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SOS Schools in China — SOS Schools

SOS Schools in China

SOS Nursery School Chengdu China

SOS Nursery School Kaifeng

Learning from other SOS Children’s Villages in China, the SOS Nursery School Kaifeng started to find cooperative business partner to provide financial support since the second half of this year, which not only could make up the shortage of money of for the Nursery School, but also could provide financial help for the village. 

SOS Nursery School Lhasa

Now, there are 44 children studying in the nursery school. Among the kids, there are 6 SOS kids and 38 outside kids. This year all the work was carried out smoothly at the SOS Nursery School Lhasa. We improved methods of teaching and perfect the management systems.

According to usual practice as well as the rule of the nursery school, we gave the kids good health check-up annually. The nursery school invited the kid’s parents to hold some activities to promote the co-operation between home and nursery school and received good result. The village also signed the contract on the nursery school work and rewarding and punishment. Continue to hold the education and discussion meeting and let the kid’s parents come into the class. Through improving education in many ways, the nursery school work is improved a lot.

SOS Nursery School Nanchang ChinaSOS Nursery School Nanchang

There are 70 kids at the SOS Nursery School Nanchang, and there are 4 kids that come from our village. They have got many little friends, and enjoy the time in the nursery school. In the 2006, the nursery school organises an activity to build up the confident of children.

The children have different characteristics. Maybe he is no good at study, but he is good at singing. We will tell him to say ‘I am best in singing’ then we will asking him to show to his parents, and encourage him to do better. We also pay attention to the teaching skills of teachers. Having an open class, its makes teachers learn good ways from other teachers to improve themselves.

SOS Nursery School Putian

The Nursery school is part of the SOS Children's Village Putian. There are 136 kids in the nursery school, including five SOS kids. It lays emphasis on safety and intra management. In 2007 it was awarded the title of “safe nursery school”  by the District Government.

Finally, we’d like to thank you all for your great and long-term help to the Village and the children, so we could supply them a place called home, where they could set their small feet before they grow up.

SOS Nursery School QigiharSOS Nursery School Qiqihar China

There are more than 85 kids in the nursery school now. Some teachers were sent to be trained in the society to improve their ability of education and administration. So the environment of the SOS Nursery School Qiqihar has been improved greatly this year. Parents are satisfied with the nursery school.

SOS Nursery School Urumqi

Affiliated to the SOS Children’s Village Urumqi, the SOS Nursery school plays an active role in providing day care and pre-school education for the families in our neighbourhood.

This year, the nursery school pays much attention to not only the quality of day care but also pre-school education. It provides special classes to children who are talented or have special interests. One child won an award for his talented performance in a local fashion show for children.

At present, 120 children (including 16 from the SOS Children's Village) are receiving day care and pre-school education in the SOS Nursery School.

SOS Nursery School Yantai

The dance “Happiness”  performed by kids in nursery school has won the first place in the competition held by the government of Fushan District. They also created two other programmes and won the third places.
Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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