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GameStar is a monthly released PC computer game magazine, published by the IDG Entertainment Verlag in Germany. At the moment (2006) it has an average monthly circulation of 270.000 copies and is therefore the best sold PC computer game magazine in Europe. It is also being published in Hungary, the Czech Republic and China. IDG started it also in Italy, Poland and the USA -- but those issues have folded after a few months, although the corresponding web sites still exist. The US version was, quite differently from the rest, positioned as a magazine for adults, about PC and console games, similar to inCite. In 2005, GameStar spawned a sister mag called /GameStar/dev which is targeted at European Game Developers.
Editor-in-Chief at the moment is Gunnar Lott. He succeeded Jörg Langer, who wrote for GameStar from the first issue in November 1997 to October 2004.
A short overview of the content:
- News about the PC game scene
- Previews of PC games, (games which still are in development)
- Tests (reviews) of lately released or to be released PC games
- Hints, cheats and guides (walkthroughs) of recent PC games
- A section about freeware and open source games, mods and E-Sports.
- Articles about recent PC hardware components with regard to computer gaming (e.g. joysticks or computer mice)
GameStar also holds a well known E-Sports-League, the GameStar Clanliga.