直鏈澱粉(糖澱粉) (CAS# 9005-82-7)是一種由葡萄糖組成的線性聚合物,各葡萄糖單體主要以α(1→4)糖苷鍵連接,每個直鏈澱粉分子通常含有數千個葡萄糖單體。直鏈澱粉與支鏈澱粉(膠澱粉)組成生物中常見的澱粉。
Iodine molecules fit neatly inside the helical structure of amylose, binding with the starch polymer, causing it to absorb certain wavelengths of light. Hence, a common test for starch is to mix it with a small amount of yellow iodine solution. In the presence of amylose a blue-black colour will be observed. The intensity of the colour can be tested with a colorimeter using a red filter, to indicate the concentration of starch present in the solution.
High-amylose varieties of rice have a much lower glycemic load which could be beneficial for diabetics.