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Morocco – SOS Social Centres in Morocco

In Morocco there are currently three Social Centres for children and the local community, including those in Dar Bouazza and Imouzzer Kandar.  Many SOS Social Centres operate via Family Strengthening Programmes, which aim to support the wider community.  Below is some information about some of the Social Centres that SOS Children runs in Morocco:

SOS Social Centres around Morocco: In-Depth

SOS Social Centre Immourzer MoroccoImouzzer Kandar

Description of SOS Social Centre/FSP:

The SOS Social Centre, Imouzzren on the north coast of Morocco focusses on giving support to girls from the rural community. This concentrates on their education - additional teaching in Mathematics, French and English - and their vocational skills - computing, dressmaking and knitting. In addition the SOS Social Centre has given medical advice and treatment to about 1,000 patients.

Work and Achievements:

The social centre is exclusive to girls.  In 2009, it registered 43 girls. Fortunately, 16 girls from very poor families managed to continue their studies

There has been a success rate of more than 60% for the girls between 1st and 2nd years of the baccalaureate.  Baccalaureate holders have been placed in schools of higher education and in professional training centres.

16 girls got their diplomas from the workshops; they had to go through a three-month additional training with the Office for the training and promotion of employment. Now 10 of them have been able to find a job in the textile factories of the region

The Health Centre has also been working hard throughout the year and has seen some successes in the key services it has been offering this year.

Dar Bouazza

Description of SOS Social Centre/FSP:

The SOS Social Centre, Dar Bouazza works to help young people and adults in the local community, who have special needs. This has focussed on giving these young people and adults, the technical and social skills they need to become independent and integrated into society.