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Smallville - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


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Título original Smallville
Títulos en otras lenguas
Género Acción, aventura, ficción
Fecha emisión 16 de octubre de 2001
Nº episodios 110 hasta quinta Temporada
Duración por episodio 42 minutos aprox.
Producida por Warner Bros
País Estados Unidos, Canadá
Idioma original Inglés
Creador Alfred Gough, Miles Millar
Reparto Véase Actores y personajes
Época de ambientación
Transmitido por TVE FOX The CW Network WB Television Network
Premios obtenidos
[{{{Sitio}}} Sitio Oficial]
Para la ciudad Smallville, hogar de Clark Kent ver Villachica

Smallville es una serie de televisión estadounidense producida por Warner Bros que empezó a emitirse el 16 de octubre de 2001 en Estados Unidos y que actualmente se encuentra emitiendo su sexta temporada, con más de 100 episodios emitidos.

La serie cuenta la historia de Clark Kent, en plena adolescencia, sin gafas, sin poderes y sin saber volar, el joven Kent vive su vida de estudiante en un pequeño pueblo llamado Smallville del estado de Kansas. A lo largo de la serie, el joven Kent descubrirá poco a poco que posee características que le diferencian del resto, pequeños detalles y situaciones que terminarán por convertirle en el hombre que está destinado a ser.

Tabla de contenidos

[editar] Actores y personajes

[editar] Episodios por título en inglés - español

[editar] Primera Temporada


Dir: David Nutter

Guión: Alfred Gough y Miles Millar

Estreno el 16 de octubre de 2001


Dir: David Nutter

Guión: Alfred Gough y Miles Millar

Estreno el 23 de octubre de 2001


Dir: Greg Beeman

Guión: Greg Walker

Estreno el 30 de octubre de 2001

004. X-RAY - RAYOS X

Dir: James Frawley

Guión: Mark Verheiden

Estreno el 6 de noviembre de 2001


Dir: Jim Contner

Guión: Michael Green

Estreno el 13 de noviembre de 2001


Dir: Chris Long

Guon: Doris Egan

Estreno el 20 de noviembre de 2001


Dir: Philip Sgriccia

Guión: Michel Green

Estreno el 27 de noviembre de 2001


Dir: Michael Watkins

Guión: Cherie Bennett y Jeff Cottesfeld

Estreno el 11 de diciembre de 2001


Dir: David Carson

Guión: Mark Verheiden

Estreno el 11 de enero de 2002


Dir: D.J. Caruso

Guión: Michel Green y Ark Verheiden

Estreno el 29 de enero de 2002


Dir: Chris Long

Guión: Doris Egan

Estreno en U.S.A.: 5 de febrero de 2002


Dir: Greg Beeman

Guión: Tim Schlattmann

Estreno el 12 de febrero de 2002


Dir: Robert Singer

Guión: Philip Levens

Estreno el 26 de febrero de 2002

014. ZERO - ZERO

Dir: Michael Katelman


Estreno el 12 de marzo de 2002


Dir: James Marshall


Estreno el 19 de marzo de 2002


Dir: Paul Shapiro

Guión: Philip Levin

Estreno el 16 de abril de 2002


Dir: Terrance O'Hara

Guión: Cameron Litvack

Estreno el 23 de abril de 2002


Dir: Michael Katelman

Guión: Michael Green y Philip Levens

Estreno el 30 de abril de 2002.


Dir: James Marshall

Guión: Philip Levens, Alfred Gough y Milles Milar

Estreno el 7 de mayo de 2002


Dir: Terrance O'hara

Guión: Mark Verheiden y Michael Green

Estreno el 14 de mayo de 2002


Dir: Greg Beeman

Guión: Alfred Gough y Milles Millar

Estreno el 21 de mayo de 2002

[editar] Segunda Temporada


Dir: Greg Beeman.

Guión: Philip Levens, Alfred Gough , Miles Millar

Estrenada el 24 de Septiembre de 2002


Dir: James Marshall

Guión: Mark Verheiden

Estrenada el 1 de Octubre de 2002


Dir: Steve Miner

Guión: Todd Slavkin y Darren Swimmer

Estrenada el 8 de Octubre de 2002

004. RED - ROJO

Dir: Jeff Woolnough

Guión: Jeph Loeb

Estrenada el 15 de Octubre de 2002


Dir: Rick Wallace

Guión: Brian Peterson

Estrenada el de 22 de Octubre de 2002


Dir: Chris Long

Guión: Russel Friend

Estrenada el 29 de Octubre de 2002


Dir: Greg Beeman

Guión: Alfred Gough y Miles Millar, Kenneth Biller

Estrenada el 5 de Noviembre de 2002

008. RYAN - RYAN

Dir: Terrence O'Hara

Guión: Philip Levens

Estrenada el 12 de Noviembre de 2002


Dir: Craig Zisk

Guión: Mark Verheiden

Estrenada el 19 de Noviembre de 2002


Dir: Marita Grabiak

Guión: Brian Peterson y Kelly Souders, Mark Warshaw

Estrenada el 26 de Noviembre de 2002


Dir: Bill Gereghty

Guión: Todd Slavkin , Darren Swimmer

Estrenada el 14 de Enero de 2003


Dir: James Marshall

Guión: Jeph Loeb , Kenneth Biller

Estrenada el 21 de Enero de 2003


Dir: Kenneth Biller

Guión: Mark Verheiden , Philip Levens

Estrenada el 28 de Enero de 2003


Dir: Rick Rosenthal

Guión: Todd Slavkin, Darren Swimmer

Estrenada el 4 de Febrero de 2003


Dir: Greg Beeman

Guión: Brian Peterson, Kelly Souders

Estrenada el 11 de Febrero de 2003


Dir: Bill Gereghty

Guión: Matthew Okumura

Estrenada el 18 de Febrero de 2003


Dir: James Marshall

Guión: Alfred Gough, Miles Millar

Estrenada el 25 de Febrero de 2003


Dir: Rick Rosenthal

Guión: Philip Levens

Estrenada el 15 de Abril de 2003


Dir: Thomas J. Wright

Guión: Clint Carpenter

Estrenada el 22 de Abril de 2003


Dir: Rick Wallace

Guión: Mark Verheiden

Estrenada el 29 de Abril de 2003


Dir: James Marshall

Guión: B. Peterson, K. Souders, T. Slavkin, D. Swimmer

Estrenada el 6 de Mayo de 2003


Dir: Terrence O'Hara

Guión: Kenneth Biller

Estrenada el 13 de Mayo de 2003


Dir: Greg Beeman

Guión: Alfred Gough y Miles Millar

Estrenada el 20 de Mayo de 2003

[editar] Tercera Temporada

3-01 Exile - Exilio

3-02 Phoenix - El Ave Fénix

3-03 Extinction - Extinción

3-04 Slumber - Sopor

3-05 Perry - Perry White

3-06 Relic - Reliquia

3-07 Magnetic - Magnetismo

3-08 Shattered - Destrozado

3-09 Asylum - Manicomio

3-10 Whisper - Susurros

3-11 Delete - Persecución

3-12 Hereafter - De ahora en adelante

3-13 Velocity - Velocidad

3-14 Obsession - Obsesión

3-15 Resurrection - Resurrección

3-16 Crisis - Crisis

3-17 Legacy - El legado

3-18 Truth - La verdad

3-19 Memory - Memoria

3-20 Talisman - El talismán

3-21 Forsaken - Abandonado

3-22 Covenant - El pacto

[editar] Cuarta Temporada

4-01 Crusade - Cruzada

4-02 Gone - Desaparecida

4-03 Facade - Fachada

4-04 Devoted - Unidos

4-05 Run - Corre

4-06 Transference - Transferencia

4-07 Jinx - Maleficio

4-08 Spell - Hechizo

4-09 Bound - Atado

4-10 Scare - Temores

4-11 Unsafe - Peligroso

4-12 Pariah - Paria

4-13 Recruit - Fichaje

4-14 Krypto - Krypto

4-15 Sacred - Sagrado

4-16 Lucy - Lucy

4-17 Onyx - Ónice

4-18 Spirit - Espíritu

4-19 Blank - Olvido

4-20 Ageless - Eterno

4-21 Forever - Para siempre

4-22 Commencement - Graduación

[editar] Quinta Temporada

5-01 Arrival (Llegada)

5-02 Mortal (Mortal)

5-03 Hidden (Escondido)

5-04 Aqua (Agua)

5-05 Thirst (Sed)

5-06 Exposed (Expuesto)

5-07 Splinter (Astilla)

5-08 Solitude (Soledad)

5-09 Lexmas

5-10 Fanatic (Fanático)

5-11 Lockdown (Encierro)

5-12 Reckoning (El Pago)

5-13 Vengeance (Venganza)

5-14 Tomb (Tumba)

5-15 Cyborg

5-16 Hypnotic (Hipnosis)

5-17 Void (Vacío)

5-18 Fragile (Quebradizo)

5-19 Mercy (Misericordia)

5-20 Fade (Desvanecerse)

5-21 Oracle (Oráculo)

5-22 Vessel (Portador)

[editar] Sexta Temporada

6-01 Zod

6-02 Sneeze (Estornudo)

6-03 Whiter (Marchitarse)

6-04 Arrow (Flecha)

6-05 Reunion (Reunion)

6-06 Fallout (Caída)

6-07 Rage (Ira)

6-08 Static (Estática)

6-09 Subterranean (Subterraneo)

6-10 Hydro

6-11 Justice (Justicia)

[editar] Personajes

  • Clark Kent: Clark Jerome Kent (Tom Welling) es el personaje central. Es el único superviviente de la destrucción del planeta Krypton y llegó a Smallville durante la lluvia de meteoritos en 1989. Futuro Superman.
  • Lex Luthor: Alexander Joseph Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum) es un gran amigo de Clark durante la serie, pero destinado a convertirse en su enemigo. Su padre, el billonario Lionel Luthor, lo educó estrictamente para ser como él. Lex perdió su pelo a los 9 años durante la lluvia de meteoritos de 1989 en Smallville.
  • Lana Lang: Lana Elizabeth Lang (Kristin Kreuk) es el amor adolescente de Clark Kent, ex-administradora de "The Talon", que es el café de la ciudad, estudia en la Universidad de Metropolis junto con Chloe. En el comic, se casa con Pete Ross, vice-presidente de Luthor, cuando éste está en el poder.
  • Chloe Sullivan: Chloe Sullivan (Allison Mack) periodista joven extraordinaria reportera, tiene una manía por conseguir la verdad. Está trabajando como reportera en el Daily Planet y estudia en la Universidad de Metropolis con Lana.En la quinta temporada de esta serie descubre el secreto de Clark y él mismo se lo cuenta después
  • Lois Lane: Lois Joanne Lane (Erica Durance) apareció por primera vez en la cuarta temporada. A partir de la quinta se convirtió en un protagonista. Prima de Chloe y futura esposa de Clark. No esta interesada en el periodismo, hasta ahora.
  • Lionel Luthor(John Glover): Es el exigente padre de Lex Luthor, conocido hombre de negocios sin escrúpulos y propietario de LuthorCorp.
  • Jason Teague(Jensen Ackles): Entrenador del equipo de rugby del instituto que mantuvo una relación sentimental con Lana, hijo de Genevieve Teague la cual era decendiente de una bruja francesa que poseyó a Lana, Jaso y su madre buscaban esto para tomar el poder de su familia.
  • Pete Ross (Sam Jones III): Mejor amigo de Clark que tuvo que abandonar Smallville para no traicionar su secreto. Futuro esposo de Lana Lang, en el comic.
  • Whitney (Eric Johnson I): Primer novio de Lana que intentó cambiar su vida alistándose en el ejército. Murió en servicio.
  • Oliver Queen (Green Arrow): Superhéroe que aparece a lo largo de la sexta temporada.

[editar] Episodio a episodio: toda la música de la serie


  1. "Angels or Devils" by Dishwalla
  2. "Inside Out" by VonRay


  1. "Almost Honest" by Josh Kelley
  2. "Dirty Little Secret" by The All-American Rejects


  1. "I Want It All" by Depeche Mode


  1. "Superman" by Stereophonics
  2. "Forget It" by Breaking Benjamin
  3. "Homeward Angel" by Moby


  1. "All The Money Or The Simple Life Honey" by The Dandy Warhols
  2. "Waiting For Your Letter " by Cary Brothers
  3. "Everyday Is Like The Weekend" by Amy Ward


  1. "Wikked Lil' Grrrls" by Esthero
  2. "Guiltless" by Martin Grech
  3. "Girls Attractive" by Diamond Nights
  4. "Bela Lugosi's Dead" by Bauhaus
  5. "Abandoned" by The Swear
  6. "Set The Grass On Fire" by Elysian Fields


  1. "Disappearing World" by David Gray
  2. "Breathe (2 AM)" by Anna Nalick
  3. "Collide" by Dishwalla
  4. "Supernatural" by Wild Whirled


  1. "A Message" by Coldplay


  1. "Precious" by Depeche Mode


  1. "Anywhere With You" by Split Habit
  2. "Down" by Tim Cullen
  3. "Around The Way" by Wonderlife


  1. "Let Me Go" by 3 Doors Down
  2. "24" by Jem
  3. "Satie" by Paco
  4. "Come Back Down" by Switchfoot


  1. "La La" by Ashlee Simpson
  2. "Not Gonna Wait" by Lamar
  3. "You And Me" by Lifehouse
  4. "Come Back Down" by Lifehouse
  5. "Blind" by Lifehouse
  6. "Undone" by Lifehouse
  7. "Merry Go Round" by Split Habit
  8. "Good" by Tim Cullen


  1. "I Drive Alone" by Esthero


  1. "Club Foot" by Kasabian
  2. "Fly" by Mark Joseph
  3. "Hold On" by Newcomers Home
  4. "Spaghetti Streetwalkers" by Speechwriters LLC


  1. "Anodyne" by Speechwriters LLC
  2. "Give A Little Bit" by The Goo Goo Dolls


  1. "It's All Behind" by Anthony Michaelanglo
  2. "Wild West Show" by Big $ Rich
  3. "Wonderful Night" by Fatboy Slim
  4. "Finding Out True Love Is Blind" by Louis XIV
  5. "Untitled" by Simple Plan


  1. "I Love Rock 'N' Roll" by Chloe & Lois,
  2. "To Die For" by Dan Zweben
  3. "Deeper Water" by Minnie Driver


  1. "Life For Rent" by Dido
  2. "It's Now Or Never" by Elvis
  3. "Beautiful Soul" by Jesse McCartney
  4. "Break So Easy" by Johnathan Rice
  5. "Funny Little Feeling" by Rock N Roll Soldiers
  6. "Laura" by Scissor Sisters
  7. "Welcome To My Life" by Simple Plan


  1. "Falling" by Mindy Smith


  1. "Daddy's Little Girl" by Amanda O'Connor
  2. "I Want More: Part 2" by Faithless
  3. "Chopin Etude, Opus 10, No. 3 in E Major: Lento, ma non troppo" by John Rusnak


  1. "Blame" by Black Toast Music,
  2. "What You Waiting For?" by Gwen Stefani
  3. "We Might As Well Be Strangers" by Keane
  4. "Impromptu No. 2 In E Flat" by Shubert


  1. "I'm All Gone" by Bosshouse
  2. "Boulevard Of Broken Dreams" by Green Day
  3. "I Believe" by Shiloh
  4. "Reach For The Sky" by Social Distortion
  5. "Fall Behind Me" by The Donnas
  6. "Walk Idiot Walk" by The Hives


  1. "Pain" by Jimmy Eat World


  1. "Welcome To My World" by Kyle Newvachek
  2. "Feels Like Today" by Rascal Flatts
  3. "Cruel Sun" by Silver
  4. "Don't Say Nuttin'" by The Roots


  1. "Meltdown" by Ash
  2. "Revolution" by Authority Zero
  3. "Our Mystery" by Bebo Norman
  4. "Better Off By Myself" by Bosshouse
  5. "California" by Hawk Nelson
  6. "On The Run" by Sam Roberts
  7. "Medicated" by Sub Space Radio
  8. "Disco MF" by The Penfifteen Club


  1. "My Happy Ending" by Avril Lavigne
  2. "What Do You Do In The Summer(When It's Raining)" by Beu Sisters
  3. "FU*k N' Spend" by High Speed Scene
  4. "Ghetto" by John Gold
  5. "Eight Half Letters" by Stereoblis
  6. "Devils And Angels" by Toby Lightman


  1. "A Long Way"
  2. "She Will Be Loved (acoustic version)" by Maroon 5


  1. "Better Days Will Come" by Tahiti 80
  2. "Plus Pres De Moi" by san.drine


  1. "One Moment More" by Mindy Smith


  1. "When The Sun Goes Down" by Charlie Mars
  2. "What You're Thinking" by Christopher Jak


  1. "Chase Me" by Katie Herzig,
  2. "Reason Why" by Rachael Yamagata
  3. "From Afar" by Red Letter Day


  1. "My Immortal" by Evanescence


  1. "Someday" by Fastball
  2. "Better Don't Do"
  3. "Stabat Mater" by Paul Schwartz, State Of Grace II
  4. "Selling Out" by The Fuzz


  1. "One In A Blue Moon" by Edie Brickell
  2. "Mona Lisa" by Grant-Lee Phillips
  3. "Love's Divine" by Seal, Seal IV


  1. "Everything" by Alanis Morrisette
  2. "Infatuation" by The Rapture


  1. "Setting Of The Sun" by Ben Jelen
  2. "Echo" by Blake Hight,
  3. "One Thing" by Finger Eleven
  4. "Parking" by The Fuzz


  1. "Fix Up, Look Sharp" by Dizzee Rascal
  2. "The Way I Am" by Knoc-Turn'Al
  3. "Wonderwall" by Ryan Adams
  4. "You Know" by Saq
  5. "Evilution" by Shocore
  6. "Rawkfist" by ThousandFootKrutch


  1. "100 Years" by Five For Fighting
  2. "Two Steps Closer" by Static
  3. "I Owe You" by Stegala Music


  1. "So Damn Lucky" by Dave Matthews
  2. "The Reason" by Hoobastank
  3. "Try" by Nelly Furtado


  1. "Future Proof" by Massive Attack
  2. "So Far Away" by Staind


  1. "Hurt" by Johnny Cash, American IV


  1. "Hey Now" by Black Toast Music
  2. "Trouble" by Bonnie McKee
  3. "Stupid Girl" by Cold
  4. "Amazing" by Josh Kelley
  5. "Over You" by Michelle Featherstone
  6. "Trouble" by Pink


  1. "In Your Eyes" by Aaron D
  2. "I Only Have Eyes For You" by The Flamingos
  3. "Earth Angel (Will You Be Mine)" by The Penguins
  4. "Matchbox" by Toby Keith


  1. "Blue" by LeAnn Rimes
  2. "Walking In Memphis" by Lonestar
  3. "I Love This Bar" by Toby Keith


  1. "Imitation Of Life" by R.E.M., R.E.M.
  2. "Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M., R.E.M.
  3. "Losing My Religon" by R.E.M., R.E.M.
  4. "At My Most Beautiful" by R.E.M., R.E.M.
  5. "Bad Day" by R.E.M. , R.E.M.


  1. "I Give You Take" by Maria
  2. "Goodbye Again " by Vertical Horizon
  3. "Give It To Me" by Vishiss,
  4. "Way Away" by Yellowcard


  1. "White Flag" by Dido
  2. "Maybe Tomorrow" by Stereophonics


  1. "Girls & Boys" by Good Charlott
  2. "Frantic" by Metallica
  3. "Good Talk" by Shocore
  4. "Hey Mama" by The Black Eyed Peas
  5. "Calling All Angels" by Train
  6. "All The Stars" by eastmountainsouth


  1. "Strange & Beautiful (I'll Put a Spell on You)" by Aqualung,
  2. "High On Sunshine" by Kelly Brock
  3. "Take Me Away" by Lifehouse
  4. "Weapon" by Matthew Good


  1. "Wastin' My Time" by Boomkat
  2. "In This Life" by Chantal Kreviazuk
  3. "Everything To Me" by Elza,
  4. "Telling You Now" by Jessy Moss
  5. "Signs Of Love" by Moby


  1. "I'm With You" by Avril Lavigne


  1. "Room To Bleed" by Ben Lee
  2. "Anybody Listening" by Marty Irwin
  3. "The World Outside" by Paloalto
  4. "Gone Away" by Stretch Nickel
  5. "Swing, Swing" by The All-American Rejects
  6. "Safe Enough To Wake Up" by The Ben Taylor Band
  7. "No Blue Sky" by The Thorns


  1. "Becoming" by Adam Tenenbaum
  2. "Don't Fear The Reaper" by Gus
  3. "Princess" by Matt Nathanson
  4. "Don't Forget Me" by Red Hot Chili Peppers
  5. "Let Me Be The One" by Sammi Morelli
  6. "Shakedown!" by TheSTART


  1. "The Other Side" by David Gray
  2. "Kiss The Moon" by Hathaway
  3. "Phantasmagoria In Two" by Neil Halstead
  4. "Wartime" by Stephanie Simon
  5. "Diamonds and Guns" by Transplants


  1. "The Scientist" by Coldplay
  2. "Satellite" by Kid Lightening
  3. "Leaving Town Alive" by Pancho's Lament
  4. "Nuclear" by Ryan Adams


  1. "Not That Simple" by Jamestowne
  2. "Wave Goodbye" by Steadman


  1. "Burn Baby Burn" by Ash
  2. "Home Sweet Alabama" by Lizzie
  3. "Like A Dream" by Morphic Field
  4. "China" by Mystica, Lotus Lounge Vol. 2:
  5. "Gentle Healing" by Sounds From the Ground
  6. "Don't Tempt Me" by The Contes
  7. "Fight Test" by The Flaming Lips


  1. "I Just Wanna Be Loved" by AM Radio
  2. "Never Gonna Come Back Down" by BT
  3. "Bread And Water" by Sheila Nicholls
  4. "Don't Dream It's Over" by Sixpence None The Richer


  1. "Bittersweetheart" by Ed Harcourt
  2. "Tomorrow" by SR-71, Tomorrow
  3. "Invisible Man" by Theory Of A Deadman


  1. "Days Go By (acoustic)" by Dirty Vegas
  2. "The Anthem" by Good Charlotte
  3. "Mad World" by Michael Andrews feat. Gary Jules
  4. "Love" by Rosey


  1. "Psycho Ballerina" by Jackpot
  2. "Don't Know Why" by Norah Jones
  3. "The Game Of Love" by Santana feat. Michelle Branch
  4. "Outtathaway" by The Vines


  1. "I Wish I Cared" by A-Ha
  2. "Uneven Odds" by Premonition
  3. "I Want This Perfect" by Son of Adam
  4. "In A Young Man's Mind" by The Mooney Suzuki


  1. "Yesterday" by Hef,
  2. "Otherwise" by Morcheeba
  3. "Put It Off" by Pulse Ultra
  4. "Un Bel Di Vedremo" (Madame Butterfly)" by Renata Tebaldi
  5. "17 Years Down" by Wonderful Johnson,


  1. "Crazy Richie" by Cactus Groove,
  2. "Underneath It All" by No Doubt,
  3. "Don't Ask Me" by OK Go,
  4. "Love Song" by Sheila Nicholls


  1. "It's Time To Party" by Andrew W.K.,
  2. "Breakable" by Fisher
  3. "Breathe In" by Frou Frou,
  4. "Tattoos" by Jackpot
  5. "Stop Crying Your Heart Out" by Oasis
  6. "Unexpected" by Sprung Monkey
  7. "American Made" by Sprung Monkey


  1. "Leading With My Heart " by Alice Peacock,
  2. "Ordinary" by Greg Jones,
  3. "Goodbye" by Stephanie Simon,
  4. "Southbound Train" by Travis Tritt,


  1. "Tomorrow" by Avril Lavigne,
  2. "A Little Less Conversation" by JXL vs Elvis,
  3. "Truth Or Dare" by N.E.R.D. ,
  4. "Hot In Herre" by Nelly,
  5. "My Friends Over You" by New Found Glory,


  1. "In My Place" by Coldplay,
  2. "Time And Time Again" by Stretch Princess,


  1. "Mickey" by B*Witched,
  2. "Can I See You" by Buva,
  3. "All My Life" by Foo Fighters,
  4. "Ivanka" by Imperial Teen,
  5. "Somewhere Out There" by Our Lady Peace,
  6. "I Feel Fine" by Riddlin' Kids, Hurry Up And Wait
  7. "U Girl" by Sophie Agapois, Philosophie
  8. "Be Aggressive" by The Jockjam Cheerleaders,
  9. "You Ugly" by The Jockjam Cheerleaders,
  10. "Boom Boom Boom" by The Outhere Bros,


  1. "Let Go" by Gigolo Aunts,
  2. "Breathe" by Greenwheel
  3. "Everything" by Lifehouse
  4. "What We've Been Through" by Paul Trudeau,
  5. "Save Me" by Remy Zero,
  6. "Perfect Memory" by Remy Zero,
  7. "Where This Love Goes" by Sherri Youngward,
  8. "What Do I Have To Do?" by Stabbing Westward


  1. "Silent To The Dark" by Electric Soft Parade,
  2. "No Such Thing" by John Mayer
  3. "Two Stones In My Pocket" by Neil Halstead
  4. "Just Another" by Pete Yorn,
  5. "Piano Fire" by Sparklehorse,
  6. "Silent To The Dark" by The Electric Soft Parade,


  1. "Nothing To Do" by Bottlefly,
  2. "Time After Time" by Eva Cassidy,
  3. "40 To 5" by Leave The World,
  4. "Light In Your Eyes" by Louise Goffin,
  5. "You And I" by Micah Green,
  6. "2001 Spliff Odyssey" by Thievery Corporation,


  1. "Wake Up Elvis" by Alan Charin
  2. "If There's Love" by Citizen Cope,
  3. "Wogs Will Walk" by Cornershop
  4. "Opaline" by Dishwalla, Opaline
  5. "Not What I Wanted" by Evan Olson,
  6. "Here Is Gone" by Goo Goo Dolls,
  7. "Fever For The Flava" by Hot Action Cop,
  8. "The Middle" by Jimmy Eat World,
  9. "Big Day" by Puracane,
  10. "Stick 'Em Up" by Quarashi,
  11. "Drink To Get Drunk" by Sia,


  1. "Falcor" by Firengine Red,
  2. "The Weight Of My Words" by Kings Of Convenience ,
  3. "Sparkle" by Rubyhorse,
  4. "Friends & Family" by Trik Turner,


  1. "Superman" by Five For Fighting,
  2. "You And I" by Micah Green,
  3. "Lonely Day" by Phantom Planet,
  4. "Free to Change Your Mind" by Regency Buck,
  5. "Is It Love?" by Todd Thibaud,
  6. "Dragging Me Down" by Todd Thibaud,


  1. "Supernatural" by By Divine Right,
  2. "Saturday Night's Alright" by Hal Lovejoy,
  3. "Love Sweet Love" by Josh Clayton-Felt,
  4. "I Will Make U Cry" by Nelly Furtado,
  5. "Big Day" by Puracane,
  6. "Sadie Hawkins Dance" by Relient K,
  7. "Beautiful Day" by U2,
  8. "Dukes Of Hazzard/Good Ol' Boys" by Waylon Jennings,
  9. "I Have Seen" by Zero 7,
  10. "Destiny" by Zero 7,


  1. "Let's Go For A Ride" by Eleventeen,
  2. "God Is A DJ" by Faithless,
  3. "Lonely Road Of Faith" by Kid Rock,
  4. "Battleflag" by Pigeonhed/Lo Fidelity Allstars,


  1. "1 A.M." by Beautiful Creatures,
  2. "New World Order" by Onesidezero,
  3. "Set It Off" by P.O.D.,
  4. "Save Me" by Remy Zero,
  5. "Perfect Memory" by Remy Zero,


  1. "Inflatable" by Bush,
  2. "Bonecracker" by Shocore,
  3. "Fade" by Staind,
  4. "Fat Lip" by Sum 41,
  5. "Elevation" by U2,


  1. "Mistaken I.D." by Citizen Cope,
  2. "Into You" by Jennifer Knapp,
  3. "Into the Lavender" by Rubyhorse,
  4. "Have a Nice Day" by Stereophonics,
  5. "Slow Down" by Wayne.


  1. "Caught In The Sun" by Course of Nature,
  2. "Save Me" by Remy Zero,
  3. "When I'm With You" by Simple Plan,
  4. "Blend" by Something Else,
  5. "Poor Misguided Fool" by Starsailor,
  6. "If I Go" by Thrift Store Halo,
  7. "Evolution Revolution Love" by Tricky,
  8. "Galaxy" by Vigilantes Of Love,
  9. "S.O.S." by Vigilantes Of Love.


  1. "She Lives By The Water" by Club 8,
  2. "Numb" by Grant Park,
  3. "Everything" by Lifehouse,
  4. "Breathing" by Lifehouse,
  5. "Angel" by Massive Attack,
  6. "Take Your Time" by Radford,
  7. "Step It Up" by Stereo MC's,
  8. "I Have Seen" by Zero 7,


  1. "The Fool" by Call and Response,
  2. "Slide" by Dido,
  3. "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias,
  4. "Innocent" by Fuel,


  1. "Time Served" by Dispatch,
  2. "Piano Sonata No. 3 in B minor, op. 59" by Fryderyk Chopin, performed by Idil Biret

Complete Piano Music, Vol. 7

  1. "Piano Sonata No. 1 in C minor, op. 4" by Fryderyk Chopin, performed by Idil Biret,

Complete Piano Music, Vol. 7

  1. "5/4" by Gorillaz, Gorillaz


  1. "Rescue" by Eve 6, Horrorscope
  2. "This Way" by Jewel,
  3. "Standing Still" by Jewel,
  4. "Let Your Shoulder Fall" by Matthew Jay,
  5. "On Your Side" by Pete Yorn,
  6. "We're At the Top of the World" by The Juliana Theory,


  1. "Movies" by Alien Ant Farm,
  2. "Wall In Your Heart" by Shelby Lynne,
  3. "Breathe You In" by Stabbing Westward,
  4. "Analyse" by The Cranberries,
  5. "Ooh La La" by The Wiseguys,
  6. "Unbroken" by Todd Thibaud,
  7. "Up All Night" by Unwritten Law,


  1. "You" by Binocular,
  2. "Bad Day" by Fuel,
  3. "Clint Eastwood" by Gorillaz,
  4. "Motivation" by Sum 41, "Never Let You Go" by Third Eye Blind,
  5. "Renegade Fighter" by Zed,


  1. "Bad Idea" by Bad Ronald,
  2. "The People That We Love" by Bush,
  3. "Tie Me Up" by Handsome Devil,
  4. "Pacific Coast Party" by Smash Mouth,
  5. "My Bridges Burn" by The Cult,


  1. "Damaged" by Aeon Spoke,
  2. "I Do" by Better Than Ezra,
  3. "Love You Madly" by Cake,
  4. "Everything" by Lifehouse,
  5. "Last Resort" by Papa Roach,
  6. "Wherever You Will Go" by The Calling,
  7. "Underdog (Save Me)" by Turin Brakes,
  8. "Island In The Sun" by Weezer,


  1. "The Way It Is" by Bruce Hornsby,
  2. "Let's Go" by Capitol Eye,
  3. "Long Way Around" by Eagle-Eye Cherry,
  4. "Wonder" by Embrace,
  5. "Inside The Memories" by Fear The Clown,
  6. "Everything I Own" by Jude,
  7. "Everything" by Lifehouse,
  8. "Maybe" by Stereophonics,
  9. "Unstoppable" by The Calling

[editar] Tema Oficial:

[editar] Save Me (Remy Zero)

== i feel my wings have broken in your hands i feel the words unspoken inside and they pull you under and i would give you anything you want, but know you were all i wanted and all my dreams are falling down crawling around and around somebody save me let your warm hands break right thru and save me i don't care how you do it just stay, stay oh come on i've been waiting for you i see the world has folded in your heart i feel the waves crash down inside and they pulled me under i would give you anything you want, but know you were all i wanted and all my dreams have fallen down crawling around around somebody save me let your warm hands break right thru somebody save me i don't care how you do it just stay, stay come on i've been waiting for you and all my dreams are on the ground crawling around around somebody save me let your warm hands break right thru somebody save me i don't care how you do it just save me i made this whole world shine for you just stay, stay oh come on i'm still waiting YOU. ==

[editar] Sitio Oficial

[editar] Otros Sitios

Nota: No eliminen los enlaces, son sólo un punto de referencia a la serie.

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