Tag Archives: food

Conferenza stampa per presentare l’iniziativa Food for Gaza

da: www.radioradicale.it Continue reading

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Students unable to afford food for days – union

A student union leader says the situation for some is “desperate” as they are “at breaking point”.

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Food additive emulsifiers and cancer risk: Results from the French prospective NutriNet-Santé cohort

by Laury Sellem, Bernard Srour, Guillaume Javaux, Eloi Chazelas, Benoit Chassaing, Emilie Viennois, Charlotte Debras, Nathalie Druesne-Pecollo, Younes Esseddik, Fabien Szabo de Edelenyi, Nathalie Arnault, Cédric Agaësse, Alexandre De Sa, Rebecca Lutchia, Inge Huybrechts, Augustin Scalbert, Fabrice Pierre, Xavier Coumoul, … Continue reading

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Fast food union

*California fast-food workers launch new union.* Bravo!

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Global heating and food

A special meal highlights well-known foods that are in danger of becoming unavailable due to global heating.

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Starting a Food Revolution in School | TED + GBS Present Torchbearers

When students at London’s Charlton Manor Primary School learn about history, they use chocolate. In math class, they weigh and measure fruit smoothies. For a lesson in shapes and sizes, they utilize bananas and grapes. Taking inspiration from world-renowned chef and TED prize winner Jamie Oliver, head teacher Timothy Baker began incorporating food into all subjects at the primary school. By making food an integral part of the curriculum, Baker hopes to teach children the importance of valuing food and cultivating healthy eating habits. The school has even built its own vegetable patch, chicken coop and beehive to harvest honey. Because of the efforts of those like Baker and Oliver, education is feeding not only the minds, but also the stomachs of the next generation.

This Great Big Story is made in collaboration with TED.
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This story is a part of our Flavors series, where we do so much more than play with our food. Come with us as we dive into deliciously different and tastefully off-beat stories in the culinary world.

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