List of mathematics articles (T)
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Mathematics articles: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
[edit] T
T-design -- T-duality -- T-group -- 't Hooft symbol -- T-integration -- T-norm -- T-schema -- T-Square (fractal) -- T-symmetry -- T-theory -- T1 space -- Table of bases -- Table of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients -- Table of derivatives -- Table of divisors -- Table of integrals -- Table of Lie groups -- Table of limits -- Table of logic symbols -- Table of mathematical symbols -- Table of Newtonian series -- Table of prime factors -- Table of spherical harmonics -- Tabu search -- Tacit extension -- Tacnode -- TacTix -- Tait-Bryan angles -- Tait's conjecture -- Tak (function) -- Takagi existence theorem -- Takens' theorem -- Takeuti conjecture --
[edit] Tal
Tally marks -- Tame group -- Tameness conjecture -- Tangent -- Tangent bundle -- Tangent half-angle formula -- Tangent space -- Tangle (mathematics) -- Tangloids -- Tangram -- Tannaka-Krein duality -- Tannakian category -- Tanner graph -- Tarjan's off-line least common ancestors algorithm -- Tarski-Grothendieck set theory -- Tarski–Kuratowski algorithm -- Tarski monster group -- Tarski-Vaught test -- Tarski's axiomatization of the reals -- Tarski's axioms -- Tarski's circle-squaring problem -- Tarski's indefinability theorem -- Tate cohomology group -- Tate conjecture -- Tate module -- Tau function -- Taubes's Gromov invariant -- Taut foliation -- Taut submanifold -- Tautochrone curve -- Tautological bundle -- Tautological one-form -- Tautology (logic) --
[edit] Tav
Tav (number) -- Taxicab geometry -- Taxicab number -- Taylor expansions for the moments of functions of random variables -- Taylor–Proudman theorem -- Taylor series -- Taylor's theorem -- Techniques for differentiation -- TechnoSphere -- Teichmüller space -- Telegrapher's equations -- Telescoping series -- Temperley-Lieb algebra -- Temporal difference model -- Temporal logic -- Temporal mean -- Tensor -- Tensor algebra -- Tensor bundle -- Tensor contraction -- Tensor density -- Tensor field -- Tensor (intrinsic definition) -- Tensor product -- Tensor product of algebras -- Tensor product of fields -- Tensor product of graphs -- Tensor product of modules -- Tent map -- Term algebra -- Term logic -- Term (mathematics) -- Termination -- Ternary Golay code -- Ternary logic -- Ternary numeral system -- Ternary operation -- Terrell rotation --
[edit] Tes
Tessarine -- Tessellation -- Tesseract -- Testing hypotheses suggested by the data -- Tetracategory -- Tetractys -- Tetrad (index notation) -- Tetrad (symbol) -- Tetrad (unit of area) -- Tetragonal trapezohedron -- Tetrahedral hyperprism -- Tetrahedral number -- Tetrahedral-octahedral honeycomb -- Tetrahedral symmetry -- Tetrahedron -- Tetrahemihexahedron -- Tetrakis hexahedron -- Tetrakis square tiling -- Tetramagic cube -- Tetramagic square -- Tetration -- Tetraview -- Tetromino -- TeX -- Texas Math and Science Coaches Association -- Thâbit ibn Kurrah rule -- Thabit number -- Thai numerals -- Thales' theorem -- The Analyst -- The Analyst, or, Mathematical Museum -- The Book of Squares -- The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing -- The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time -- The Doctrine of Chances -- The Dot and the Line -- The Emperor's New Mind -- The Fourth Dimension (book) -- The Geometer's Sketchpad -- The Geometry Center -- The Greeks -- The Ground of Arts -- The Harmful Effects of Algorithms in Grades 1-4 -- The Hitchhiker's Guide to Calculus -- The Lady Tasting Tea -- The Laws of Thought -- The Library of Babel -- The Long Tail -- The Man Who Counted -- The Man Who Knew Infinity -- The Man Who Loved Only Numbers -- The Martians -- The Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford -- The Mathematical Intelligencer -- The Music of the Primes -- The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art -- The Planiverse -- The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe -- The Sand Reckoner -- The Schoolmaster's Assistant, Being a Compendium of Arithmetic both Practical and Theoretical -- The Tyranny of Numbers -- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences -- The Wright 3 -- The writing of Principia Mathematica -- Thébault's theorem -- Theil index -- Theorem -- Theorem of de Moivre–Laplace -- Theorem of the cube -- Theorem on friends and strangers -- Theorema Egregium -- Theoretical biology -- Theoretical physics -- Theory -- Theory of computation -- Theory of equations -- Theory of Games and Economic Behavior -- Theory of relations -- There is no infinite-dimensional Lebesgue measure -- Thermal history modelling -- Thermomagnetic convection -- Thesaurus Logarithmorum Completus -- Theta characteristic -- Theta-divisor -- Theta function -- Theta representation -- Θ (set theory) --
[edit] Thi
Thick set -- Thiele's interpolation formula -- Thin group -- Thin set (Serre) -- Think-a-Dot -- Thirring model -- Thirty-six officers problem -- Thom conjecture -- Thom space -- Thomae's function -- Thompson group (finite) -- Thompson groups -- Three cards problem -- Three cottage problem -- Three-dimensional space -- Three Prisoners Problem -- Through and through -- Thue equation -- Thue-Morse sequence -- Thue number -- Thue–Siegel–Roth theorem -- Thue's theorem -- Thurston elliptization conjecture -- TI-58 C -- Tidal force -- Tidal tensor -- Tietze extension theorem -- Tietze transformations -- Tight closure -- Tight span -- Tightness of measures --
[edit] Tij
Tijdeman's theorem -- Tikhonov regularization -- Tiling by regular polygons -- Tiling puzzle -- Tiling with rectangles -- Time dependent vector field -- Time derivative -- Time domain -- Time evolution -- Time hierarchy theorem -- Time-invariant system -- Time reversibility -- Time scale calculus -- Time series -- Time use survey -- Time value of money -- Time-variant system -- Timelike congruence -- Timelike homotopy -- Timelike simply connected -- Timeline of algorithms -- Timeline of mathematics -- Timoshenko Medal -- Tinkerbell map -- Tipping point -- Titanic prime -- Tits group -- TNB frame -- Toda field theory -- Todd class -- Todd-Coxeter algorithm --
[edit] Toe
Toeplitz matrix -- Tohoku Mathematical Journal -- Tokutomi Mathematics Contest -- Tolerant sequence -- Tomahawk (geometric shape) -- Tombstone (typography) -- Tomita–Takesaki theory -- Tomogram -- Tomographic reconstruction -- Tonelli-Hobson test -- Tonnetz -- "Tony Liu"ville theory -- Toom-Cook multiplication -- Top-dimensional form -- Topogravitic tensor -- Topological abelian group -- Topological algebra -- Topological Boolean algebra -- Topological conjugacy -- Topological defect -- Topological divisor of zero -- Topological entropy -- Topological graph theory -- Topological group -- Topological half-exact functor -- Topological K-theory -- Topological manifold -- Topological module -- Topological property -- Topological quantum number -- Topological ring -- Topological sorting -- Topological space -- Topological tensor product -- Topological vector space -- Topologist's sine curve -- Topology -- Topology glossary -- Topology (journal) -- Topos -- Topos of Music --
[edit] Tor
Tor functor -- Torelli theorem -- Toric geometry -- Toric section -- Toroid -- Toroidal coordinates -- Toroidal graph -- Toronto space -- Torque -- Torricelli's equation -- Torsion -- Torsion (abstract algebra) -- Torsion (differential geometry) -- Torsion-free abelian groups of rank 1 -- Torsion (mathematics) -- Torsion (modules) -- Torsion of connection -- Torsion of curves -- Torsion subgroup -- Torsion tensor -- Torsion (topology) -- Torus -- Torus bundle -- Torus knot -- Total coloring -- Total derivative -- Total electronic angular momentum quantum number -- Total Fertility Rate -- Total order -- Total quotient ring -- Total relation -- Total sum of squares -- Total variation -- Total variation diminishing -- Totally bounded space -- Totally disconnected group -- Totally indescribable cardinal -- Totally positive matrix -- Totally real number field --
[edit] Tou
Touchard polynomials -- Tournament (graph theory) -- Tournament of the Towns -- Tower of Hanoi -- Toy problem -- Toy theorem -- Trace class -- Trace-free Ricci tensor -- Trace (linear algebra) -- Traceability matrix -- Traced monoidal category -- Trachtenberg system -- Track transition curve -- Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus -- Tractor bundle -- Tractrice -- Tractrix -- Traditional mathematics -- Traffic flow -- Trailing zero -- Train track -- Trajectory -- Trakhtenbrot's theorem -- Transactions of the American Mathematical Society -- Transcendence degree -- Transcendence (mathematics) -- Transcendence theory -- Transcendental curve -- Transcendental equation -- Transcendental function -- Transcendental number -- Transcritical bifurcation -- Transfer function -- Transfer (group theory) -- Transfer matrix -- Transfer operator -- Transfer principle -- Transferable belief model -- Transfinite induction -- Transfinite number -- Transformation from spherical coordinates to rectangular coordinates -- Transformation geometry -- Transformation (mathematics) -- Transformation matrix -- Transformation semigroup -- Transformational theory -- Transforming polynomials -- Transient -- Transition function -- Transition monoid -- Transitive closure -- Transitive dependency -- Transitive reduction -- Transitive relation -- Transitive set -- Transitively normal subgroup -- Transitivity (mathematics) -- Translation (geometry) -- Translation plane -- Translational symmetry -- Transparent Intensional Logic -- Transport function -- Transport of structure -- Transportation network (graph theory) -- Transportation theory -- Transpose -- Transpose graph -- Transposition cipher -- Transposition (mathematics) -- Transreal number line -- Transversal -- Transversal (disambiguation) -- Transversal line -- Transversality -- Transylvania lottery -- Trapdoor function -- Trapezium rule -- Trapezo-rhombic dodecahedral honeycomb -- Trapezo-rhombic dodecahedron -- Trapezohedron -- Trapezoid -- Travelling salesman problem --
[edit] Tre
Treap -- Tree automaton -- Tree decomposition -- Tree (descriptive set theory) -- Tree (graph theory) -- Tree rearrangement -- Tree rotation -- Tree (set theory) -- Tree spanner -- Tree traversal -- Trefoil knot -- Trend estimation -- Trend line -- Tri- -- Tri-oval -- Triad (symbol) -- Triadic relation -- Triakis icosahedron -- Triakis octahedron -- Triakis tetrahedron -- Triakis triangular tiling -- Trial division -- Triality -- Triangle -- Triangle-free graph -- Triangle group -- Triangle inequality -- Triangle wave -- Triangular bifrustum -- Triangular cupola -- Triangular dipyramid -- Triangular distribution -- Triangular factor -- Triangular function -- Triangular hebesphenorotunda -- Triangular matrix -- Triangular number -- Triangular orthobicupola -- Triangular prism -- Triangular tiling -- Triangulated category -- Triangulation -- Triangulation (advanced geometry) -- Triangulation (topology) -- Triaugmented dodecahedron -- Triaugmented hexagonal prism -- Triaugmented triangular prism -- Triaugmented truncated dodecahedron -- Tricategory -- Trichotomy -- Tricolorability -- Tricontagon -- Tricylinder -- Trident curve -- Tridiagonal matrix -- Tridiagonal matrix algorithm -- Tridiminished icosahedron -- Tridiminished rhombicosidodecahedron -- Trigamma function -- Trigenus -- Trigonal trapezohedron -- Trigonometric function -- Trigonometric integral -- Trigonometric interpolation -- Trigonometric polynomial -- Trigonometric rational function -- Trigonometric substitution -- Trigonometry -- Trigonometry in Galois fields -- Trigyrate rhombicosidodecahedron -- Trihexagonal tiling -- Trilateration -- Trilinear coordinates -- Trilinear interpolation -- Trillionth -- Trimagic cube -- Trimagic square -- Trimetric projection -- Trimorphic number -- Trinification -- Trinomial -- Trinomial expansion -- Triple -- Triple bar -- Triple product -- Triple product rule -- Triple quad formula proof -- Triple spiral -- Trisectrix -- Trisectrix of Maclaurin -- Triskaidecagon -- Trispectrum -- Trivial group -- Trivial (mathematics) -- Trivial representation -- Trivial ring -- Trivial topology --
[edit] Tro
Trochoid -- Tromino -- Tropical geometry -- Trott curve -- Trudinger's theorem -- True variance -- Truncatable prime -- Truncated 120-cell -- Truncated 16-cell -- Truncated 24-cell -- Truncated 5-cell -- Truncated 600-cell -- Truncated alternated cubic honeycomb -- Truncated cube -- Truncated cubic honeycomb -- Truncated cuboctahedron -- Truncated distribution -- Truncated dodecadodecahedron -- Truncated dodecahedron -- Truncated great dodecahedron -- Truncated great icosahedron -- Truncated hexagonal tiling -- Truncated icosahedron -- Truncated icosidodecahedron -- Truncated mean -- Truncated octahedron -- Truncated power function -- Truncated regression model -- Truncated rhombic dodecahedron -- Truncated rhombic triacontahedron -- Truncated square tiling -- Truncated tesseract -- Truncated tetrahedron -- Truncated trapezohedron -- Truncation -- Truncation (geometry) -- Trust region -- Truth table -- Truth table reduction --
[edit] Tsa
Tsallis entropy -- Tsallis statistics -- Tschirnhaus transformation -- Tsirelson space -- Tsirelson's bound -- Tube lemma -- Tubular neighborhood -- Tunnell's theorem -- Tuple -- Turán graph -- Turán's theorem -- Turbulence -- Turing completeness -- Turing degree -- Turing jump -- Turing machine -- Turing reduction -- Turing tarpit -- Turing's proof -- Turn (geometry) -- Turnstile -- Turnstile (symbol) -- Tusi-couple -- Tutte–Coxeter graph -- Tutte polynomial -- Tutte theorem -- Twelfth root of two -- Twelvefold way -- Twiddle factor -- Twin paradox -- Twin prime -- Twin prime conjecture -- Twisted cubic -- Twisted K-theory -- Twistor space -- Twistor theory --
[edit] Two
Two-element Boolean algebra -- Two envelopes problem -- Two-form -- Two-graph -- Two New Sciences -- Two plus two make five -- Two-point tensor -- Two-sided Laplace transform -- Two-tailed test -- Two-vector -- Two's complement -- Tychonoff space -- Tychonoff's theorem -- Type-1 Gumbel distribution -- Type-2 Gumbel distribution -- Type I and type II errors -- Type I error -- Type II error -- Type (model theory) -- Type theory -- Typed lambda calculus -- Types of relations -- Typical set -- Typographical conventions in mathematical formulae -- Typographical Number Theory --