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Grafika:India Himachal Pradesh locator map.svg - Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

Grafika:India Himachal Pradesh locator map.svg

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WikiProject India Maps

Himachal Pradesh locator map


Locator map of the state of Himachal Pradesh, India with district boundaries.


International Borders: University of Texas map library[1]- India Political map 2001
Disputed Borders: University of Texas map library[2]- China-India Borders- Eastern Sector 1988 & Western Sector 1988, Kashmir Region 2004[3].
State and District boundaries: Census of India[4]- 2001 Census State Maps Survey of India Maps.
Other sources: ESRI ArcWeb Explorer, Survey of India Map Explorer, Indian Railways Map
Map specific sources: ..


August 6 2006



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[edit] Legend

[edit] Notes

Projection: Lambert Conical Orthomorphic

[edit] Explanation of disputed boundaries

  • Boundary of Indian claim : The extent upto which the Indian administration claims as rightfully theirs, but is not recognised by China and Pakistan.
  • Line of Control : The defacto boundary recognised by the international community, but not by India, China and Pakistan. This boundary is a temporary solution to the ongoing conflict.

[edit] Borders of disputed regions

The extent of Indian territory depicted on this map may not be accepted by some countries as legal due to ongoing border disputes:

  • The northern state of Jammu & Kashmir is claimed entirely by both India and Pakistan (Azad Kashmir) and partly by China (Aksai Chin). It is currently divided between all three countries. See also Line of Control and Line of Actual Control.
  • Siachen glacier (shown white) is an actively contested region between India and Pakistan. At present the region is in control of the Indian Army.
  • The north eastern state of Arunachal Pradesh is almost entirely claimed by China as part of its territory. The state is recognised as a part of India by every country except China. See also McMahon Line.

Borders of some minor disputed areas have been omitted for the sake of simplicity:

  • Minor areas of Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand on the Chinese frontier are claimed by China. These areas are under Indian control.
  • A small area of Uttarakhand adjoining the Nepal border along the Sarda river is disputed between the two countries.

For a detailed map of all disputed regions in India, see Image:India disputed areas map.svg

[edit] Internal borders

The borders of the state of Meghalaya, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh is shown as interpreted from the North-Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act, 1971, but has yet to be verified.

[edit] Territorial Waters

The limit of the territorial waters of India extends to twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate baseline. See this for more information.

[edit] SVG Support

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[edit] Errata

If you notice a mistake on the map, please list them here. Please mention the name of the map to be corrected also.

  1. Uttaranchal is now Uttarakhand
  2. Pondicherry is now Puducherry
  3. The capital of the Union Territory of Daman and Diu is at Daman and not Diu.
  4. The Romanization/pinyin of Tibet is not Xijang, it is Xizang.

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