Wade Welles

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Wade Welles
Sabrina Lloyd as Wade Welles
First appearance Sliders, Part One
Last appearance This Slide of Paradise
Cause/Reason Wade was taken prisoner by the Kromaggs
Year of Birth May 15, 1972
Occupation Wade works at Doppler Computer Store and is a student of poetry.
Portrayed by Sabrina Lloyd
Created by Tracy Tormé
Robert K. Weiss

Wade Kathleen Welles, a fictional character on the show Sliders played by Sabrina Lloyd, is from San Francisco, and worked at Doppler Computer Store while attending North Shore Junior College. She was studying literature and poetry.

She worked at the store with Quinn Mallory and had a crush on him, but Quinn wasn't able to tell. She has a sister named Kelly, with whom she shared a bedroom growing up, and her father's name is Don. Wade is a computer expert. Her personal beliefs include a belief in supernatural powers.

Wade's last name is sometimes spelled Welles and sometimes spelled Wells. Her driver's license, shown in "Summer of Love", indicates that her birthdate is May 15, however, she also said she is a Virgo, which puts her birthday between August 23 and September 22. She said she was 23 in the episode "Time Again and World" which was in 1996, which means Wade was born in 1972 or 1973.


[edit] Life while sliding

[edit] How it started

On September 27th, 1994, one of Quinn's doubles spoke back at the boss Mr. Hurley and got Quinn fired. He also kissed Wade. Hurley and Wade did not know that this was a double and thought it was the same Quinn they knew. Wade found this out later that day when Quinn invited both her and Professor Maximillian Arturo to his house to show them the sliding technology (technology to travel between parallel universes). Quinn, Wade, and Arturo all went sliding, and Rembrandt Brown, who happened to be traveling in the area was accidentally pulled into the vortex. For years, the sliders continued to slide to different earths trying to find their way home.

[edit] Loss of a friend, and gain of an enemy

Wade was very sad when Maximilian Arturo was shot by Angus Rickman. Maggie Beckett, who joined the remaining three sliders after Arturo's death, ridiculed Wade for her grief over Arturo's passing and saw this as evidence that Wade is weak. Wade and Maggie never got along. In particular, Wade was irritated at Maggie's desire to kill Rickman (who also killed Maggie's husband in addition to Arturo) out of revenge. Quinn appeared to have romantic interest in Maggie when she first started sliding, which might have angered Wade since Quinn could never see that Wade liked him. During this time period, in the episode "Stoker", Wade got mixed up with the wrong crowd. It was revealed at the end of the episode that Wade felt lonely. Quinn reminded Wade that she has him and Rembrandt, but she said she felt she needed to be reminded of this more often from some people.

[edit] The slide home

Wade and Rembrandt were able to slide to Earth Prime (though Quinn and Maggie were not able to for three months). Shortly after Wade and Rembrandt returned to earth prime, the Kromaggs took over. Although Wade and Rembrandt shared a prison cell, they couldn't talk much because they knew the Kromaggs would be listening and perhaps playing mind games (so the person they appeared to have been speaking to may have actually been a Kromagg imposter). Eventually, when Rembrandt would not tell the Kromaggs what they want, they threatened to send Wade away to a breeder camp. When Rembrandt still would not follow their orders, Wade was sent to the breeder camp. Although Rembrandt felt a large amount of guilt after this, Wade didn't blame him at all for what happened.

[edit] Requiem

After 18 months since they had been separated, Wade was finally able to communicate to Rembrandt through the multiverse and send the sliders to the Earth she was being held. Wade was being kept in a Kromagg science experiment to invade their homeworld; an experiment where her brain was being used as a computer along with other humans the Kromaggs had captured. Wade was able to sabotage the experiment so the Kromaggs would not be able to invade. Rembrandt wanted to save Wade from the Kromaggs, but it wasn't possible to physically remove her from the Kromagg experiment. Rembrandt wanted to stay behind with Wade, but Wade would not let him and made him slide to the world the others slid to. Wade destroyed the control panel of the experiment and blocked the Kromaggs from entering. It was not made clear whether Wade lived or died.

[edit] Beliefs

  • In the episode Dinoslide, Wade said she is a vegetarian. Sabrina Lloyd was also a vegetarian at the time the episode was made.
  • In the episode Into The Mystic, Wade said she believes in the supernatural. These beliefs were further examined in the episode The Other Slide of Darkness.
  • In the episode The Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy, on a world where gunfights were common, Wade used the state of guns on that Earth as an argument against owning guns.

[edit] Trivia

Quinn Mallory | Wade Welles | Rembrandt Brown | Maximillian Arturo
Maggie Beckett | Colin Mallory | Diana Davis | Mallory
Recurring characters of Sliders
Earth Prime | Kromagg | Kromagg Prime
Jerry O'Connell | Sabrina Lloyd | Cleavant Derricks | John Rhys-Davies
Kari Wuhrer | Charlie O'Connell | Tembi Locke | Robert Floyd
Tracy Tormé | Robert K. Weiss | David Peckinpah