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Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris. Bantosanna diantos kanggo narjamahkeun. |
Farmasi sacara historis nyaéta pagawéan méré ubar. Kadieunakeun, istilah ieu jadi ngawengku fungsi séjén nu patali jeung mulasara pasén (fungsi klinis), nu kiwari sapalih ti antarana aya dina hukum féderal atawa nagara.
These include monitoring medical prescriptions for appropriateness, for adverse drug interactions and following the course of therapy to insure positive outcomes. Pharmacy is thus distinct from pharmacology, an academic discipline which includes the study of mechanisms of drug action. In most jurisdictions, pharmacists are regulated separately from physicians hence the separate profession. In other jurisdictions, the doctor is allowed to dispense drugs themselves and the practice of pharmacy is integrated with that of the physician. Where so regulated, only pharmacists may dispense certain pharmaceuticals, typically narcotics and antibiotics.
In the United States, a person must pass the Naplex examination before they can practice pharmacy.
A pharmacy (known also as a chemist's or in American English a drugstore, or historically an Apothecary) is also a place where pharmacists (chemists) practise the profession of pharmacy. Many retailers (including grocery stores and mass merchandisers) now include a pharmacy as department of their store. Many pharmacies also sell household items. Within pharmacies, the term "dispensary" is sometimes used to distinguish that part of the store which pharmacists practise pharmacy. The dispensary is subject to pharmacy legislation. The rest of the pharmacy is simply a retail store.
Pharmacies are also located within hospitals and nursing homes and function as a department of these larger organizations. Such pharmacies are known within the pharmacy industry as "hospital pharmacies" to distinguish from "retail" or "community" pharmacies. Pharmacists in hospital pharmacies often have more complex medications whereas pharmacists in community pharmacies often have more complex business and customer relations issues. In medical buildings where physicians and other medical professionals congregate, a small community pharmacy may be present as well for the convenience of patients. Such a "medical pharmacy" is legally distinct from the other medical professionals, unlike the pharmacies integrated into hospitals. A medical pharmacy is in fact a community pharmacy.
The icon most commonly associated with the practise of pharmacy in the United States is the mortar and pestle; in France, it is a green Greek cross.
[édit] See also
- List of pharmacies
- Very useful site for pharmacists and pharmacy students.
- National association of Boards of Pharmacy Home of the National association of Boards of Pharmacy