List of important publications in geology
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This is a list of important publications in geology, organized by field.
Some reasons why a particular publication might be regarded as important:
- Topic creator – A publication that created a new topic
- Breakthrough – A publication that changed scientific knowledge significantly
- Introduction – A publication that is a good introduction or survey of a topic
- Influence – A publication which has significantly influenced the world
- Latest and greatest – The current most advanced result in a topic
[edit] Foundations
[edit] Principles of Geology
- Author: Charles Lyell
- Publication data: 1830–1833.
- Online version: Online version at
- Description: The work's subtitle was "An Attempt to Explain the Former Changes of the Earth's Surface by Reference to Causes now in Operation", and this explains Lyell's impact on science: he was, along with the earlier John Playfair, the major advocate of the then-controversial idea of uniformitarianism, that the earth was shaped entirely by slow-moving forces acting over a very long period of time. This was in contrast to catastrophism, a geologic idea that went hand-in-hand with the age of the earth suggested by biblical chronology. In various revised editions (twelve in all, through 1872), Principles of Geology was the most influential geological work in the middle of the 19th century, and did much to put geology on a modern footing.
- Importance: Topic creator, Breakthrough, Influence
[edit] Geology Illustrated
- Author: John Shelton
- W.H. Freeman, 1966, Library of Congress Catalog Card # 66-16380
- Description: Spectacular air photos of geological features, mostly in the western US.
- Importance: "The one geology book that I'd preserve if an asteroid were approaching and all of geological knowledge were to be wiped out. Simply put, I don't think I've ever seen a book that communicates so much information, and trains the reader so well, while still being a joy to read." -- Marek Cichanski, Geology Instructor, De Anza College, Cupertino, California.
[edit] Biogeology
[edit] Economic geology
[edit] Mineral Resources On-Line Spatial Data
- Subtitle: A source for regional and global Geology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Mineral Resource maps and data, by US Geological Survey
- URL:
- (accessed 6/25/06; page last revised 31 May 2006)
- Description: This is the portal for a basic tool for finding information on the location and characteristics of almost all known mineral deposits in the United States, with some information on major mineral deposits worldwide.
- Importance: A key online mineral-resource database for economic geology.
[edit] Engineering geology
[edit] Engineering Geology: Rock in Engineering Construction
- Author: Richard E. Goodman
- John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1993
- Engineering Geology for civil engineers
- Oxford &IBH pulishers,1996,India
- D.Venkat Reddy
- Description:Essential points of fundamental geology and their application to Civil Engineering are covered in initial chapters.Exclusive chapters are devoted to weathering of rocks,soils,geological work of rivers,oceans,groundwater;earthquakes and seismic hazards,site investigation techniques for civil engineering constructions,dams and reservoirs, tunnels, landslides ,buildings ,bridges and environmental geology.Illustrative case histories and examples are cited.Thought questions and supplementary questions are included to help students.
- Importance:This book is intended to help the students of Civil Engineering who wish to specialise in practising geology in Civil Engineering.The main objective of the book is to develop deeper interest into geological aspects of Civil Engineering works.This book provides a common ground of knoweledge and understanding to the instructors as well as students to build up techinical and professional skill necessary for applying geology in Civil Engineering practice.
[edit] Geochemistry
[edit] Victor Moritz Goldschmidt: Father of Modern Geochemistry
- Author: Brian Mason
- (ISBN 0-941809-03-X)
- Description:
- Importance:
[edit] Geodetics
[edit] Map Projections - A Working Manual.
- Author: Snyder, J. P.
- U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395(Book), 1987.
- Description:
- Importance:
[edit] Geomorphology
[edit] Report on the Geology of the Henry Mountains
- Author: Grove Karl Gilbert
- U.S.G.S. Professional Paper, 1877
- Description:
- Importance:
[edit] Geophysics
[edit] Geotechnical engineering
[edit] Theoretical Soil Mechanics
- Author: karl von Terzaghi
- John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1943
- Description:
- Importance:
[edit] Hydrogeology
[edit] The Public Fountains of the City of Dijon.
- Author: Henry Darcy, English Translation by Patricia Bobeck
- P.O. Box 1840,
- Dubuque, Iowa 52004-1840.
- 800-338-8290.
- Description:
- Importance:
[edit] Mineralogy
[edit] Textbook on Mineralogy (De Natura Fossilium)
- Author: Georg Frederick Agricola, translated from Latin by Mark Chance Bandy and Jean Bandy
- Description: Systematic treatise of then known minerals and gemstones as well as other rocks.
- Importance: The first systematic mineralogical treatise since Pliny's "Natural History", first published in 1564
[edit] Petroleum geology
[edit] The Deep Hot Biosphere
- Author: Thomas Gold
- Copernicus Books, 1999, (ISBN 0-387-98546-8).
- Description:
- Importance:
[edit] Sedimentology
[edit] 'Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- Author: Sam Boggs, Jr.
- (ISBN 0-13-154728-3)
- Description:
- Importance: introduction
[edit] Stratigraphy
[edit] De solido intra solidum naturaliter contento dissertationis prodromus
- Author: Steno, Nicolaus (Stensen, Niels),
- Firenze, 79p ,1669.
- Description:
- Importance:
[edit] Einleitung in die Geologie als historische Wissenschaft. Beobachtung über die Bildung der Gesteine und ihrer organischen Einschlüsse
- Author: Walther, Johannes,
- G. Fischer, Jena, 1055p, 1893.
- Description:
- Importance:
[edit] Structural geology
[edit] Folding and fracturing of rocks
- Author: J. G. Ramsay
- McGraw-Hill, 1967
- Description:
- Importance:
[edit] Paleontology
[edit] Petrology
[edit] The Evolution of the Igneous Rocks
- Author: Norman L. Bowen
- 1928
- Description:
- Importance: breakthrough, influence
[edit] Seismology
[edit] Volcanology
[edit] Encyclopedia of Volcanoes
- Author: Haraldur Sigurdsson, Bruce Houghton, Stephen R. McNutt, Hazel Rymer, John Stix - Editors
- Academic Press, London, 2000
- Description:
- Importance:
[edit] Tectonics
[edit] Volcanoes
- Author: Gordon A. Macdonald
- Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1972
- (ISBN 0-13-942219-6)
- Description:
- Importance: