Tom Cruise
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Tom Cruise (* 3. júl 1962, Syracuse, New York) je americký filmový herec. V detstve nevýrazná osoba, dyslektik. Prerazil až filmom Top Gun. Významný člen Scientológie.
[úprava] Filmografia
- 1981 - Endless Love
- 1981 - Taps (v češtine Večerka)
- 1983 - Outsiders
- 1983 - Losin' It (v češtine Panictví po americku)
- 1983 - Riskantný podnik (Risky Business)
- 1983 - Správna hra (All the Right Moves)
- 1985 - Legenda (Legend)
- 1986 - Farba peňazí (The Color of Money)
- 1986 - Top Gun (Top Gun)
- 1988 - Koktail (Cocktail)
- 1988 - Mladé pušky (Young Guns)
- 1988 - Rain Man (Rain Man)
- 1989 - Narodený 4. júla (Born on the Fourth of July)
- 1990 - Dni hromu (Dni hromu)
- 1991 - The American Film Institute Salute to Kirk Douglas, TV
- 1992 - Navždy a ďaleko (Far and Away)
- 1992 - Zopár správných chlapov (A Few Good Men)
- 1992 - Time Out: The Truth About HIV, AIDS, and You
- 1993 - Firma (The Firm)
- 1994 - Interview s upírom (Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles)
- 1996 - Jerry Maguire (Jerry Maguire)
- 1996 - Mission: Impossible (Mission: Impossible)
- 1998 - Junket Whore, dokumentárny
- 1999 - The American Film Institute Salute to Dustin Hoffman, TV
- 1999 - Eyes Wide Shut – Spaľujúca vášeň (Eyes Wide Shut), tiež známy ako Široko zatvorené oči
- 1999 - Magnólia (Magnolia)
- 2000 - Behind the Mission: The Making of „M:I-2“
- 2000 - Mission Improbable, TV
- 2000 - Mission Impossible II. (Mission: Impossible II), tiež známy ako M:I-2
- 2001 - America: A Tribute to Heroes, TV
- 2001 - Code of Conduct
- 2001 - A Look Inside: The Others, TV
- 2001 - E! Rank, dokumentárny
- 2001 - Stanley Kubrick: Život v obrazoch (Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures)
- 2001 - Vanilkové nebo (Vanilla Sky)
- 2002 - Austin Powers v Zlatom úde (Austin Powers in Goldmember)
- 2002 - Hitting It Hard
- 2002 - Minority Report (Minority Report)
- 2002 - Prelude to a Dream
- 2002 - Road to the Red Carpet, TV
- 2002 - Space Station 3D
- 2002 - The Art of Action: Martial Arts in Motion Picture, (doslova Umenie akcie: Bojové umenie vo filmoch)
- 2003 - Posledný samuraj (The Last Samurai)
- 2004 - Collateral (Collateral)
- 2004 - Génius - Pocta Ray Charlesovi (Genius: A Night for Ray Charles), televízny dokument
- 2005 - Vojna svetov (War of the Worlds)
- 2006 - Mission: Impossible 3