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Wikipedia:Projetos/Chat/Chats úteis - Wikipédia

Wikipedia:Projetos/Chat/Chats úteis

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.


[editar] Redireccionar o canal pt.wikipedia

<FrancoGG> we should forward this channel to #wikipedia-pt like #es.wikipedia -> #wikipedia-es
<gil_mnogueira> yes. in fact, we have made a request to mediawiki to do that
<gil_mnogueira> who can do that?
<FrancoGG> mm... why is it necessary a rquest to mediawiki?
<gil_mnogueira> i don't know who controls the IRC channels...
<FrancoGG> the forward it's just channel mode +f
<FrancoGG> ie: /mode +f #wikipedia-pt
<FrancoGG> that's all
[ERROR] You need to be an operator in #pt.wikipedia to do that.
=== # is unknown mode char to me
<FrancoGG> but only ops can change modes...
<FrancoGG> they are
<gil_mnogueira> well, that's the point
<FrancoGG> 1 30 e2m__ 37w 6d 2h 23m 35s
<FrancoGG> 2 20 Jorgec <never used>
<gil_mnogueira> thank you.
<FrancoGG> thanks... why? you're welcome ;)
<gil_mnogueira> but there's a problem. both e2m and jorge are innactive users.
<FrancoGG> mm...
<FrancoGG> inactive since when?
<gil_mnogueira> jorge since april 2005 and e2m since august
<FrancoGG> august 2005?
<gil_mnogueira> august 2006
<FrancoGG> ah
<FrancoGG> if you want... we could contact an IRCop...
<gil_mnogueira> and where I can find the IRCCops?
<gil_mnogueira> my knowledge of IRC is basic...
<FrancoGG> i think they're the ones in "/stats p" list
=== p nalioth (i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth)
=== p xyr (i=spw@wikimedia/xyrael)
=== p 2 staff members
--- p End of /STATS report
<gil_mnogueira> i'll try to contact the channel operators first by mail.
<FrancoGG> yeah, it would be great
<FrancoGG> gil_mnogueira, do you know Jcb- ?
<gil_mnogueira> no
<FrancoGG> he founded the other channel, #wikipedia-pt
<gil_mnogueira> why?
<zuirdj> FrancoGG, pero no hay problema si comienzan registrando el nuevo canal.. cierto?
<zuirdj> ahhh.. está registrado ya..
<FrancoGG> zuirdj, es que ya está registrado...
<FrancoGG> and he's the only one with access, there
<FrancoGG> so it's neccesary to contact him, too

[editar] IRC Group Contacts

[12:18] <Waldir> hi, can anyone help me with this?
[12:19] <Waldir> JamesF has been away for 17 days now (info thanks 2 Mark_Ryan)
[12:21] <bumm13> seems like something a freenode staff member could help with
[12:22] <Mark_Ryan> bumm13, yes, but JamesF is the contact :P
[12:22] <bumm13> why?
[12:22] <bumm13> does he all of a sudden rule all wikimedia channels?
[12:23] <Mark_Ryan> bumm13, ever since lilo died, I have no freenode staffers to do what I ask
[12:23] <bumm13> I don't understand what renaming non-English wikipedia IRC channels has to do with JamesF, specifically
[12:23] <Mark_Ryan> and they won't give me access in the destination or source channels to transfer them over without being a group contact
[12:24] <Waldir> (actually fact it would be redirecting, since the "correct" channel already exists)
[12:24] <Mark_Ryan> Waldir, it is a lot more involved than that
[12:25] <Mark_Ryan> compare "/cs access #wikipedia-pt list" with "/cs access #pt.wikipedia list"

[12:26] -ChanServ- -- Access List for [#wikipedia-pt] -- 
[12:26] -ChanServ- Num Level Hostmask Time since last use [12:26] -ChanServ- --- ----- -------- ------------------- [12:26] -ChanServ- 1 25 \Henrique\ 13h 5m 30s [12:26] -ChanServ- 2 30 zuirdj 12h 47m 40s [12:26] -ChanServ- 3 30 FrancoGG 14h 17m 38s [12:26] -ChanServ- 4 30 Jcb- 14h 45m 41s [12:26] -ChanServ- -- End of list --
[12:27] -ChanServ- -- Access List for [#pt.wikipedia] -- 
[12:27] -ChanServ- Num Level Hostmask                            Time since last use 
[12:27] -ChanServ- --- ----- --------                            ------------------- 
[12:27] -ChanServ- 1   30    e2m__                               37w 6d 21h 21m 6s                       
[12:27] -ChanServ- 2   20    Jorgec                              <never used>                            
[12:27] -ChanServ- -- End of list -- 

[12:25] <bumm13> this is what happens when one person wears too many "hats"; they get spread to thin and it's tough to get mundane things done
[12:25] <Waldir> well, i've been told that the pt.wikipedia channel operators can redirect it to wikipedia-pt
[12:25] <Mark_Ryan> they can, if they're around
[12:25] <Waldir> lol
[12:25] <Mark_Ryan> :P
[12:25] <Waldir> i guess they're not
[12:25] <bumm13> EXACTLY
[12:26] <bumm13> </subtle point>
[12:26] <Mark_Ryan> but if they're not, we need group contacts in order to take control
[12:26] <Mark_Ryan> I know Austin is a surprise group contact
[12:26] <Mark_Ryan> is he around?
[12:26] <Waldir> surprise?
[12:26] <bumm13> hmm, good question
[12:26] <Mark_Ryan> Austin has been idle 90hrs 10mins 23secs, signed on Tue Nov 07 14:04:24
[12:26] <Mark_Ryan> great
[12:26] <Mark_Ryan> No.
[12:26] <bumm13> d'oh
[12:26] <Mark_Ryan> i think Angela is one too
[12:29] <Waldir> so what do i do?
[12:30] <bumm13> cry ;p
[12:30] <Waldir> lol
[12:30] <Waldir> not yet :d
[12:30] <bumm13> in all seriousness, it can take some time
[12:30] <bumm13> none of these people you need (per Murphy's Law) will be around when you need them
[12:30] <Mark_Ryan>
[12:31] <Waldir> :s
[12:31] <Mark_Ryan> this is absurd
[12:31] <Mark_Ryan> the only group contact
around is Angela [12:32] <Mark_Ryan> no! wait! da_didi is online
[12:32] <Mark_Ryan> and a group contact
[12:32] <Mark_Ryan> get him to do it
[12:32] <Mark_Ryan> if he speaks english.
[12:32] <Mark_Ryan> Essjay is a Group Contact. how helpful for us
[12:32] <Waldir> da_didi?
[12:32] <Waldir> is he on this channel?
[12:32] <bumm13> Baba Looey
[12:32] <Mark_Ryan> yes. da_didi
[12:32] <Mark_Ryan> no, he is not
[12:32] <Mark_Ryan> he is online, on IRC
[12:33] <Waldir> how can i find him?
[12:33] <Mark_Ryan> you can private message him.
[12:33] <Mark_Ryan> try /query da_didi Please help me
[12:33] <Waldir> ok thanks
[12:34] <Mark_Ryan> the query opens up a new private messaging window
[12:38] <Waldir> he said nothing so far. let's wait a bit
[12:38] <Waldir> so if i cant talk to him, i should try angela?
[12:39] <Mark_Ryan> yes
[12:39] <Mark_Ryan> she is presently "angaway"
[12:39] <Waldir> thanks :)

[editar] A opinião de Tim Starling

[13:53] <Waldir> olá. gil
[13:56] <gil_mnogueira> olá
[13:57] <gil_mnogueira> Já acrescentei o projecto chat em
[13:57] <gil_mnogueira> o timstarling está online na sala Wikimedia :-)
[14:02] <Waldir> oh!
[14:02] <Waldir> vamos la falar com ele
[14:02] <Waldir> ou sera melhor pedir-lhe pra vir aqui que há menos gente
[14:02] <Waldir> ?
[14:02] <gil_mnogueira> é melhor dizer-lhe para ele vir cá
[14:03] <gil_mnogueira> já lhe enviei uma private message
[14:04] *** TimStarling has joined #wikipedia-pt
[14:04] <gil_mnogueira> hi tim
[14:04] <TimStarling> hi
[14:04] <Waldir> oh
[14:04] <Waldir> hi tim
[14:04] <Waldir> i was just calling you on wikimedia:p
[14:05] <gil_mnogueira> we are tryung to incorporate this IRC channel into pt.wikipedia
[14:05] <gil_mnogueira> and we know that you are involved in similar projects
[14:06] <Waldir> well, not quite :d
[14:06] <gil_mnogueira> our objective is to allow users to access the channel by their browser
[14:06] <TimStarling> incorporate in what way?
[14:06] <TimStarling> right
[14:06] <gil_mnogueira> but into the pt.wikipedia domain
[14:06] <Waldir> but we found a talk page where you stare an opinion similar to ours
[14:07] <Waldir>
[14:07] <Waldir> here
[14:07] <TimStarling> from 2004?
[14:08] <Waldir> lol... well it says "I guess it might help to implement a gateway to an IRC-like forum which is not only accessible from most web browsers, but is also closely integrated with MediaWiki. Perhaps a chat room could be plonked into a talk page like a template, say {{chat:vfd}} to include a java applet accessing a chat room about VFD."
[14:08] <TimStarling> it's a complex project
[14:08] <gil_mnogueira> so our proposal is to make a "megaproject" to join all the projects related to IRC
[14:08] <Waldir> we have found some similar ideas
[14:08] <TimStarling> if it was easy, I would have done it 2 years ago
[14:08] <Waldir> well
[14:09] <Waldir> there is already an extension for PJIRC -->
[14:10] <gil_mnogueira> so, what do you think about this?
[14:10] <Waldir> ´PJIRC is used by two online IRC chats: and
[14:10] <Waldir> (i mean, those are the ones linked to wikimedia channels)
[14:11] <Waldir> there is also the CGI version by Walter Vermeir, wikizine's editor
[14:11] <Waldir> he posted a bug ( on bugzilla asking for CGI support on mediawiki
[14:12] <Waldir> months later (with no answer i think) he created
[14:12] <Waldir> <-- this is a similar idea, with some links that might be useful
[14:13] <Waldir> <--so is this
[14:13] <Waldir> <-- and this
[14:13] <Waldir> (sorry for all these links :s
[14:16] <TimStarling> hang on
[14:16] <Waldir> sure
[14:20] <gil_mnogueira> Waldir: já viste as respostas ao anúncio
[14:21] <Waldir> lendo...
[14:22] <gil_mnogueira> o mschlindwein fez um filme...
[14:22] <Waldir> é... nao deixa de ser culpa deles, afinal tinham uma responsabilidade
[14:23] <Waldir> mas é natural que culpa nao fosse uma palavra bem aceite
[14:23] <gil_mnogueira> eles deviam ter delegado os cargos deles
[14:23] <gil_mnogueira> antes de se ausentarem de vez
[14:23] <Waldir> pois
[14:23] <Waldir> olha
[14:23] <Waldir> alguém devia responder a patrícia
[14:23] <gil_mnogueira> já respondi
[14:24] <gil_mnogueira> na sua página de discussão
[14:24] <gil_mnogueira> eu disse-lhe que aquilo se devia ao processo de autenticação demorar mais a ser concluido nalgus computadores
[14:24] <Waldir> ah
[14:24] <Waldir> bem nesse caso das 2 uma
[14:24] <gil_mnogueira> o registo não é obrigatório para entra na sala
[14:24] <Waldir> ou se retira a quetão dela daí
[14:25] <TimStarling> I don't know what the other system administrators will think of it
[14:25] <TimStarling> it might be possible though
[14:25] <Waldir> what do you as a developer, think of the other projects
[14:25] <TimStarling> it would go a bit faster if there was some other developer interested in collaborating on MediaWiki extension development -- I have plenty of other things to do
[14:25] <Waldir> is the pjirc extension usable?
[14:26] <gil_mnogueira> nuno tavares is an excellent programer; i don't know if he is interesting in collaborating
[14:26] <TimStarling> I don't know, it would have to be properly reviewed
[14:26] <Waldir> so what you suggest us is to gather support for this idea, right?
[14:27] <TimStarling> yes
[14:27] <TimStarling> bbl
[14:27] <Waldir>
[14:27] <Waldir> among these people?
[14:28] <gil_mnogueira> it will be a bit complicated to get support form them.
[14:28] <gil_mnogueira> *from
[14:29] <Waldir> i am just trying to know exactly who we should try to contact
[14:29] <Waldir> if that is a complete list, it'd be easier for us
[14:31] <gil_mnogueira> and we can take help from people not related to this list? We can devellop the code chages and after propose those chages to the developers?
[14:31] <gil_mnogueira> *changes
[14:31] <Waldir> i mean... if mediawiki is open-source, could anyone with interest and knowledge of programming, even not being on that list, participate?
[14:33] <gil_mnogueira> Waldir, vou ter que sair. copia o log de conversação para sff
[14:34] <gil_mnogueira> xau
[14:34] <Waldir> ok
[14:34] <Waldir> :)
[14:34] *** gil_mnogueira has left #wikipedia-pt

[editar] A opinião de Brion Vibber

[23:10] <Waldir> do you know a mediawiki extension called PJIRC hack?
[23:15] <brion> nope, don't know it
[23:15] <Waldir>
[23:15] <Waldir> it is intended to enable a java-based IRC chat within mediawiki
[23:16] <Waldir> like (which i am using)
[23:16] <Waldir> that would make irc more democratic for wiki users, as they wouldnt have to install a client
[23:17] <Waldir> i did some research, and there has been several people supporting this idea (even Tim Starling commented something similar back in 2004)
[23:17] *** brionj has joined #wikimedia-tech
[23:17] <brionj> neat
[23:18] <Waldir> here:
[23:18] <brionj> but looks like it's already in existence
[23:18] <Waldir> but what would be required to install it on a wikipedia?
[23:18] *** brionj has quit (Client Quit)
[23:19] <Waldir> i've been told you had to aprrove it cause it would require changes to mediawiki
[23:19] <brion> can you clarify "a wikipedia" here?
[23:19] <Waldir> for example, the portuguese wikipedia (which i'm "from")
[23:20] <brion> Waldir: since connections would go through our server, we'd have to be content with the idea of it. we might also need an agreement with freenode
[23:20] <brion> really i'd rather not, if we can just point people at an existing way
[23:20] <Waldir> precisely. so is it possible or not?
[23:21] <brion> hypothetically, but i'd rather let existing resources be used than expend ours maintaining a duplicate tool
[23:22] <Waldir> well i have been talking about this with a few people, should i tell them that we should give up the idea, then?
[23:22] <brion> if you like
[23:22] <Waldir> or if enough support was gathered you'd consider it?
[23:22] <brion> if there's already a tool up integrated with freenode, there's nothing more we need to do
[23:23] <brion> and you just linked me to it, so apparently it's done
[23:24] <Waldir> the extension is done, but cannot be used on wikipedia... am I wrong?
[23:25] <Waldir> i mean if the administrators of pt.wp wanted they could install it?
[23:27] <brion> Waldir: there's no reason to have an extension. you can just go to that web page and use the java client there
[23:28] <brion> and no, admins cannot install extensions of that sort
[23:28] <Waldir> oh ok. i got curious, by the way you talked
[23:29] <Waldir> thanks again :)

Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -

Static Wikipedia 2007 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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