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Grafika:Chinese astronomer 1675.jpg - Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

Grafika:Chinese astronomer 1675.jpg

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Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (歌川国芳)
Alternative names
Ichiyusai (一勇斎)
Date of birth/death 1798 1861
Location of birth/death
Deutsch: Tokio
English: Nihonbashi, Edo (Tokyo, Japan)
Français : Edo (Tokyo)
日本語: 江戸日本橋 (東京)
Deutsch: Tokio
English: Edo (Tokyo, Japan)
Français : Edo (Tokyo)
日本語: 江戸 (東京)
Work location
Deutsch: Tokio
English: Edo (Tokyo, Japan)
Français : Edo (Tokyo)
日本語: 江戸 (東京)

[edit] Summary

in: Brian J. Ford (1993). Images of Science: A History of Scientific Illustration, Oxford University Press. ISBN 0195209834

English: The caption there reads:
A priest-astronomer in the Chinese tradition. A European astronomer visited China and studied their ways. He was a Jesuit priest, Ferdinand Verbiest, whose Chinese name was Nan Huai-Jen. The illustration includes contemporaneous astronomical instruments, and was painted in 1675. British Museum, Department of Japanese Antiquities 1906-12-20-1311
Français : Légende dans la source:
Un prêtre astronome dans la tradition chinoise. L'illustration montre des instrument astronomiques contemporains, et date de 1675. British Museum, département des antiquités japonaises, réf.1906-12-20-1311.
Featured picture
This file was a candidate on Picture of the Year 2006.
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If you have an image of similar quality that can be published under a suitable copyright license, be sure to upload it, tag it, and nominate it.
Wikimedia Commons
Picture of the day This image was selected as a picture of the day for June 13, 2006. It was captioned as followed:
English: 1675 image of a Chinese astronomer with an elaborate armillary sphere.

العربية: 1675 صورة لفلكي صيني مع كرة أرضية
Deutsch: Ein chinesischer Astronom mit einer Armillarsphäre (Darstellung von 1675).
English: 1675 image of a Chinese astronomer with an elaborate armillary sphere.
Español: Imagen de 1675 de un astrónomo chino con una elaborada Esfera armilar.
Eesti: 1675. aasta pilt Hiina astronoomist koos keeruka taevasfääri mudeliga.
Français : Dessin d'un astronome chinois avec une sphère armillaire, en 1675.
Galego: Astrónomo chinés de 1675 cunha esfera armilar
Magyar: 1675-es kép egy kínai csillagászról egy armilláris szférával
Italiano: immagine del 1675 di un astronomo cinese con una complicata sfera armillare.
日本語: 天球儀が描かれた中国の天体観測者の絵。歌川国芳作「通俗水滸伝豪傑百八人之一個 智多星呉用」。
한국어: 1675년의 중국 천문학자와 혼천의(渾天儀)
Nederlands: Afbeelding uit 1675 van een Chinese astronoom met een Armillarium of hemelbol.
‪Norsk (nynorsk)‬: Eit bilete frå 1675 av ein kinesisk astronom med ein forseggjort armillarsfære.
Русский: Китайский астроном с армиллярной сферой, 1675 г.
Slovenčina: Obrázok z roku 1675 čínskeho astronóma s podrobnou armilárnou sférou.
Svenska: En kinesisk astronom med en armillarsfär, 1675.
‪中文(简体)‬: 1675年的图画,一位中国天文学家和一架浑天仪。(日本人画的水浒传中的吴用)
‪中文(繁體)‬: 1675年的圖畫,一位中國天文學家和一部揮天儀。歌川國芳作「通俗水滸傳豪傑百八人之一個 智多星吳用」。

[edit] Licensing

This is a faithful photographic reproduction of an original two-dimensional work of art. The original image comprising the work of art itself is in the public domain for the following reason:
Public domain This image (or other media file) is in the public domain because its copyright has expired.

This applies to the United States, Canada, the European Union and those countries with a copyright term of life of the author plus 70 years.

Note that a few countries have copyright terms longer than 70 years: Mexico has 100 years, Colombia has 80 years, and Guatemala and Samoa have 75 years. This image may not be in the public domain in these countries, which moreover do not implement the rule of the shorter term. Côte d'Ivoire has a general copyright term of 99 years and Honduras has 75 years, but they do implement that rule of the shorter term.

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05:23, 10 lut 20061 948×2 812 (1,85 MB)Laurascudder (From: {{book reference|Title=Images of Science: A History of Scientific Illustration|Author=Brian J. Ford|Publisher=Oxford University Press|Year=1993|ID=ISBN 0195209834}} Category:History of astronomy Category:History of China)


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