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Nizamabad - Wikipédia


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Nizamabad Sound pronunciation? is a town in Nizamabad District in the Telangana region of the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. Nizamabad town, the headquarters of the district, has a population of 366,956 (2006 census). Bodhan, Kamareddy and Armoor are other major towns in the District.

Nizam Sagar

Nizam sagar is one of the places to visit in Nizamabad , the other places are different agricultural farms like sulefarm farm in rudrur , the rudrur farm .

There is a beautiful lake "Asok Sagar", with a neatly laid out garden, beautiful rocks and a lovely 18 ft statue of Goddess Saraswati in the middle of the lake, just 7 km away from Nizamabad on the way to Basar. There is a siwinging bridge and an octogonal shaped restaurant. It is interesting to note that the lake and its facilities are named as Asok Sagar, to honor one Collector, Asok Kumar, who had developed this!


[editar] History

Nizamabad was formerly known as Indur and Indrapuri.

Nizamabad is in the north of Andhra Pradesh. It has different towns like Bodhan which has Nizam Sugar Factory. Bodhan is a peaceful town with a mixture of people from many backgrounds like Hindus, Muslims etc.

The National Highway which goes from Kanyakumari in south to Varanasi in North India runs through this Town (about 15 km away actually from Dichpalli and Armur). Also the new North South Corridor of NHDP runs through from here.

[editar] Places of Interest

Ali Sagar is a beautiful lake with a hill top view. The famous Basar Saraswati Temple is located 35 km from here. There was a lot of talk about setting up an IIT campus in Basar but couldn't happen till now. May be in future. Basar temple is the only other Saraswati Temple in India. There is one more in North may be Kashmir.

There is a very old Siva's temple called Kanteshwar in town. Its about at least 500 years old.

There is a Hanuman temple in Sarangapur (about 10 km away) which was founded by Sri Samartha Ramadas (Sivaji's Guru).

The prominent religious places in the district are Limbadri Gutta, Bada Pahad, Bichkunda and Sarangapur.

a) LIMBADRI GUTTA (HILLS): There is Sri Narasimha Swamy Temple on the Linbadri Hill located in a Serene atmosphere. The spot is 25 km from Nizamabad. Every year a carnival will be held from Kartika Sudda Thadiya to Trayodasi.

b) BADA PAHAD: People pay homage to Dargah of Syed Sadullah Hus­saini located on the hills between Varni & Chandur . This is also a JATRA spot.

c) BICHKUNDA: "SHIVARATRI FESTIVAL" day, every year, the famous Basawa Lingappa Swamy fair takes place at Bichkunda attracting several devotees from Andhra Pradesh and also from Maharashtra and Karnataka States.

d) SARANGAPUR: At about 8 kilometres from Nizamabad town, there is a huge HANUMAN TEMPLE at Sarangapur, which is considered to be another holy shrine in the district. The saint Samartha Ramadas, the Guru of Chatrapati Shivaji had laid the foundation for the temple about 452 years ago. With easy accessibility, and availability of electricity, protected water supply, Dharmasala, Garden/ Children's park etc., the place is attracting a considera­ble number of pilgrims every day.

e) KANTESHWAR: In Nizamabad in a locality called, Kanteshwar an ancient temple of Lord Shiva "NEELA KANTESHWAR" with beautiful architecture is located attracting a large number of devotees in the district. This temple was constructed by the Satavahana king, Satakarni-II for the Jains. The structure resembles the North Indian Style of Architecture. The festival of Radhasapthami is annually celebrated on a grand scale in this temple.

f) At about 5 kilometres from Nizamabad town, towards Hyderabad road (NH-7), there is a "SAI BABA" temple at Madhavnagar. The temple constructed many years ago has now been developed into the present state with Dharmashala, protected water supply and garden etc.,

g) Dichipalli Ramalayam : Just off the Hyderabad-Nizamabad highway Dichpalli temple is located 15 km from Nizamabad town. Pictur­esquely located on a hillock, this beautiful temple of Rama is built of white and black basalt stone. An architrave at the foot of the hillock welcomes visitors. The exquisite carvings of temple walls, ceilings and door frames are on par with Khajuraho temple and display the excellent craftsmanship of the 17th Cen­tury A.D. To the South of the Temple is an extensive tank amidst which nestles a pillared mandapam. The scenic locale adds to the beauty of the temple.

h) Archaeological and Heritage Museum: This museum was opened in October 2001. The District Archaeological Museum houses number of artefacts and antiquities representing the evolution of human civilisation right from Paleolithic to Vijaya Nagar Times (i.e. 16th A.D). The Museum is broadly divided into three sections, namely Archaeological Section, Sculptural gallery and Bronze and Decorative gallary.

Bidri articles and arms and weapons of extensive variety are also exhibited.

i) Quilla Ramalayam: Originally known as Indoor or Indrapuri, the town and fort were built by the Rashtrakutas. There is a 40 feet high monolithic victory pillar built during the Rashtrakuta reign. The fort was occupied by Allauddin Khilji in 1311 A.D. and subsequently went into the hands of Bahamanis, Qutub Shahis and then Asaf Jahis. The present fort has a wide area encircled by masonry walls along with huge bastions at the corners. This 10th Century fort of the Rashtrakutas has continued to be a of strategic importance right down to the Asaf Jahis. The present fort reflects the Asaf Jahi style of architecture with spacious halls and a summer house. Adding importance to the fort is the Bada Rammandir Temple, built by Samarth Ramdass the guru of Cha­trapathi Shivaji. The fort offers a panoramic view of the Niza­mabad town and its surroundings.

j) Mallaram Forest: Mallaram Forest is just 7 km away from Niza­mabad. Ensconced in Sylvan surroundings it is the perfect place for eco-tourism. Forest treks, a pagoda and a view point tower are main attractions. 1.45 billion years old rock beckons you into the lap of nature. Ideal place for adventure tourism and exciting picnics.

k) Ashok Sagar:� A picturesque lake with beautiful rocks and garden, situated 7 km from Nizamabad on Hyderabad-Basar road. Just the right place to stop over, stretch out and relax with illuminated rocks, well laid out garden and the boat ride to sooth your mind and body.

l) Alisagar: Alisagar is 10 km from Nizamabad and 2 km off the Nizamabad-Basar road. This man-made reservoir built in the 1930s offers a wonderful retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city life. The forest spread along with the summer house, well laid out gardens, an island and hilltop guest house make it a favoured getaway. Adding to the attraction is the deer park and facilities for trekking and water sports. It offers everything a tourist can look for.

m) Rock formations-Armoor Road:�Located on the highway, Armoor is a natural stopover for all traffic. The hillock of boulders is the result of natural weathering over millions of years. On top of hillock is the Navanatha Siddeswara temple. The local people believe that Navanathas or Siddhas, venerable sages, still live in the natural caves and caverns of these hillocks. The water spot nearby area has been drawing people in large numbers for it is believed that the water has curative powers, healing chronic diseases and disabilities. Nature reveals its artistic expression with this unique rock formations.

n) DOMAKONDA FORT: Domakonda is 4 km off the main highway and 10 km from Kamareddy. Domakonda was a Samsthanam under Qutubshahis and Asaf Jahis. The Reddy rulers of Domakonda Samsthanam built the fort in the 18th Century at a sight where a fort existed earlier. The entrance to the fort has an arched gateway reflect­ing Asaf Jahis influence. The fort has bastions both square as well as circular, built at irregular intervals. Inside the fort are two palaces and a temple complex. The temple dedicated to Shiva was built on stellate plan, imitating the Kakatiya style of architecture. This fort is an example of the defence architecture of the princely states of Telangana.

o) Telangana University will start in Nizamabad City near Dichpalli Highway from year 2006 to 2007. Nizamabad has become corporation in 2005.

[editar] Getting There

Air: Nearest airports are Hyderabad 162 km and Warangal 230 km

Rail: It is connected to Hyderabad and Mumbai. station code NZB.

Bus: It is well connected by road ways and has volvo service to Hyderabad and Mumbai.


Estado de Andhra Pradesh
Capital Haiderabade
Distritos AdilabadAnantapurChittoorGodavari OrientalGunturHaiderabadeKadapaKarimnagarKhammamKrishnaKurnoolMahbubnagarMedakNalgondaNelloreNizamabadPrakasamRangareddiSrikakulam • Visakhapatnam • Vizianagaram • Warangal • Godavari Ocidental
Maiores cidades AnantapurAdoni • Chittoor • KadapaEluruGunturKakinadaKarimnagarKhammamKurnoolMachilipatnamNandyalNalgondaNelloreNizamabadOngoleProddaturRamagundamRajahmundry • Sangareddi • SecunderabadSrikakulamTirupatiVijayawadaVizianagaramVisakhapatnamWarangal

[editar] External links

More information on Nizamabad can be found at the following website. This is a Govt of India (NIC) site :

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