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Изображение:Human shields greeted crossing border into Iraq.jpg — Википедия

Изображение:Human shields greeted crossing border into Iraq.jpg

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Human shields greeted as they cross the border into Iraq

The Human Shield Action to Iraq crossed the border into northern Iraq from Syria on the 15th of February, 2003. This is a picture of the crowd that greeted the double-decker buses as they made their way over the border crossing into the adjacent street. It was quite a crowd considering no one knew, not even the shields themselves until the night before, that this was where they would enter Iraq. The man leaning out the door is 68 year old Godfrey Meynell of Britain, who was fluent in Arabic and explained to the forming crowd why they were there.

  • Author Christiaan Briggs
  • Time of creation 15 Feb, 2003
  • Licence GNU FDL and CC-by-SA
  • Camera Fujifilm Finepix S304
  • Focal length 6.00 mm
  • Shutter 1/150
  • Aperture f8.2
  • ISO Speed 100

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Featured picture This is a featured picture. We believe it is one of the finest images on the Wikimedia Commons. If you have an image of similar quality that can be published under a suitable copyright license, be sure to upload it, tag it, and nominate it.
Picture of the day This image was selected as a picture of the day for May 29, 2005. It was captioned as followed:
English: Human shields crossing border into Iraq were greeted by Iraqis
Deutsch: Menschliche Schutzschilde, die die Grenze zum Irak überquerten, wurden von Irakern begrüßt.
Français : Les Boucliers Humains traversant la frontière d'Iraq sont accueillis par les Iraqiens
Español: Escudos humanos recibidos luego de cruzar la frontera hacia Iraq

Asturianu: Escudos humanos recibios depués de cruzar la frontera d'Irak
Česky: Iráčané vítají lidské štíty překračující hranici Iráku
Deutsch: Menschliche Schutzschilde, die die Grenze zum Irak überquerten, wurden von Irakern begrüßt.
English: Human shields crossing border into Iraq were greeted by Iraqis
Español: Escudos humanos recibidos luego de cruzar la frontera hacia Iraq
Français : Les Boucliers Humains traversant la frontière d'Iraq sont accueillis par les Iraqiens
ગુજરાતી: ઇરાકની સરહદમાં પ્રવેશતા માનવ કવચ ને ઇરાકી પ્રજા આવકાર આપે છે.
日本語: 国境を越えイラクに入る「人間の盾」は、イラク人に迎えられた
Nederlands: Menselijke schilden die de grens naar Irak oversteken worden onthaald door Irakezen
Português: Escudos humanos, são recebidos após passarem a fronteira do Iraque
Русский: Иракцы приветствуют представителей организации «Human Shield» на границе Ирака
Slovenčina: Iračania sa stretávajú s ľudskými štítmi prekračujúcimi irackú hranicu
Slovenščina: Iračani pozdravljajo prostovoljce, ki so prišli preko meje kot živi ščit.
ไทย: โล่มนุษย์ที่ข้ามพรมแดนสู่อิรัก ได้รับการต้อนรับจากชาวอิรัก
zh-hans: 伊拉克人欢迎作为人体盾牌进入伊拉克的西方人
zh-hant: 伊拉克人歡迎作為人體盾牌進入伊拉克的西方人
Bân-lâm-gú: Iraq-lâng hoan-gêng kòe piⁿ-kài ji̍p khì Iraq ê Se-hng "lâng-tún-pâi".

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