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Carl Cox - Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

Carl Cox

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Carl Cox
Pochodzenie Anglia Anglia
Gatunek house, techno, tech house
Strona internetowa

Carl Cox (ur. 29 lipca 1962 w Oldham, Anglia) - DJ oraz producent house/techno.

Karierę rozpoczynał w połowie lat 80., jako DJ grający hardcore i acid house. Występował wówczas jako Three Deck Wizard. Jest współtwórcą dwóch wytwórni płytowych - Intec Records i 23rd Century Records. W plebiscycie czasopisma DJMag - Top 100 DJs 2005, Carl zajął miejsce 9.

Spis treści

[edytuj] Dyskografia

Reklama występu Carla Cox'a, Holandia
Reklama występu Carla Cox'a, Holandia

[edytuj] Albumy

  • 1996 At The End Of The Cliche, Worldwide Ultimatum Records
  • 1999 Phuture 2000, Worldwide Ultimatum Records
  • 2005 Second Sign, Play It Again Sam

[edytuj] Single

  • 1991 I Want You (Forever), Perfecto Records
  • 1995 Two Paintings And A Drum, Worldwide Ultimatum Records
  • 1996 Sensual Sophis-ti-cat, Worldwide Ultimatum Records
  • 1996 Tribal Jedi, Worldwide Ultimatum Records
  • 1998 Phuture 2000, Ebel Records
  • 1999 Dr. Funk, Ebel Records
  • 1999 The Latin Theme, Worldwide Ultimatum Records
  • 2002 Club Traxx Vol.1, Trust The DJ
  • 2003 Club Traxx Vol.2, Trust The DJ
  • 2003 Dirty Bass, 23rd Century Records
  • 2003 Space Calling, 23rd Century Records
  • 2004 Give Me Your Love (Carl Cox Featuring Hannah Robinson), 23rd Century Records/Play It Again Sam
  • 2006 That's The Bass (Carl Cox & Norman Cook), 23rd Century Records/Play It Again Sam

[edytuj] Kompilacje

  • 1994 Nonstopmix 1994, Liquid Rec.
  • 1994 Fantazia III - Made in Heaven Remix, Fantazia
  • 1994 Fantazia The DJ Collection Carl Cox, Fantazia
  • 1995 F.A.C.T., React
  • 1997 F.A.C.T. 2, Worldwide Ultimatum Records
  • 1998 DJF 250, Sony Music Entertainment
  • 1998 Non Stop 98/01, FFRR Records
  • 1998 The Sound Of Ultimate B.A.S.E., Worldwide Ultimatum Records
  • 1999 Non Stop 2000, FFRR Records
  • 1999 F.A.C.T. Australia, X-Over Recordings
  • 2000 Mixed Live Crobar Nightclub, Chicago, Moonshine Music
  • 2002 Global, Play It Again Sam
  • 2002 Mixed Live 2nd Session Area 2, Detroit, Moonshine Music
  • 2003 F.A.C.T. Australia II, Warner Music Group
  • 2003 U60311 Compilation Techno Division Vol. 3, V2 Records
  • 2004 Back To Mine, DMC Publishing
  • 2004 Pure Intec, Intec Records

[edytuj] Remiksy

  • 1991 The Art of Noise - Shades Of Paranoimia (Carl Cox Remix), China Records
  • 1992 Eternal - Eternal (Carl Cox Remix), Underground Level Recordings
  • 1992 Robert Owens - Gotta Work (Carl's Renaissance Remix), Freetown Inc.
  • 1992 Patti Day - Hot Stuff (Carl Cox Remix), Starway Records
  • 1992 DJ Phantasy - Jepron (Carl Cox Remix), Liquid Wax Recordings
  • 1992 Sunscreem - Perfect Motion (Carl Cox's Rhythm's A Drug Remix), Sony BMG Music Entertainment
  • 1993 Visa - Let Me See Ya Move (Carl Cox's Militant March Remix), MMR Productions
  • 1993 Smooth But Hazzardous - Made You Dance (Carl Cox Remix), Sound Entity Records
  • 1994 Laurent Garnier - Astral Dreams (Carl Cox's MMR Remix), F-Communications
  • 1994 Trevor Rockcliffe Presents Glow - Break The Law (Carl's Reconstructed Remix), MMR Productions
  • 1994 Quench - Hope (Carl Cox Remix), Infectious Records
  • 1994 FKW - Jingo (Carl Cox Remix), PWL
  • 1994 O.T.T. - Raw (Carl Cox Remix), Industrial Strength Records
  • 1994 Aurora Borealis - Raz (Carl's MMR Remix), F-Communications
  • 1994 English Muffin - The Blood Of An English Muffin (Carl Cox Remix), MMR Productions
  • 1994 Lunatic Asylum - The Meltdown (Carl Cox & John Selway's Circular Cycle Remix), MMR Productins
  • 1995 Jam & Spoon - Angel (Ladadi O-Heyo) (Carl Cox Remix), Epic Records
  • 1995 The Stone Roses - Begging You (Cox's Ultimatum Remix), Geffen Records
  • 1995 Yello - L'Hotel (Carl Cox's Hands On Yello Remix), Urban
  • 1995 Dr. Fernando Stomach Substance (Carl Cox Remix), MMR Productions
  • 1995 Infrequent Oscillation - Burning Phibes (Carl Cox Remix), MMR Productions
  • 1995 Technohead - Get Stoned (Carl Cox Remix), Mokum Records
  • 1995 AWeX - It's Our Future (Carl Cox's Ultimate Remix), Plastic City UK
  • 1995 Slab - Rampant Prankster (Carl Cox's Jumper Remix), Hydrogen Dukebox
  • 1995 Steve Mason & Tony Crooks - Shallow Grave (Carl Cox's After Hours Remix), Rain Forest Records
  • 1995 Josh Abrahams - March Time (Carl Cox Remix), MMR Productions
  • 1996 System 7 - Hangar 84 (Cox's W.W. Ultimatum Remix), Butterfly Records
  • 1996 Electroliners - Loose Caboose (Carl Cox Remix), XL Recordings
  • 1996 Barefoot Boys - Need No Man (Cox's Harder Remix), Stealth Records
  • 1996 The Advent - Mad Dog (Carl Cox Remix), Internal
  • 1996 JX - There's Nothing I Won't Do (Carl Cox's Full House Remix), FFRR Records
  • 1996 Consolidated - This Is Fascism (Carl Cox's Burning Gold Remix), MC Projects
  • 1996 Vernon - Vernon's Wonderland (Carl Cox's Full Remix), Eye Q
  • 1996 Poltergeist - Vicious Circles (Carl Cox's MMR Remix), Manifesto
  • 1997 DJ SS - DJs Anthem (Carl Cox Remix), Formation Records
  • 1997 Tenth Chapter - Prologue (Carl Cox & Paul van Dyk Remix), Jackpot
  • 1999 Needle Damage - That Zipper Track (Carl Cox Remix), Worldwide Ultimatum Records
  • 1999 Grooverider - Where's Jack The Ripper (Carl Cox's Techno Radio Edit), Higher Ground Records
  • 2000 Tony Moran Featuring Cindy Mizelle - Shine On (Carl Cox's Sweat Dub), Contagious Records
  • 2001 Slam - Positive Education (Carl Cox's Intec Remix), VC Recordings
  • 2001 Trevor Rockcliffe & Blake Baxter - Visions Of You (Carl Cox Remix), Intec Records
  • 2001 Ramirez - Volcan De Passion (Carl Cox Remix), Terapia
  • 2002 Cormano - Mangamana vs. Revenge (Carl Cox's Turntable Remix) 4 Play Records, Inc.
  • 2003 Tomaz vs Filterheadz - Sunshine (Carl Cox Remix), Intec Records
  • 2003 Bad Cabbage - You're Rude (Get Fucked) (Carl Cox's Not So Rude Remix), Mutant Disc
  • 2004 Eric Powell - Don't Deny It (Carl Cox Remix), 23rd Century Records
  • 2004 Johan Cyber - Natural Funk (Carl Cox Remix), 23rd Century Records
  • 2004 Cohen vs Deluxe - Just Kick! (Carl Cox Remix), Intec Records

[edytuj] Linki zewnętrzne

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