  # Keeps track of how many files actually renamed.

FOUND=0                   # Successful return value.

for filename in *         #Traverse all files in directory.


     echo "$filename" | grep -q " "         #  Check whether filename

     if [ $? -eq $FOUND ]                   #+ contains space(s).


       fname=$filename                      # Strip off path.

       n=`echo $fname | sed -e "s/ /_/g"`   # Substitute underscore for blank.

       mv "$fname" "$n"                     # Do the actual renaming.

       let "number += 1"



if [ "$number" -eq "$ONE" ]                 # For correct grammar.


 echo "$number file renamed."


 echo "$number files renamed."


exit 0

Example A-5. encryptedpw: Uploading to an ftp site, using a locally encrypted password


# Example "" modified to use encrypted password.

#  Note that this is still somewhat insecure,

#+ since the decrypted password is sent in the clear.

# Use something like "ssh" if this is a concern.


if [ -z "$1" ]


  echo "Usage: `basename $0` filename"

  exit $E_BADARGS


Username=bozo           # Change to suit.


# File containing encrypted password.

Filename=`basename $1`  # Strips pathname out of file name


Directory="YYY"         # Change above to actual server name & directory.

Password=`cruft <$pword`          # Decrypt password.

#  Uses the author's own "cruft" file encryption package,

#+ based on the classic "onetime pad" algorithm,

#+ and obtainable from:

#+ Primary-site: /pub/Linux/utils/file

#+                 cruft-0.2.tar.gz [16k]

ftp -n $Server <<End-Of-Session

user $Username $Password



cd $Directory

put $Filename



# -n option to "ftp" disables auto-logon.

# "bell" rings 'bell' after each file transfer.

exit 0

Example A-6. copy-cd: Copying a data CD


# copying a data CD

CDROM=/dev/cdrom                           # CD ROM device

OF=/home/bozo/projects/cdimage.iso         # output file

#       /xxxx/xxxxxxx/                     Change to suit your system.


SPEED=2                                    # May use higher speed if supported.

echo; echo "Insert source CD, but do *not* mount it."

echo "Press ENTER when ready. "

read ready                                 # Wait for input, $ready not used.

echo; echo "Copying the source CD to $OF."

echo "This may take a while. Please be patient."

dd if=$CDROM of=$OF bs=$BLOCKSIZE          # Raw device copy.

echo; echo "Remove data CD."

echo "Insert blank CDR."

echo "Press ENTER when ready. "

read ready                                 # Wait for input, $ready not used.

echo "Copying $OF to CDR."

cdrecord -v -isosize speed=$SPEED dev=0,0 $OF

# Uses Joerg Schilling's "cdrecord" package (see its docs).


echo; echo "Done copying $OF to CDR on device $CDROM."

echo "Do you want to erase the image file (y/n)? "  # Probably a huge file.

read answer

case "$answer" in

[yY]) rm -f $OF

      echo "$OF erased."


*)    echo "$OF not erased.";;



# Exercise:

# Change the above "case" statement to also accept "yes" and "Yes" as input.

exit 0

Example A-7. Collatz series



#  The notorious "hailstone" or Collatz series.

#  -------------------------------------------

#  1) Get the integer "seed" from the command line.

#  2) NUMBER <--- seed

#  3) Print NUMBER.

#  4)  If NUMBER is even, divide by 2, or

#  5)+ if odd, multiply by 3 and add 1.

#  6) NUMBER <--- result 

#  7) Loop back to step 3 (for specified number of iterations).


#  The theory is that every sequence,

#+ no matter how large the initial value,

#+ eventually settles down to repeating "4,2,1..." cycles,

#+ even after fluctuating through a wide range of values.


#  This is an instance of an "iterate",

#+ an operation that feeds its output back into the input.

#  Sometimes the result is a "chaotic" series.


# For large seed numbers (>32000), increase MAX_ITERATIONS.

h=${1:-$$}                      #  Seed

                                #  Use $PID as seed,

                                #+ if not specified as command-line arg.


echo "C($h) --- $MAX_ITERATIONS Iterations"


for ((i=1; i<=MAX_ITERATIONS; i++))


echo -n "$h	"

#          ^^^^^

#           tab

  let "remainder = h % 2"

  if [ "$remainder" -eq 0 ]   # Even?


    let "h /= 2"              # Divide by 2.


    let "h = h*3 + 1"         # Multiply by 3 and add 1.


COLUMNS=10                    # Output 10 values per line.

let "line_break = i % $COLUMNS"

if [ "$line_break" -eq 0 ]






#  For more information on this mathematical function,

#+ see "Computers, Pattern, Chaos, and Beauty", by Pickover, p. 185 ff.,

#+ as listed in the bibliography.

exit 0

Example A-8. days-between: Calculate number of days between two dates


#    Number of days between two dates.

# Usage: ./ [M]M/[D]D/YYYY [M]M/[D]D/YYYY

ARGS=2                # Two command line parameters expected.

E_PARAM_ERR=65        # Param error.

REFYR=1600            # Reference year.



ADJ_DIY=367           # Adjusted for leap year + fraction.




MAXRETVAL=256         # Largest permissable

                      # positive return value from a function.

diff=		      # Declare global variable for date difference.

value=                # Declare global variable for absolute value.

day=                  # Declare globals for day, month, year.



Param_Error ()        # Command line parameters wrong.


  echo "Usage: `basename $0` [M]M/[D]D/YYYY [M]M/[D]D/YYYY"

  echo "       (date must be after 1/3/1600)"

  exit $E_PARAM_ERR


Parse_Date ()                 # Parse date from command line params.



  dm=${1%/**}                 # Day and month.


  let "year = `basename $1`"  # Not a filename, but works just the same.


check_date ()                 # Checks for invalid date(s) passed.


  [ "$day" -gt "$DIM" ] || [ "$month" -gt "$MIY" ] || [ "$year" -lt "$REFYR" ] && Param_Error

  # Exit script on bad value(s).

  # Uses "or-list / and-list".


  # Exercise: Implement more rigorous date checking.


strip_leading_zero () # Better to strip possible leading zero(s)

{                     # from day and/or month

  val=${1#0}          # since otherwise Bash will interpret them

  return $val         # as octal values (POSIX.2, sect


day_index ()          # Gauss' Formula:

{                     # Days from Jan. 3, 1600 to date passed as param.




  let "month = $month - 2"

  if [ "$month" -le 0 ]


    let "month += 12"

    let "year -= 1"


  let "year -= $REFYR"

  let "indexyr = $year / $CENTURY"

  let "Days = $DIY*$year + $year/$LEAPCYCLE - $indexyr + $indexyr/$LEAPCYCLE + $ADJ_DIY*$month/$MIY + $day - $DIM"

  # For an in-depth explanation of this algorithm, see


  if [ "$Days" -gt "$MAXRETVAL" ]  # If greater than 256,

  then                             # then change to negative value

    let "dindex = 0 - $Days"       # which can be returned from function.

  else let "dindex = $Days"


  return $dindex


calculate_difference ()            # Difference between to day indices.


  let "diff = $1 - $2"             # Global variable.


abs ()                             # Absolute value

{                                  # Uses global "value" variable.

  if [ "$1" -lt 0 ]                # If negative

  then                             # then

    let "value = 0 - $1"           # change sign,

  else                             # else

    let "value = $1"               # leave it alone.



if [ $# -ne "$ARGS" ]              # Require two command line params.




Parse_Date $1

check_date $day $month $year      # See if valid date.

strip_leading_zero $day           # Remove any leading zeroes

day=$?                            # on day and/or month.

strip_leading_zero $month


day_index $day $month $year


abs $date1                         # Make sure it's positive

date1=$value                       # by getting absolute value.

Parse_Date $2

check_date $day $month $year

strip_leading_zero $day


strip_leading_zero $month


day_index $day $month $year


abs $date2                         # Make sure it's positive.


calculate_difference $date1 $date2

abs $diff                          # Make sure it's positive.


echo $diff

exit 0

# Compare this script with the implementation of Gauss' Formula in C at


Example A-9. Make a "dictionary"


#  [make dictionary]

# Modification of /usr/sbin/mkdict script.

# Original script copyright 1993, by Alec Muffett.


#  This modified script included in this document in a manner

#+ consistent with the "LICENSE" document of the "Crack" package

#+ that the original script is a part of.

#  This script processes text files to produce a sorted list

#+ of words found in the files.

#  This may be useful for compiling dictionaries

#+ and for lexicographic research.


if [ ! -r "$1" ]                     #  Need at least one

then                                 #+ valid file argument.

  echo "Usage: $0 files-to-process"

  exit $E_BADARGS


# SORT="sort"                        #  No longer necessary to define options

                                     #+ to sort. Changed from original script.

cat $* |                             # Contents of specified files to stdout.

        tr A-Z a-z |                 # Convert to lowercase.

        tr ' ' '\012' |              # New: change spaces to newlines.

#       tr -cd '\012[a-z][0-9]' |    #  Get rid of everything non-alphanumeric

                                     #+ (original script).

        tr -c '\012a-z'  '\012' |    #  Rather than deleting

                                     #+ now change non-alpha to newlines.

        sort |                       # $SORT options unnecessary now.

        uniq |                       # Remove duplicates.

        grep -v '^#' |               # Delete lines beginning with a hashmark.

        grep -v '^$'                 # Delete blank lines.

exit 0	

Example A-10. Soundex conversion


# Calculate "soundex" code for names

# =======================================================

#        Soundex script

#              by

#         Mendel Cooper


#       23 January, 2002


#   Placed in the Public Domain.


# A slightly different version of this script appeared in

#+ Ed Schaefer's July, 2002 "Shell Corner" column

#+ in "Unix Review" on-line,


# =======================================================

ARGCOUNT=1                     # Need name as argument.


if [ $# -ne "$ARGCOUNT" ]


  echo "Usage: `basename $0` name"



assign_value ()                #  Assigns numerical value

{                              #+ to letters of name.

  val1=bfpv                    # 'b,f,p,v' = 1

  val2=cgjkqsxz                # 'c,g,j,k,q,s,x,z' = 2

  val3=dt                      #  etc.




# Exceptionally clever use of 'tr' follows.

# Try to figure out what is going on here.

value=$( echo "$1" \

| tr -d wh \

| tr $val1 1 | tr $val2 2 | tr $val3 3 \

| tr $val4 4 | tr $val5 5 | tr $val6 6 \

| tr -s 123456 \

| tr -d aeiouy )

# Assign letter values.

# Remove duplicate numbers, except when separated by vowels.

# Ignore vowels, except as separators, so delete them last.

# Ignore 'w' and 'h', even as separators, so delete them first.


# The above command substitution lays more pipe than a plumber <g>.




echo "Name = $input_name"

# Change all characters of name input to lowercase.

# ------------------------------------------------

name=$( echo $input_name | tr A-Z a-z )

# ------------------------------------------------

# Just in case argument to script is mixed case.

# Prefix of soundex code: first letter of name.

# --------------------------------------------

char_pos=0                     # Initialize character position. 


prefix=`echo $prefix0 | tr a-z A-Z`

                               # Uppercase 1st letter of soundex.

let "char_pos += 1"            # Bump character position to 2nd letter of name.


# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Exception Patch +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

#  Now, we run both the input name and the name shifted one char to the right

#+ through the value-assigning function.

#  If we get the same value out, that means that the first two characters

#+ of the name have the same value assigned, and that one should cancel.

#  However, we also need to test whether the first letter of the name

#+ is a vowel or 'w' or 'h', because otherwise this would bollix things up.

char1=`echo $prefix | tr A-Z a-z`    # First letter of name, lowercased.

assign_value $name


assign_value $name1


assign_value $char1


s3=9$s3                              #  If first letter of name is a vowel

                                     #+ or 'w' or 'h',

                                     #+ then its "value" will be null (unset).

				     #+ Therefore, set it to 9, an otherwise

				     #+ unused value, which can be tested for.

if [[ "$s1" -ne "$s2" || "$s3" -eq 9 ]]






# ++++++++++++++++++++++ end Exception Patch +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

padding=000                    # Use at most 3 zeroes to pad.

soun=$prefix$suffix$padding    # Pad with zeroes.

MAXLEN=4                       # Truncate to maximum of 4 chars.


echo "Soundex = $soundex"


#  The soundex code is a method of indexing and classifying names

#+ by grouping together the ones that sound alike.

#  The soundex code for a given name is the first letter of the name,

#+ followed by a calculated three-number code.

#  Similar sounding names should have almost the same soundex codes.

#   Examples:

#   Smith and Smythe both have a "S-530" soundex.

#   Harrison = H-625

#   Hargison = H-622

#   Harriman = H-655

#  This works out fairly well in practice, but there are numerous anomalies.



#  The U.S. Census and certain other governmental agencies use soundex,

#  as do genealogical researchers.


#  For more information,

#+ see the "National Archives and Records Administration home page",


# Exercise:

# --------

# Simplify the "Exception Patch" section of this script.

exit 0

Example A-11. "Game of Life"


# "Life in the Slow Lane"

# ##################################################################### #

# This is the Bash script version of John Conway's "Game of Life".      #

# "Life" is a simple implementation of cellular automata.               #

# --------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# On a rectangular grid, let each "cell" be either "living" or "dead".  #

# Designate a living cell with a dot, and a dead one with a blank space.#

#  Begin with an arbitrarily drawn dot-and-blank grid,                  #

#+ and let this be the starting generation, "generation 0".             #

# Determine each successive generation by the following rules:          #

# 1) Each cell has 8 neighbors, the adjoining cells                     #

#+   left, right, top, bottom, and the 4 diagonals.                     #

#                       123                                             #

#                       4*5                                             #

#                       678                                             #

#                                                                       #

# 2) A living cell with either 2 or 3 living neighbors remains alive.   #

# 3) A dead cell with 3 living neighbors becomes alive (a "birth").     #

SURVIVE=2                                                               #

BIRTH=3                                                                 #

# 4) All other cases result in dead cells.                              #

# ##################################################################### #

startfile=gen0   # Read the starting generation from the file "gen0".

                 # Default, if no other file specified when invoking script.


if [ -n "$1" ]   # Specify another "generation 0" file.


  if [ -e "$1" ] # Check for existence.







                 # Represent living and "dead" cells in the start-up file.

#  This script uses a 10 x 10 grid (may be increased,

#+ but a large grid will will cause very slow execution).



GENERATIONS=10          #  How many generations to cycle through.

                        #  Adjust this upwards,

                        #+ if you have time on your hands.

NONE_ALIVE=80           #  Exit status on premature bailout,

                        #+ if no cells left alive.





avar=                   #  Global; holds current generation.

generation=0            # Initialize generation count.

# =================================================================

let "cells = $ROWS * $COLS"

                        # How many cells.

declare -a initial      # Arrays containing "cells".

declare -a current

display ()


alive=0                 # How many cells "alive".

                        # Initially zero.

declare -a arr

arr=( `echo "$1"` )     # Convert passed arg to array.


local i

local rowcheck

for ((i=0; i<$element_count; i++))


  # Insert newline at end of each row.

  let "rowcheck = $i % ROWS"

  if [ "$rowcheck" -eq 0 ]


    echo                # Newline.

    echo -n "      "    # Indent.



  if [ "$cell" = . ]


    let "alive += 1"


  echo -n "$cell" | sed -e 's/_/ /g'

  # Print out array and change underscores to spaces.




IsValid ()                            # Test whether cell coordinate valid.


  if [ -z "$1"  -o -z "$2" ]          # Mandatory arguments missing?


    return $FALSE


local row

local lower_limit=0                   # Disallow negative coordinate.

local upper_limit

local left

local right

let "upper_limit = $ROWS * $COLS - 1" # Total number of cells.

if [ "$1" -lt "$lower_limit" -o "$1" -gt "$upper_limit" ]


  return $FALSE                       # Out of array bounds.



let "left = $row * $ROWS"             # Left limit.

let "right = $left + $COLS - 1"       # Right limit.

if [ "$1" -lt "$left" -o "$1" -gt "$right" ]


  return $FALSE                       # Beyond row boundary.


return $TRUE                          # Valid coordinate.


IsAlive ()              # Test whether cell is alive.

                        # Takes array, cell number, state of cell as arguments.


  GetCount "$1" $2      # Get alive cell count in neighborhood.

  local nhbd=$?

  if [ "$nhbd" -eq "$BIRTH" ]  # Alive in any case.


    return $ALIVE


  if [ "$3" = "." -a "$nhbd" -eq "$SURVIVE" ]

  then                  # Alive only if previously alive.

    return $ALIVE


  return $DEAD          # Default.


GetCount ()             # Count live cells in passed cell's neighborhood.

                        # Two arguments needed:

			# $1) variable holding array

			# $2) cell number


  local cell_number=$2

  local array

  local top

  local center

  local bottom

  local r

  local row

  local i

  local t_top

  local t_cen

  local t_bot

  local count=0

  local ROW_NHBD=3

  array=( `echo "$1"` )

  let "top = $cell_number - $COLS - 1"    # Set up cell neighborhood.

  let "center = $cell_number - 1"

  let "bottom = $cell_number + $COLS - 1"

  let "r = $cell_number / $ROWS"

  for ((i=0; i<$ROW_NHBD; i++))           # Traverse from left to right. 


    let "t_top = $top + $i"

    let "t_cen = $center + $i"

    let "t_bot = $bottom + $i"

    let "row = $r"                        # Count center row of neighborhood.

    IsValid $t_cen $row                   # Valid cell position?

    if [ $? -eq "$TRUE" ]


      if [ ${array[$t_cen]} = "$ALIVE1" ] # Is it alive?

      then                                # Yes?

        let "count += 1"                  # Increment count.



    let "row = $r - 1"                    # Count top row.          

    IsValid $t_top $row

    if [ $? -eq "$TRUE" ]


      if [ ${array[$t_top]} = "$ALIVE1" ] 


        let "count += 1"



    let "row = $r + 1"                    # Count bottom row.

    IsValid $t_bot $row

    if [ $? -eq "$TRUE" ]


      if [ ${array[$t_bot]} = "$ALIVE1" ] 


        let "count += 1"




  if [ ${array[$cell_number]} = "$ALIVE1" ]


    let "count -= 1"        #  Make sure value of tested cell itself

  fi                        #+ is not counted.

  return $count



next_gen ()               # Update generation array.


local array

local i=0

array=( `echo "$1"` )     # Convert passed arg to array.

while [ "$i" -lt "$cells" ]


  IsAlive "$1" $i ${array[$i]}   # Is cell alive?

  if [ $? -eq "$ALIVE" ]

  then                           #  If alive, then

    array[$i]=.                  #+ represent the cell as a period.


    array[$i]="_"                #  Otherwise underscore

   fi                            #+ (which will later be converted to space).  

  let "i += 1" 


# let "generation += 1"   # Increment generation count.

# Set variable to pass as parameter to "display" function.

avar=`echo ${array[@]}`   # Convert array back to string variable.

display "$avar"           # Display it.

echo; echo

echo "Generation $generation -- $alive alive"

if [ "$alive" -eq 0 ]



  echo "Premature exit: no more cells alive!"

  exit $NONE_ALIVE        #  No point in continuing

fi                        #+ if no live cells.


# =========================================================

# main ()

# Load initial array with contents of startup file.

initial=( `cat "$startfile" | sed -e '/#/d' | tr -d '\n' |\

sed -e 's/\./\. /g' -e 's/_/_ /g'` )

# Delete lines containing '#' comment character.

# Remove linefeeds and insert space between elements.

clear          # Clear screen.

echo #         Title

echo "======================="

echo "    $GENERATIONS generations"

echo "           of"

echo "\"Life in the Slow Lane\""

echo "======================="

# -------- Display first generation. --------

Gen0=`echo ${initial[@]}`

display "$Gen0"           # Display only.

echo; echo

echo "Generation $generation -- $alive alive"

# -------------------------------------------

let "generation += 1"     # Increment generation count.


# ------- Display second generation. -------

Cur=`echo ${initial[@]}`

next_gen "$Cur"          # Update & display.

# ------------------------------------------

let "generation += 1"     # Increment generation count.

# ------ Main loop for displaying subsequent generations ------

while [ "$generation" -le "$GENERATIONS" ]



  next_gen "$Cur"

  let "generation += 1"


# ==============================================================


exit 0

# --------------------------------------------------------------

# The grid in this script has a "boundary problem".

# The the top, bottom, and sides border on a void of dead cells.

# Exercise: Change the script to have the grid wrap around,

# +         so that the left and right sides will "touch",      

# +         as will the top and bottom.

Example A-12. Data file for "Game of Life"

# This is an example "generation 0" start-up file for "".

# --------------------------------------------------------------

#  The "gen0" file is a 10 x 10 grid using a period (.) for live cells,

#+ and an underscore (_) for dead ones. We cannot simply use spaces

#+ for dead cells in this file because of a peculiarity in Bash arrays.

#  [Exercise for the reader: explain this.]


# Lines beginning with a '#' are comments, and the script ignores them.












The following two scripts are by Mark Moraes of the University of Toronto. See the enclosed file "Moraes-COPYRIGHT" for permissions and restrictions.

Example A-13. behead: Removing mail and news message headers

#! /bin/sh

# Strips off the header from a mail/News message i.e. till the first

# empty line

# Mark Moraes, University of Toronto

# ==> These comments added by author of this document.

if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then

# ==> If no command line args present, then works on file redirected to stdin.

	sed -e '1,/^$/d' -e '/^[ 	]*$/d'

	# --> Delete empty lines and all lines until 

	# --> first one beginning with white space.


# ==> If command line args present, then work on files named.

	for i do

		sed -e '1,/^$/d' -e '/^[ 	]*$/d' $i

		# --> Ditto, as above.



# ==> Exercise: Add error checking and other options.

# ==>

# ==> Note that the small sed script repeats, except for the arg passed.

# ==> Does it make sense to embed it in a function? Why or why not?

Example A-14. ftpget: Downloading files via ftp

#! /bin/sh 

# $Id: ftpget,v 1.2 91/05/07 21:15:43 moraes Exp $ 

# Script to perform batch anonymous ftp. Essentially converts a list of

# of command line arguments into input to ftp.

# Simple, and quick - written as a companion to ftplist 

# -h specifies the remote host (default 

# -d specifies the remote directory to cd to - you can provide a sequence 

# of -d options - they will be cd'ed to in turn. If the paths are relative, 

# make sure you get the sequence right. Be careful with relative paths - 

# there are far too many symlinks nowadays.  

# (default is the ftp login directory)

# -v turns on the verbose option of ftp, and shows all responses from the 

# ftp server.  

# -f remotefile[:localfile] gets the remote file into localfile 

# -m pattern does an mget with the specified pattern. Remember to quote 

# shell characters.  

# -c does a local cd to the specified directory

# For example, 

# 	ftpget -h -d contrib -f \

#		-d ../pub/R3/fixes -c ~/fixes -m 'fix*' 

# will get xplaces.shar from ~ftp/contrib on, and put it in

# in the current working directory, and get all fixes from

# ~ftp/pub/R3/fixes and put them in the ~/fixes directory. 

# Obviously, the sequence of the options is important, since the equivalent

# commands are executed by ftp in corresponding order


# Mark Moraes (, Feb 1, 1989 

# ==> Angle brackets changed to parens, so Docbook won't get indigestion.


# ==> These comments added by author of this document.

# PATH=/local/bin:/usr/ucb:/usr/bin:/bin

# export PATH

# ==> Above 2 lines from original script probably superfluous.


# ==> Creates temp file, using process id of script ($$)

# ==> to construct filename.


# ==> 'domainname' similar to 'hostname'

# ==> May rewrite this to parameterize this for general use.

usage="Usage: $0 [-h remotehost] [-d remotedirectory]... [-f remfile:localfile]... \

		[-c localdirectory] [-m filepattern] [-v]"

ftpflags="-i -n"


set -f 		# So we can use globbing in -m

set x `getopt vh:d:c:m:f: $*`

if [ $? != 0 ]; then

	echo $usage

	exit 65



trap 'rm -f ${TMPFILE} ; exit' 0 1 2 3 15

echo "user anonymous ${USER-gnu}@${SITE} > ${TMPFILE}"

# ==> Added quotes (recommended in complex echoes).

echo binary >> ${TMPFILE}

for i in $*   # ==> Parse command line args.


	case $i in

	-v) verbflag=-v; echo hash >> ${TMPFILE}; shift;;

	-h) remhost=$2; shift 2;;

	-d) echo cd $2 >> ${TMPFILE}; 

	    if [ x${verbflag} != x ]; then

	        echo pwd >> ${TMPFILE};


	    shift 2;;

	-c) echo lcd $2 >> ${TMPFILE}; shift 2;;

	-m) echo mget "$2" >> ${TMPFILE}; shift 2;;

	-f) f1=`expr "$2" : "\([^:]*\).*"`; f2=`expr "$2" : "[^:]*:\(.*\)"`;

	    echo get ${f1} ${f2} >> ${TMPFILE}; shift 2;;

	--) shift; break;;



if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then

	echo $usage

	exit 65   # ==> Changed from "exit 2" to conform with standard.


if [ x${verbflag} != x ]; then

	ftpflags="${ftpflags} -v"


if [ x${remhost} = x ]; then

	# ==> Rewrite to match your favorite ftp site.


echo quit >> ${TMPFILE}

# ==> All commands saved in tempfile.

ftp ${ftpflags} ${remhost} < ${TMPFILE}

# ==> Now, tempfile batch processed by ftp.

rm -f ${TMPFILE}

# ==> Finally, tempfile deleted (you may wish to copy it to a logfile).

# ==> Exercises:

# ==> ---------

# ==> 1) Add error checking.

# ==> 2) Add bells & whistles.


Antek Sawicki contributed the following script, which makes very clever use of the parameter substitution operators discussed in Section 9.3.

Example A-15. password: Generating random 8-character passwords


# May need to be invoked with  #!/bin/bash2  on older machines.


# Random password generator for bash 2.x by Antek Sawicki <>,

# who generously gave permission to the document author to use it here.


# ==> Comments added by document author ==>



# ==> May change 'LENGTH' for longer password, of course.

while [ "${n:=1}" -le "$LENGTH" ]

# ==> Recall that := is "default substitution" operator.

# ==> So, if 'n' has not been initialized, set it to 1.



	# ==> Very clever, but tricky.

	# ==> Starting from the innermost nesting...

	# ==> ${#MATRIX} returns length of array MATRIX.

	# ==> $RANDOM%${#MATRIX} returns random number between 1

	# ==> and length of MATRIX - 1.

	# ==> ${MATRIX:$(($RANDOM%${#MATRIX})):1}

	# ==> returns expansion of MATRIX at random position, by length 1. 

	# ==> See {var:pos:len} parameter substitution in Section 3.3.1

	# ==> and following examples.

	# ==> PASS=... simply pastes this result onto previous PASS (concatenation).

	# ==> To visualize this more clearly, uncomment the following line

	# ==>             echo "$PASS"

	# ==> to see PASS being built up,

	# ==> one character at a time, each iteration of the loop.

	let n+=1

	# ==> Increment 'n' for next pass.


echo "$PASS"      # ==> Or, redirect to file, as desired.

exit 0


James R. Van Zandt contributed this script, which uses named pipes and, in his words, "really exercises quoting and escaping".

Example A-16. fifo: Making daily backups, using named pipes


# ==> Script by James R. Van Zandt, and used here with his permission.

# ==> Comments added by author of this document.


  HERE=`uname -n`    # ==> hostname


  echo "starting remote backup to $THERE at `date +%r`"

  # ==> `date +%r` returns time in 12-hour format, i.e. "08:08:34 PM".


  # make sure /pipe really is a pipe and not a plain file

  rm -rf /pipe

  mkfifo /pipe       # ==> Create a "named pipe", named "/pipe".


  # ==> 'su xyz' runs commands as user "xyz".

  # ==> 'ssh' invokes secure shell (remote login client).

  su xyz -c "ssh $THERE \"cat >/home/xyz/backup/${HERE}-daily.tar.gz\" < /pipe"&

  cd /

  tar -czf - bin boot dev etc home info lib man root sbin share usr var >/pipe

  # ==> Uses named pipe, /pipe, to communicate between processes:

  # ==> 'tar/gzip' writes to /pipe and 'ssh' reads from /pipe.

  # ==> The end result is this backs up the main directories, from / on down.

  # ==> What are the advantages of a "named pipe" in this situation,

  # ==> as opposed to an "anonymous pipe", with |?

  # ==> Will an anonymous pipe even work here?

  exit 0


Stephane Chazelas contributed the following script to demonstrate that generating prime numbers does not require arrays.

Example A-17. Generating prime numbers using the modulo operator


# Generate prime numbers, without using arrays.

# Script contributed by Stephane Chazelas.

#  This does *not* use the classic "Sieve of Eratosthenes" algorithm,

#+ but instead uses the more intuitive method of testing each candidate number

#+ for factors (divisors), using the "%" modulo operator.

LIMIT=1000                    # Primes 2 - 1000



 (( n = $1 + 1 ))             # Bump to next integer.

 shift                        # Next parameter in list.

#  echo "_n=$n i=$i_"


 if (( n == LIMIT ))

 then echo $*



 for i; do                    # "i" gets set to "@", previous values of $n.

#   echo "-n=$n i=$i-"

   (( i * i > n )) && break   # Optimization.

   (( n % i )) && continue    # Sift out non-primes using modulo operator.

   Primes $n $@               # Recursion inside loop.



   Primes $n $@ $n            # Recursion outside loop.

                              # Successively accumulate positional parameters.

                              # "$@" is the accumulating list of primes.


Primes 1

exit 0

# Uncomment lines 17 and 25 to help figure out what is going on.

# Compare the speed of this algorithm for generating primes

# with the Sieve of Eratosthenes (

# Exercise: Rewrite this script without recursion, for faster execution.


Jordi Sanfeliu gave permission to use his elegant tree script.

Example A-18. tree: Displaying a directory tree


#         @(#) tree      1.1  30/11/95       by Jordi Sanfeliu

#                                         email:


#         Initial version:  1.0  30/11/95

#         Next version   :  1.1  24/02/97   Now, with symbolic links

#         Patch by       :  Ian Kjos, to support unsearchable dirs

#                           email:


#         Tree is a tool for view the directory tree (obvious :-) )


# ==> 'Tree' script used here with the permission of its author, Jordi Sanfeliu.

# ==> Comments added by the author of this document.

# ==> Argument quoting added.

search () {

   for dir in `echo *`

   # ==> `echo *` lists all the files in current working directory, without line breaks.

   # ==> Similar effect to     for dir in *

   # ==> but "dir in `echo *`" will not handle filenames with blanks.


      if [ -d "$dir" ] ; then   # ==> If it is a directory (-d)...

         zz=0   # ==> Temp variable, keeping track of directory level.

         while [ $zz != $deep ]    # Keep track of inner nested loop.


            echo -n "|   "    # ==> Display vertical connector symbol,

	                      # ==> with 2 spaces & no line feed in order to indent.

            zz=`expr $zz + 1` # ==> Increment zz.


         if [ -L "$dir" ] ; then   # ==> If directory is a symbolic link...

            echo "+---$dir" `ls -l $dir | sed 's/^.*'$dir' //'`

	    # ==> Display horiz. connector and list directory name, but...

	    # ==> delete date/time part of long listing.


            echo "+---$dir"      # ==> Display horizontal connector symbol...

                                 # ==> and print directory name.

            if cd "$dir" ; then  # ==> If can move to subdirectory...

               deep=`expr $deep + 1`   # ==> Increment depth.

               search     # with recursivity ;-)

	                  # ==> Function calls itself.

               numdirs=`expr $numdirs + 1`   # ==> Increment directory count.





   cd ..   # ==> Up one directory level.

   if [ "$deep" ] ; then  # ==> If depth = 0 (returns TRUE)...

      swfi=1              # ==> set flag showing that search is done.


   deep=`expr $deep - 1`  # ==> Decrement depth.


# - Main -

if [ $# = 0 ] ; then

   cd `pwd`    # ==> No args to script, then use current working directory.


   cd $1       # ==> Otherwise, move to indicated directory.


echo "Initial directory = `pwd`"

swfi=0      # ==> Search finished flag.

deep=0      # ==> Depth of listing.



while [ "$swfi" != 1 ]   # While flag not set...


   search   # ==> Call function after initializing variables.


echo "Total directories = $numdirs"

exit 0

# ==> Challenge: try to figure out exactly how this script works.

Noah Friedman gave permission to use his string function script, which essentially reproduces some of the C-library string manipulation functions.

Example A-19. string functions: C-like string functions


# string.bash --- bash emulation of string(3) library routines

# Author: Noah Friedman <>

# ==>     Used with his kind permission in this document.

# Created: 1992-07-01

# Last modified: 1993-09-29

# Public domain

# Conversion to bash v2 syntax done by Chet Ramey

# Commentary:

# Code:

#:docstring strcat:

# Usage: strcat s1 s2


# Strcat appends the value of variable s2 to variable s1. 


# Example:

#    a="foo"

#    b="bar"

#    strcat a b

#    echo $a

#    => foobar


#:end docstring:

###;;;autoload   ==> Autoloading of function commented out.

function strcat ()


    local s1_val s2_val

    s1_val=${!1}                        # indirect variable expansion


    eval "$1"=\'"${s1_val}${s2_val}"\'

    # ==> eval $1='${s1_val}${s2_val}' avoids problems,

    # ==> if one of the variables contains a single quote.


#:docstring strncat:

# Usage: strncat s1 s2 $n


# Line strcat, but strncat appends a maximum of n characters from the value

# of variable s2.  It copies fewer if the value of variabl s2 is shorter

# than n characters.  Echoes result on stdout.


# Example:

#    a=foo

#    b=barbaz

#    strncat a b 3

#    echo $a

#    => foobar


#:end docstring:


function strncat ()


    local s1="$1"

    local s2="$2"

    local -i n="$3"

    local s1_val s2_val

    s1_val=${!s1}                       # ==> indirect variable expansion


    if [ ${#s2_val} -gt ${n} ]; then

       s2_val=${s2_val:0:$n}            # ==> substring extraction


    eval "$s1"=\'"${s1_val}${s2_val}"\'

    # ==> eval $1='${s1_val}${s2_val}' avoids problems,

    # ==> if one of the variables contains a single quote.


#:docstring strcmp:

# Usage: strcmp $s1 $s2


# Strcmp compares its arguments and returns an integer less than, equal to,

# or greater than zero, depending on whether string s1 is lexicographically

# less than, equal to, or greater than string s2.

#:end docstring:


function strcmp ()


    [ "$1" = "$2" ] && return 0

    [ "${1}" '<' "${2}" ] > /dev/null && return -1

    return 1


#:docstring strncmp:

# Usage: strncmp $s1 $s2 $n


# Like strcmp, but makes the comparison by examining a maximum of n

# characters (n less than or equal to zero yields equality).

#:end docstring:


function strncmp ()


    if [ -z "${3}" -o "${3}" -le "0" ]; then

       return 0



    if [ ${3} -ge ${#1} -a ${3} -ge ${#2} ]; then

       strcmp "$1" "$2"

       return $?




       strcmp $s1 $s2

       return $?



#:docstring strlen:

# Usage: strlen s


# Strlen returns the number of characters in string literal s.

#:end docstring:


function strlen ()


    eval echo "\${#${1}}"

    # ==> Returns the length of the value of the variable

    # ==> whose name is passed as an argument.


#:docstring strspn:

# Usage: strspn $s1 $s2


# Strspn returns the length of the maximum initial segment of string s1,

# which consists entirely of characters from string s2.

#:end docstring:


function strspn ()


    # Unsetting IFS allows whitespace to be handled as normal chars. 

    local IFS=

    local result="${1%%[!${2}]*}"


    echo ${#result}


#:docstring strcspn:

# Usage: strcspn $s1 $s2


# Strcspn returns the length of the maximum initial segment of string s1,

# which consists entirely of characters not from string s2.

#:end docstring:


function strcspn ()


    # Unsetting IFS allows whitspace to be handled as normal chars. 

    local IFS=

    local result="${1%%[${2}]*}"


    echo ${#result}


#:docstring strstr:

# Usage: strstr s1 s2


# Strstr echoes a substring starting at the first occurrence of string s2 in

# string s1, or nothing if s2 does not occur in the string.  If s2 points to

# a string of zero length, strstr echoes s1.

#:end docstring:


function strstr ()


    # if s2 points to a string of zero length, strstr echoes s1

    [ ${#2} -eq 0 ] && { echo "$1" ; return 0; }

    # strstr echoes nothing if s2 does not occur in s1

    case "$1" in

    *$2*) ;;

    *) return 1;;


    # use the pattern matching code to strip off the match and everything

    # following it


    # then strip off the first unmatched portion of the string

    echo "${1##$first}"


#:docstring strtok:

# Usage: strtok s1 s2


# Strtok considers the string s1 to consist of a sequence of zero or more

# text tokens separated by spans of one or more characters from the

# separator string s2.  The first call (with a non-empty string s1

# specified) echoes a string consisting of the first token on stdout. The

# function keeps track of its position in the string s1 between separate

# calls, so that subsequent calls made with the first argument an empty

# string will work through the string immediately following that token.  In

# this way subsequent calls will work through the string s1 until no tokens

# remain.  The separator string s2 may be different from call to call.

# When no token remains in s1, an empty value is echoed on stdout.

#:end docstring:


function strtok ()




#:docstring strtrunc:

# Usage: strtrunc $n $s1 {$s2} {$...}


# Used by many functions like strncmp to truncate arguments for comparison.

# Echoes the first n characters of each string s1 s2 ... on stdout. 

#:end docstring:


function strtrunc ()


    n=$1 ; shift

    for z; do

        echo "${z:0:$n}"



# provide string

# string.bash ends here

# ========================================================================== #

# ==> Everything below here added by the document author.

# ==> Suggested use of this script is to delete everything below here,

# ==> and "source" this file into your own scripts.

# strcat




echo "Testing \"strcat\" function:"

echo "Original \"string0\" = $string0"

echo "\"string1\" = $string1"

strcat string0 string1

echo "New \"string0\" = $string0"


# strlen


echo "Testing \"strlen\" function:"


echo "\"str\" = $str"

echo -n "Length of \"str\" = "

strlen str


# Exercise:

# --------

# Add code to test all the other string functions above.

exit 0

Michael Zick's complex array example uses the md5sum check sum command to encode directory information.

Example A-20. Directory information

#! /bin/bash


# Parses and lists directory information.

# NOTE: Change lines 273 and 353 per "README" file.

# Michael Zick is the author of this script.

# Used here with his permission.

# Controls

# If overridden by command arguments, they must be in the order:

#   Arg1: "Descriptor Directory"

#   Arg2: "Exclude Paths"

#   Arg3: "Exclude Directories"


# Environment Settings override Defaults.

# Command arguments override Environment Settings.

# Default location for content addressed file descriptors.


# Directory paths never to list or enter

declare -a \

  EXCLUDE_PATHS=${2:-${EXCLUDE_PATHS:-'(/proc /dev /devfs /tmpfs)'}}

# Directories never to list or enter

declare -a \

  EXCLUDE_DIRS=${3:-${EXCLUDE_DIRS:-'(ucfs lost+found tmp wtmp)'}}

# Files never to list or enter

declare -a \

  EXCLUDE_FILES=${3:-${EXCLUDE_FILES:-'(core "Name with Spaces")'}}

# Here document used as a comment block.

: << LSfieldsDoc

# # # # # List Filesystem Directory Information # # # # #


#	ListDirectory "FileGlob" "Field-Array-Name"

# or

#	ListDirectory -of "FileGlob" "Field-Array-Filename"

#	'-of' meaning 'output to filename'

# # # # #

String format description based on: ls (GNU fileutils) version 4.0.36

Produces a line (or more) formatted:

inode permissions hard-links owner group ...

32736 -rw-------    1 mszick   mszick

size    day month date hh:mm:ss year path

2756608 Sun Apr 20 08:53:06 2003 /home/mszick/core

Unless it is formatted:

inode permissions hard-links owner group ...

266705 crw-rw----    1    root  uucp

major minor day month date hh:mm:ss year path

4,  68 Sun Apr 20 09:27:33 2003 /dev/ttyS4

NOTE: that pesky comma after the major number

NOTE: the 'path' may be multiple fields:


/proc/982/fd/0 -> /dev/null

/proc/982/fd/1 -> /home/mszick/.xsession-errors

/proc/982/fd/13 -> /tmp/tmpfZVVOCs (deleted)

/proc/982/fd/7 -> /tmp/kde-mszick/ksycoca

/proc/982/fd/8 -> socket:[11586]

/proc/982/fd/9 -> pipe:[11588]

If that isn't enough to keep your parser guessing,

either or both of the path components may be relative:

../Built-Shared -> Built-Static

../linux-2.4.20.tar.bz2 -> ../../../SRCS/linux-2.4.20.tar.bz2

The first character of the 11 (10?) character permissions field:

's' Socket

'd' Directory

'b' Block device

'c' Character device

'l' Symbolic link

NOTE: Hard links not marked - test for identical inode numbers

on identical filesystems.

All information about hard linked files are shared, except

for the names and the name's location in the directory system.

NOTE: A "Hard link" is known as a "File Alias" on some systems.

'-' An undistingushed file

Followed by three groups of letters for: User, Group, Others

Character 1: '-' Not readable; 'r' Readable

Character 2: '-' Not writable; 'w' Writable

Character 3, User and Group: Combined execute and special

'-' Not Executable, Not Special

'x' Executable, Not Special

's' Executable, Special

'S' Not Executable, Special

Character 3, Others: Combined execute and sticky (tacky?)

'-' Not Executable, Not Tacky

'x' Executable, Not Tacky

't' Executable, Tacky

'T' Not Executable, Tacky

Followed by an access indicator

Haven't tested this one, it may be the eleventh character

or it may generate another field

' ' No alternate access

'+' Alternate access




	local -a T

	local -i of=0		# Default return in variable

#	OLD_IFS=$IFS		# Using BASH default ' \t\n'

	case "$#" in

	3)	case "$1" in

		-of)	of=1 ; shift ;;

		 * )	return 1 ;;

		esac ;;

	2)	: ;;		# Poor man's "continue"

	*)	return 1 ;;


	# NOTE: the (ls) command is NOT quoted (")

	T=( $(ls --inode --ignore-backups --almost-all --directory \

	--full-time --color=none --time=status --sort=none \

	--format=long $1) )

	case $of in

	# Assign T back to the array whose name was passed as $2

		0) eval $2=\( \"\$\{T\[@\]\}\" \) ;;

	# Write T into filename passed as $2

		1) echo "${T[@]}" > "$2" ;;


	return 0


# # # # # Is that string a legal number? # # # # #


#	IsNumber "Var"

# # # # # There has to be a better way, sigh...



	local -i int

	if [ $# -eq 0 ]


		return 1


		(let int=$1)  2>/dev/null

		return $?	# Exit status of the let thread



# # # # # Index Filesystem Directory Information # # # # #


#	IndexList "Field-Array-Name" "Index-Array-Name"

# or

#	IndexList -if Field-Array-Filename Index-Array-Name

#	IndexList -of Field-Array-Name Index-Array-Filename

#	IndexList -if -of Field-Array-Filename Index-Array-Filename

# # # # #

: << IndexListDoc

Walk an array of directory fields produced by ListDirectory

Having suppressed the line breaks in an otherwise line oriented

report, build an index to the array element which starts each line.

Each line gets two index entries, the first element of each line

(inode) and the element that holds the pathname of the file.

The first index entry pair (Line-Number==0) are informational:

Index-Array-Name[0] : Number of "Lines" indexed

Index-Array-Name[1] : "Current Line" pointer into Index-Array-Name

The following index pairs (if any) hold element indexes into

the Field-Array-Name per:

Index-Array-Name[Line-Number * 2] : The "inode" field element.

NOTE: This distance may be either +11 or +12 elements.

Index-Array-Name[(Line-Number * 2) + 1] : The "pathname" element.

NOTE: This distance may be a variable number of elements.

Next line index pair for Line-Number+1.




	local -a LIST			# Local of listname passed

	local -a -i INDEX=( 0 0 )	# Local of index to return

	local -i Lidx Lcnt

	local -i if=0 of=0		# Default to variable names

	case "$#" in			# Simplistic option testing

		0) return 1 ;;

		1) return 1 ;;

		2) : ;;			# Poor man's continue

		3) case "$1" in

			-if) if=1 ;;

			-of) of=1 ;;

			 * ) return 1 ;;

		   esac ; shift ;;

		4) if=1 ; of=1 ; shift ; shift ;;

		*) return 1


	# Make local copy of list

	case "$if" in

		0) eval LIST=\( \"\$\{$1\[@\]\}\" \) ;;

		1) LIST=( $(cat $1) ) ;;


	# Grok (grope?) the array



	until (( Lidx >= Lcnt ))


	if IsNumber ${LIST[$Lidx]}


		local -i inode name

		local ft


		local m=${LIST[$Lidx+2]}	# Hard Links field

		ft=${LIST[$Lidx+1]:0:1} 	# Fast-Stat

		case $ft in

		b)	((Lidx+=12)) ;;		# Block device

		c)	((Lidx+=12)) ;;		# Character device

		*)	((Lidx+=11)) ;;		# Anything else



		case $ft in

		-)	((Lidx+=1)) ;;		# The easy one

		b)	((Lidx+=1)) ;;		# Block device

		c)	((Lidx+=1)) ;;		# Character device

		d)	((Lidx+=1)) ;;		# The other easy one

		l)	((Lidx+=3)) ;;		# At LEAST two more fields

#  A little more elegance here would handle pipes,

#+ sockets, deleted files - later.

		*)	until IsNumber ${LIST[$Lidx]} || ((Lidx >= Lcnt))




			;;			# Not required




		INDEX[0]=${INDEX[0]}+1		# One more "line" found

# echo "Line: ${INDEX[0]} Type: $ft Links: $m Inode: \

# ${LIST[$inode]} Name: ${LIST[$name]}"





	case "$of" in

		0) eval $2=\( \"\$\{INDEX\[@\]\}\" \) ;;

		1) echo "${INDEX[@]}" > "$2" ;;


	return 0				# What could go wrong?


# # # # # Content Identify File # # # # #


#	DigestFile Input-Array-Name Digest-Array-Name

# or

#	DigestFile -if Input-FileName Digest-Array-Name

# # # # #

# Here document used as a comment block.

: <<DigestFilesDoc

The key (no pun intended) to a Unified Content File System (UCFS)

is to distinguish the files in the system based on their content.

Distinguishing files by their name is just, so, 20th Century.

The content is distinguished by computing a checksum of that content.

This version uses the md5sum program to generate a 128 bit checksum

representative of the file's contents.

There is a chance that two files having different content might

generate the same checksum using md5sum (or any checksum).  Should

that become a problem, then the use of md5sum can be replace by a

cyrptographic signature.  But until then...

The md5sum program is documented as outputting three fields (and it

does), but when read it appears as two fields (array elements).  This

is caused by the lack of whitespace between the second and third field.

So this function gropes the md5sum output and returns:

	[0]	32 character checksum in hexidecimal (UCFS filename)

	[1]	Single character: ' ' text file, '*' binary file

	[2]	Filesystem (20th Century Style) name

	Note: That name may be the character '-' indicating STDIN read.




	local if=0		# Default, variable name

	local -a T1 T2

	case "$#" in

	3)	case "$1" in

		-if)	if=1 ; shift ;;

		 * )	return 1 ;;

		esac ;;

	2)	: ;;		# Poor man's "continue"

	*)	return 1 ;;


	case $if in

	0) eval T1=\( \"\$\{$1\[@\]\}\" \)

	   T2=( $(echo ${T1[@]} | md5sum -) )


	1) T2=( $(md5sum $1) )



	case ${#T2[@]} in

	0) return 1 ;;

	1) return 1 ;;

	2) case ${T2[1]:0:1} in		# SanScrit-2.0.5

	   \*) T2[${#T2[@]}]=${T2[1]:1}



	    *) T2[${#T2[@]}]=${T2[1]}

	       T2[1]=" "




	3) : ;; # Assume it worked

	*) return 1 ;;


	local -i len=${#T2[0]}

	if [ $len -ne 32 ] ; then return 1 ; fi

	eval $2=\( \"\$\{T2\[@\]\}\" \)


# # # # # Locate File # # # # #


#	LocateFile [-l] FileName Location-Array-Name

# or

#	LocateFile [-l] -of FileName Location-Array-FileName

# # # # #

# A file location is Filesystem-id and inode-number

# Here document used as a comment block.

: <<StatFieldsDoc

	Based on stat, version 2.2

	stat -t and stat -lt fields

	[0]	name

	[1]	Total size

		File - number of bytes

		Symbolic link - string length of pathname

	[2]	Number of (512 byte) blocks allocated

	[3]	File type and Access rights (hex)

	[4]	User ID of owner

	[5]	Group ID of owner

	[6]	Device number

	[7]	Inode number

	[8]	Number of hard links

	[9]	Device type (if inode device) Major

	[10]	Device type (if inode device) Minor

	[11]	Time of last access

		May be disabled in 'mount' with noatime

		atime of files changed by exec, read, pipe, utime, mknod (mmap?)

		atime of directories changed by addition/deletion of files

	[12]	Time of last modification

		mtime of files changed by write, truncate, utime, mknod

		mtime of directories changed by addtition/deletion of files

	[13]	Time of last change

		ctime reflects time of changed inode information (owner, group

		permissions, link count

-*-*- Per:

	Return code: 0

	Size of array: 14

	Contents of array

	Element 0: /home/mszick

	Element 1: 4096

	Element 2: 8

	Element 3: 41e8

	Element 4: 500

	Element 5: 500

	Element 6: 303

	Element 7: 32385

	Element 8: 22

	Element 9: 0

	Element 10: 0

	Element 11: 1051221030

	Element 12: 1051214068

	Element 13: 1051214068

	For a link in the form of linkname -> realname

	stat -t  linkname returns the linkname (link) information

	stat -lt linkname returns the realname information

	stat -tf and stat -ltf fields

	[0]	name

	[1]	ID-0?		# Maybe someday, but Linux stat structure

	[2]	ID-0?		# does not have either LABEL nor UUID

				# fields, currently information must come

				# from file-system specific utilities

	These will be munged into:

	[1]	UUID if possible

	[2]	Volume Label if possible

	Note: 'mount -l' does return the label and could return the UUID

	[3]	Maximum length of filenames

	[4]	Filesystem type

	[5]	Total blocks in the filesystem

	[6]	Free blocks

	[7]	Free blocks for non-root user(s)

	[8]	Block size of the filesystem

	[9]	Total inodes

	[10]	Free inodes

-*-*- Per:

	Return code: 0

	Size of array: 11

	Contents of array

	Element 0: /home/mszick

	Element 1: 0

	Element 2: 0

	Element 3: 255

	Element 4: ef53

	Element 5: 2581445

	Element 6: 2277180

	Element 7: 2146050

	Element 8: 4096

	Element 9: 1311552

	Element 10: 1276425


#	LocateFile [-l] FileName Location-Array-Name

#	LocateFile [-l] -of FileName Location-Array-FileName



	local -a LOC LOC1 LOC2

	local lk="" of=0

	case "$#" in

	0) return 1 ;;

	1) return 1 ;;

	2) : ;;

	*) while (( "$#" > 2 ))


	      case "$1" in

	       -l) lk=-1 ;;

	      -of) of=1 ;;

	        *) return 1 ;;



           done ;;


# More Sanscrit-2.0.5

      # LOC1=( $(stat -t $lk $1) )

      # LOC2=( $(stat -tf $lk $1) )

      # Uncomment above two lines if system has "stat" command installed.

	LOC=( ${LOC1[@]:0:1} ${LOC1[@]:3:11}

	      ${LOC2[@]:1:2} ${LOC2[@]:4:1} )

	case "$of" in

		0) eval $2=\( \"\$\{LOC\[@\]\}\" \) ;;

		1) echo "${LOC[@]}" > "$2" ;;


	return 0

# Which yields (if you are lucky, and have "stat" installed)

# -*-*- Location Discriptor -*-*-

#	Return code: 0

#	Size of array: 15

#	Contents of array

#	Element 0: /home/mszick		20th Century name

#	Element 1: 41e8			Type and Permissions

#	Element 2: 500			User

#	Element 3: 500			Group

#	Element 4: 303			Device

#	Element 5: 32385		inode

#	Element 6: 22			Link count

#	Element 7: 0			Device Major

#	Element 8: 0			Device Minor

#	Element 9: 1051224608		Last Access

#	Element 10: 1051214068		Last Modify

#	Element 11: 1051214068		Last Status

#	Element 12: 0			UUID (to be)

#	Element 13: 0			Volume Label (to be)

#	Element 14: ef53		Filesystem type


# And then there was some test code

ListArray() # ListArray Name


	local -a Ta

	eval Ta=\( \"\$\{$1\[@\]\}\" \)


	echo "-*-*- List of Array -*-*-"

	echo "Size of array $1: ${#Ta[*]}"

	echo "Contents of array $1:"

	for (( i=0 ; i<${#Ta[*]} ; i++ ))


	    echo -e "\tElement $i: ${Ta[$i]}"


	return 0


declare -a CUR_DIR

# For small arrays

ListDirectory "${PWD}" CUR_DIR

ListArray CUR_DIR

declare -a DIR_DIG


echo "The new \"name\" (checksum) for ${CUR_DIR[9]} is ${DIR_DIG[0]}"

declare -a DIR_ENT

# BIG_DIR # For really big arrays - use a temporary file in ramdisk

# BIG-DIR # ListDirectory -of "${CUR_DIR[11]}/*" "/tmpfs/junk2"

ListDirectory "${CUR_DIR[11]}/*" DIR_ENT

declare -a DIR_IDX

# BIG-DIR # IndexList -if "/tmpfs/junk2" DIR_IDX


declare -a IDX_DIG

# BIG-DIR # DIR_ENT=( $(cat /tmpfs/junk2) )

# BIG-DIR # DigestFile -if /tmpfs/junk2 IDX_DIG


# Small (should) be able to parallize IndexList & DigestFile

# Large (should) be able to parallize IndexList & DigestFile & the assignment

echo "The \"name\" (checksum) for the contents of ${PWD} is ${IDX_DIG[0]}"

declare -a FILE_LOC

LocateFile ${PWD} FILE_LOC

ListArray FILE_LOC

exit 0

Stephane Chazelas demonstrates object-oriented programming in a Bash script.

Example A-21. Object-oriented database


# Object-oriented programming in a shell script.

# Script by Stephane Chazelas.

        # Looks almost like a class declaration in C++.


  local obj_name=$1 name=$2 firstname=$3 birthdate=$4

  eval "$obj_name.set_name() {

          eval \"$obj_name.get_name() {

                   echo \$1



  eval "$obj_name.set_firstname() {

          eval \"$obj_name.get_firstname() {

                   echo \$1



  eval "$obj_name.set_birthdate() {

          eval \"$obj_name.get_birthdate() {

            echo \$1


          eval \"$obj_name.show_birthdate() {

            echo \$(date -d \"1/1/1970 0:0:\$1 GMT\")


          eval \"$obj_name.get_age() {

            echo \$(( (\$(date +%s) - \$1) / 3600 / 24 / 365 ))



  $obj_name.set_name $name

  $obj_name.set_firstname $firstname

  $obj_name.set_birthdate $birthdate


echo self Bozeman Bozo 101272413

# Create an instance of "" (actually passing args to the function).

self.get_firstname       #   Bozo

self.get_name            #   Bozeman

self.get_age             #   28

self.get_birthdate       #   101272413

self.show_birthdate      #   Sat Mar 17 20:13:33 MST 1973


# typeset -f

# to see the created functions (careful, it scrolls off the page).

exit 0