Regiuni istorice ale Statelor Unite ale Americii
De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă
Această pagină cuprinde diferite regiuni istorice ale Statelor Unite ale Americii, adică entităţi statale, teritoriale, coloniale sau regionale pe care astăzi aproape nimeni nu le-ar recunoaşte după numele lor istoric.
[modifică] Cele Treisprezece Colonii
- Province of New Hampshire
- Province of Massachusetts Bay
- Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
- Connecticut Colony
- Province of New York
- Province of New Jersey
- Province of Pennsylvania
- Delaware Colony
- Province of Maryland
- Colony and Dominion of Virginia
- Province of North Carolina
- Province of South Carolina
- Province of Georgia
[modifică] Districte coloniale altele decât cele treisprezece originare
- Dominion of New England
- East Jersey
- Jamestown Settlement
- New Haven Colony
- New Netherland
- New Sweden
- Plymouth Colony
- Popham Colony
- Province of Carolina
- Province of Maine
- Roanoke Colony
- Salem Colony
- West Jersey
[modifică] Regiuni cedate, anexate sau achiziţionate de la alte state sau puteri europene
- Alaska Purchase
- Gadsden Purchase
- Louisiana Purchase, numele originar Louisiana (New France)
- Sabine Free State
- Mexican Cession
- Oregon Country
- Red River Basin
- Florida Purchase
- East Florida
- West Florida
- State Cessions
- Illinois Country
- Ohio Country
- Yazoo Lands
- Texas Annexation
[modifică] Drepturi de folosinţă, cedări, achiziţionări, districte, pretenţii sau rezolvări interne
Următoarele sunt permisiuni de folosire, cedări, achiziţionări, districte clar definite (oficiale sau nu) sau compromisuri şi rezolvări teritoriale care au avut loc pe teritoriile care au fost parte a celor 13 colonii originale sau ale statelor Uniunii sau pe teritoriile SUA, incluzând achiziţiile de pământ (unele din ele cu grade diferite de legalitate) de la nativii americani care nu au implicat tratate internaţionale sau cedări statale.
- Arizona Territory (CSA) a generat două state ale SUA de azi, Arizona (stat SUA) şi New Mexico (stat SUA)
- Carver's Tract (Wisconsin (stat SUA))
- Cherokee Strip (Kansas (stat SUA))
- Comancheria
- Cumberland District, North Carolina, cunoscut şi ca District of Miro (Tennessee (stat SUA))
- Department of Alaska
- District of Alaska
- District of Arkansas
- District of Kentucky
- District of Louisiana
- District of Maine
- District of West Augusta (Pennsylvania (stat SUA), Virginia (stat SUA))
- Equivalent Lands (Connecticut (stat SUA) -- Massachusetts (stat SUA))
- Fairfax Grant (Virginia (stat SUA))
- Gorges Patent (Maine (stat SUA))
- Granville District (North Carolina (stat SUA))
- Honey Lands (porţiune de pământ disputată de statele Iowa (stat SUA) şi Missouri (stat SUA))
- Jackson Purchase (Kentucky (stat SUA))
- Marquette District (Wisconsin (stat SUA))
- Military Tract of 1812 (Illinois (stat SUA), Michigan (stat SUA), Arkansas (stat SUA) şi Missouri (stat SUA))
- Mobile District
- New Hampshire Grants (Vermont Republic, Vermont (stat SUA))
- New York Lands (Kansas (stat SUA))
- Pembina Territory (North Dakota (stat SUA), South Dakota (stat SUA) şi Minnesota (stat SUA))
- Platte Purchase (Missouri (stat SUA))
- Pike's Peak Country (Colorado (stat SUA))
- Saginaw Cession (Michigan (stat SUA))
- Territory of Sagadahock (Maine (stat SUA))
- Trans-Mississippi
- Transylvania Colony (Kentucky (stat SUA))
- Waldo Patent (Maine (stat SUA))
- Washington District, North Carolina (Tennessee (stat SUA))
[modifică] Iowa
- Black Hawk Purchase
- Dubuque's Claim
- Giard Grant
- Half-Breed Tract
- Honey Lands (porţiune de pământ disputată între statele Iowa şi Missouri)
- Iowa District
- Keokuk's Reserve
- Neutral Ground (Iowa)
- Potawatomi Cession
- Sac and Fox Cession
- Sioux Cession
[modifică] New York
- Central New York Military Tract (New York (stat SUA))
- The Holland Purchase (New York)
- The Mill Yard Tract (New York)
- The Morris Reserve (New York)
- Macomb's Purchase (New York)
- Phelps and Gorham Purchase (New York)
- The Triangle Tract (New York)
[modifică] Ohio
- Canal Lands
- College Lands
- College Township
- Congress Lands ori Congressional Lands (1798 - 1821)
- Congress Lands North of Old Seven Ranges
- Congress Lands West of Miami River
- Congress Lands East of Scioto River
- North and East of the First Prinicipal Meridian
- South and East of the First Principal Meridian
- Connecticut Western Reserve
- Dolerman's Grant
- Dohrman Tract
- Donation Tract
- Ephraim Kimberly Grant
- Firelands sau Sufferers' Lands
- Fort Washington
- French Grant
- Gnadenhutten Tract
- Indian Land Grants (similar cu Moravian ?)
- Maumee Road Lands
- Michigan Survey ori Michigan Meridian Survey ori Toledo Tract
- Miami & Erie Canal Lands
- Ministerial Lands
- Moravian Indian Grants
- Ohio & Erie Canal Lands
- Ohio Company of Associates
- Purchase on the Muskingum
- Refugee Tract
- Salem Tract
- Salt Reservations sau Salt Lands
- Schoenbrunn Tract
- School Lands
- Seven Ranges ori Old Seven Ranges
- Symmes Purchase sau Miami Purchase şi / sau the Land Between the Miamis
- Turnpike Lands
- Twelve-Mile Square Reservation
- Two-Mile Square Reservation
- United States Military District
- Virginia Military District
- Zane's Tracts ori Zane's Grant ori Ebenezer Zane Tract
[modifică] Oklahoma
- Big Pasture
- Cherokee Outlet ori Cherokee Strip
- Cimarron Territory
- Greer County
- Indian Territory
- Neutral Strip ori No Man's Land
- Oklahoma Territory
- State of Sequoyah
- Unassigned Lands
[modifică] Indian Reserves
- Cheyenne-Arapaho Reserve
- Commanche, Kiowa şi Apache Reserve
- Iowa Reserve
- Kaw Reserve
- Kickapoo Reserve
- Osage Reserve
- Ponca şi Otoe–Misouria Reserve
- Citizen Potawatomi and Absentee Shawnee Reserve
- Sac and Fox Reserve
- Tonkawa Reserve
- Wichita şi Caddo Reserve
[modifică] Pennsylvania
- Erie Triangle (Pennsylvania (stat SUA))
- The Walking Purchase (Pennsylvania)
- Welsh Tract (Pennsylvania)
[modifică] Vezi şi
- Diviziunile politice ale Statelor Unite ale Americii
- Teritoriile Statelor Unite ale Americii
- Listă a regiunilor Statelor Unite ale Americii
- Listă a statelor SUA care nu au fost niciodată teritorii
- Colonizarea europeană a Americilor
- Reconstrucţia districtelor militare
- Listă a comitatelor dispărute din SUA
[modifică] Legături externe (toate în limba engleză)
- Chronological List of Territories 1787-1890
- Official Name and Status History of the several States and U.S. Territories
- Indian Land Cessions in the United States, United States Digital Map Archives
- LOC: Indian Land Cessions in the United States, 1784-1894, United States Serial Set, Number 4015
- United States Territorial Maps 1775-1920
Diferite liste referitoare la statele componente ale Statele Unite ale Americii |
Cele 13 colonii - Cele 13 state originare - Cele 50 de state - Suprafaţă - Capitale - Capitale (alfabetic) - (current and former) - Capitolii |