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Wikipedysta:Sir tomas/brudnopis

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Zespół podczas koncertu w Heidelbergu w 2001 roku.
Rok założenia 1997
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Gatunek folk rock
Wytwórnia płytowa SPV GmbH
Aktualni członkowie
(w nawiasach od kiedy są członkami)
  • Ritchie Blackmore (1997-)
  • Candice Night (1997-)
  • Sister Of The Moon:
    Lady Madeline &
    Lady Nancy (2001-)
  • Bard David of Larchmont (2003-)
  • Baron St James (2007-)
  • Squire Malcolm of Lumley (2001-)
Byli członkowie
(w nawiasach kiedy byli członkami)
  • Lord Marnen of Wolfhurst
  • Chris Devine* Carmine Giglio
  • Jessie Haynes
  • Lady Rraine
  • Mike Sorrentino
  • Sir Robert of Normandie (2001-2006)
  • Tudor Rose
  • Mick Cervino
  • Pat Regan
Ian Anderson z Jethro Tull
Strona internetowa

Blackmore's Night to zespół muzyczny stworzony przez Ritchiego Blackmore'a oraz jego wybrankę serca, Candice Night. Muzykę zespołu można określić jako inspirowany muzyką renesansową folk rock.

Spis treści

[edytuj] Historia

Historia Blackmore’s Night to historia dość niezwykła i magiczna. Pisząc o początkach zespołu nieunikniony jest powrót aż do roku 1989, kiedy to Candice mając 18 lat spotkała Ritchiego Blackmore’a na… boisku do piłki nożnej. W tymże to roku Candice jako młoda reporterka jednego z lokalnych mediów chciała jedynie przeprowadzić wywiad z legendą gitary. Jak to się skończyło wszyscy wiemy, ale po kolei...

Candice owszem przeprowadziła wywiad, ale później wyszło na jaw że potrafi ona również pięknie śpiewać co w rezultacie zaowocowało jej obecnością na ‘Battle Rages On Tour’ (Deep Purple) – był to rok 1993. Candice oczywiście występowała tam w chórkach ponieważ rolę głównego wokalisty Purpli pełnił nadal i pełni ją do dziś pan Gillan. Po zakończonym tournee Ritchie postanowił rozstać się z Deep Purple i rozpoczął rekrutację do swojego drugiego zespołu – Rainbow. Rainbow z resztą istniało równolegle do Deep Purple z drobnymi przerwami czasowymi.

Blackmore’s Night był to z początku projekt poboczny do Rainbow, którego członkowie mimo, że byli świadomi istnienia, zapewne nie traktowali jako projektu długoterminowego, czas pokaże, że się mylili...

Faktem jest, że na wychodzącej płycie Rainbow - „Stranger In us All” śpiewał Doogie White ale wkład Candice, którą Ritchie zaprosił do udziału w nagraniach, w tą płytę jest równie duży. Miała ona swój udział przy pisaniu tekstów do takich piosenek jak „Ariel”, „Hall of the Mountain King”, „Black Masquarade”, „Wolf to the moon”. Ponadto możemy usłyszeć jej głos w „Ariel”. Płyta niestety nie odniosła takiego komercyjnego sukcesu jak jej poprzedniczki ale np.: w Japonii uczyniła Candice pierwszą kobietą na okładce magazynu „Burn”.

To właśnie podczas tournee promującego ten album zrodził się pomysł Blackmore’s Night. Podczas podróżowania po różnych zakątkach globu Blackmore przygotowywał płytę „Shadow of the moon”.Blackmore’s Night łączy elementy renesansowej muzyki na nowo zaaranżowanej przez Blackmore’a wraz z pięknymi słowami Candice. Sam Rtichie utrzymuje, że wpływy renesansowej muzyki słychać już nawet w jego twórczości z czasów Deep Purple (np.: „Smoke on the water”).

Zespół Blackmore’s Night oficjalnie rozpoczął działalność w październiku 1996 roku jednak płyta „Shadow of the moon” została wydana dopiero w kwietniu 1997 roku – było to wydanie na rynek japoński. Album rozszedł się w 100.000 egzemplarzach i był to numer 14 na Japońskiej liście Billboard. Europejska premiera miała miejsce w czerwcu. „Shadow of the moon było pierwszą płytą na której śpiewała Candice, ona również była autorką tekstów. Sukces pierwszego albumu dał Blackmore’owi pewność co do jego wizji muzyki i wkrótce Ritchie i Candice zaczęli intensywniej koncertować.

Rok 1998 przyniósł fanom kolejną radość a mianowicie informację o wejściu do studia aby nagrać kolejny krążek. Mowa oczywiście o „Under a violet moon”. Zarówno ten i jak każdy kolejny album okazał się sukcesem. Blackmore’s Night to zespół, który ma już swoją ugruntowaną pozycję na rynku – chociaż miał ją od samego początku za sprawą charyzmatycznego gitarzysty. Zespół cały czas nagrywa, koncertuje, wspiera różnego rodzaju akcje charytatywne. Uzupełnieniem całości może być koncertowanie w specjalnie wybranych miejscach. Są to przeważnie stare zamki, kościoły lub np.: podziemna kaplica w Wieliczce.
napisał: d O_O b

[edytuj] Muzycy

[edytuj] Dyskografia

[edytuj] Albumy studyjne

Swallow This Live (1991)
Swallow This Live (1991)
Swallow This Live (1991)
Swallow This Live (1991)
Swallow This Live (1991)
Swallow This Live (1991)

[edytuj] Albumy kompilacyjne

  • Minstrels And Ballads - (2001)
  • Best Of Blackmore's Night - (2003)
  • Ultimate Colletion - (2003)
  • Beyond The Sunset - The Romantic Collection (łącznie z Christmas-Album & DVD) - (2004)

[edytuj] Single

Z Shadow Of The Moon

Z Under A Violet Moon

  • Under A Violet Moon Hörmuster - (1999)

Z Fires At Midnight

Z Ghost Of A Rose

  • Way To Mandalay/All For One(?) - (2001)

Z Beyond The Sunset - The Romantic Collection

  • All Because Of You - (2004)

Z Village Lanterne

  • Streets Of London - (2006)
  • Olde Mill Inn - (2006)
  • Just Call My Name/I'll be There - (2006)

Z Winter Carols

[edytuj] Koncertowe

  • Past Time With Good Company (live) - (2002)

[edytuj] DVD&VHS

  • Castles And Dreams DVD (2005)
  • Shadow of the Moon Tour (1997)
  • Under A Violet Moon Tour (1999)(?)

[edytuj] Laser Disk

  • Shadow Of The Moon (1997)

[edytuj] Ciekawostki


[edytuj] Źródła

[edytuj] Linki zewnętrzne

{{rock stub}}

Zalążek artykułu To jest tylko zalążek artykułu związanego z muzyką. Jeśli potrafisz, rozbuduj go.

Kategoria:Brytyjskie zespoły rockowe Kategoria:Brytyjskie zespoły folkowe

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November 16th 2005 Germany's TV-show "Wetten daß" took place in Mannheim and they always do a special "town-bet". This time the presenter Thomas Gottschalk said at the beginning: "I bet that Mannheim will not be able to manage to assemble at least 250 Guitar-players with their guitars and amps to play all together the most famous Ritchie Blackmore riff: "Smoke on the Water" There were at least 500 people standing there with their guitars and amps playing the riff together (aside from thousands of else visitors)! See it here.

The Spring 2005 movie Lords of Dogtown features the Deep Purple song Spacetruckin'.

In the 2004 remake of The Stepford Wives, when Bette Midler's character "Bobbie Markowitz" is first introduced, she is wearing a Deep Purple T Shirt.

November 2004: Earthquake hits Tokyo Japan while Blackmore's Night are there performing on stage!

Check out the Jack Black movie School of Rock! The first thing he teaches those kids to play? Smoke on the Water!

In the movie "The Stoned Age" two girls are talking about two guys they just met and one says to the other, "Don't you think that Hubbs guy looks like Ritchie Blackmore?" Also, "Highway Star" plays on an 8-track in someone's car in the movie.

In the movie "Dazed and Confused" with Ben Affleck and a cast of other notable actors, there is a scene when the incoming class of seniors visit the middle school to haze the incoming class of freshmen. During that scene you can hear "space trucking" from Deep Purple being played on the truck radio.

In the movie Blaze with Paul Newman, Deep Purple is listed in the credits at the end. (we're not sure what was played in the movie, but it's in the credits)

In the film Biggles a bit of Knocking at your Backdoor is played.

From the "Labyrinth" Soundtrack, the Track "Into the Labyrinth" has an Intro that sounds awfully similar to Rainbow's "Gates of Babylon" Intro. I've played Side by Side they sound almost identica!

The German movie "23" used a short piece of "Child in Time" for the soundtrack. But, in later versions it was replaced, probably because of copyright...

In "Wayne's World", there's a scene when Dana Carvey and Mike Myers sing "Bohemian rhapsody" on a car with two more guys, and one of them has a "Slaves & Masters" T-Shirt on.

In the movie "Rock Star" there are several references to Ritchie: - Blood Pollution is shown rehearsing "Long Live Rock & Roll" - Chris' bedroom scene has 4 shots of the "Burn" album cover - Chris' little sister answers telephone saying "My favorite color is rainbow" - When Chris & Emily enter Steel Dragon's 'Wall Of Fame', there is a Marshall headstock with Deep Purple's logo emblazoned on it. - Bobby Beers of Steel Dragon is shown in studio singing "Long Live Rock & Roll"

In movie "When Strangers Appear" a man comes to Jukebox and second after that you can hear "Hush".

A couple of times In the movie Twister you see the 1974 ABC TV California Jam concert gig on the TV in the gas station & the back of the van the main cast are in. The song being played at the time on the clip is the start of Child in Time.

The Kevin Costner movie "For the Love of the Game" has "Catch the Rainbow " in it.

In the movie "High Fidelity" with John Cusak - Cusak plays the owner of a second hand collector record shop, in several scenes the cover of "Made in Japan" is plainly and clearly seen.

In the movie "Almost Famous", at the party, people are dancing to Burn.

In the movie "Breaking the Waves" with Emily Watson, "Child In Time" is used as a musical interlude between scenes.


Smoke on the Water makes an appearence in the 2007 campaign for Dodge.

February 2006: In Ellen Degeneres talkshow today guest Queen Latifah had to guess song titles played on the kazoo, the last one was "Since you've been gone".

January 2006: Blackmore's Night "Street Of Dreams" was chosen as the ending theme song for "Junk Sports" broadcast on Fuji TV, Japan's biggest TV station. Guests include famous sports personalities such as Tiger Woods (golf), David Beckham (soccer) & Maria Sharapova (tennis).

September 2005: The VH-1 based reality show/documentary on Metallica : Some Kind of Monster shows Lars Ulrich and James Hetfield in a confrontation with their therapist. Behind them is a white refrigerator with a poster of Ritchie Blackmore on it.

September 2005: Gene Simmons Rock School aired on VH-1 plays the riff to Smoke On the Water while the prospective guitarist to be is walking to the audition.

January 2005 - Die Burg commercial featuring Blackmore's Night song Lorelei.

2005: Lincoln Continental used "Highway Star" in its commercial

Know what the Coor's Light theme song for 2004? It's Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow's "Man On The Silver Mountain"!

You will recognize the theme song for the TV show Third Watch in Japan as "All For One" from the Ghost of A Rose album by Blackmore's Night. This popular TV series will be running through December 2003 in Japan.

On August 10th 2002, the music in the back of the interview with Mario Basler of the Kaiser Lautein team on the German station ZDF Sportstudio was Smoke On The Water.

On an episode of the Simpsons, while Homer is taking Ned Flanders to Las Vegas, Homer sings a song about Flanders to the tune of Highway Star!

On a German TV station for children (super rtl) a few years ago the intro of highway star played in the preview of the cartoon "michelle vaillant"

On the German TV station sat1 there were 4 men standing in a row and each of them was singing an single note of the intro of smoke on the water in a comedy show called "bully parade". Blackmore's Night appeared as the International guest performing artists at the Czech Music Award Ceremony broadcast live from Prague - at the Paegus Arena - on Nova TV - March 7.

The German TV Series "Pop Club" had a few connections to Deep Purple... - The Teaser showed Atze Schröder holding the "Made in Japan" Cover just like a guitar... - Guildo Horn told that his first LP was "Made in Japan". He used the Cover as hat... - Dirk Bach had to sing "Smoke on the Water" with improvised words. Instead of "Smoke on the Water" he sang "Sushi zum Frühstück".

In the mid 90's Bulmers Strongbow Cider had a TV advert which used the opening of Smoke on the Water (rerecorded) whilst a spider ran down a cobweb.

On May,4th, 2002 Blackmore's Night played The Times They Are A Changin on the Dutch tv-show Kopspijkers. When you pay close attention, you can hear Ritchie count down the start of the song.

On September 11th on the Charlie Rose interview show on channel 13 at 11pm - Mr. Rose was interviewing director Cameron Crowe about his latest film "Almost Famous". Mr. Crowe said his all time favorites bands were old 'Deep Purple' and 'Jethro Tull'.

On the VH 1- Top 100 Hard Rock Bands show Ritchie and Ozzy Osbourne are the only two artists to have 2 bands in the Top 100 list. Check for scheduling. Ritchie also comments on many other bands.

In the Video Clip of the Crowed House Song "Something So Strong". In the first shot you see a warehouse and inside they are playing the riff of smoke on the water.

"Smoke On The Water" was used in a Burger King campaign in 1999. They played the song, but changed the words to "Smoke On the Whopper".

The Smoke on the Water riff was used on HBO in the Sopranos. Tony Soprano's CD starts skipping right on the Smoke On The Water riff! He tries to fix it and gets into a car accident!.

The popular sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond played Smoke on the Water on the accordion

On Rock and Roll Jeopardy Smoke On The Water and Highway Star were used as sound clues for the Daily Double.

On "That 70's Show" Highway Star is playing on car radio during a drive.

"Simpsons" Homer singing Smoke On The Water and also singing the guitar part while taking "medicinal marijuana"

Drama-series "Emmerdale" Cain Dingle plays Smoke on the Waters riff with he´s acoustic guitar.

"Drew Cary", while in the pub on St Patrick's day, an accordion player walks in and Drew says if he starts playing Smoke On The Water, he's going to kill himself.

"Smoke On The Water" used during a DORITOS commercial.

Sometimes in the mid 1990's Eurosport used the riff from Burn as an anthem for the World Championship in Ice hockey.

The "Smoke" riff being played on a saxophone during the Pink Panther cartoon.

In Canada, Labatts` (brewing company) has a brand called Labatts Blue. Their slogan is "anything can happen out of the blue". The commercial show 7-9 people looking for a place to party. They end up at a warehouse, climbing the fire-escape stairs to the top, they enter the warehouse and the scene captures a band (heavy on the horns/saxophones) playing smoke on the water.

The riff for "Smoke" was used as incidental music during an episode of "Hart to Hart" in the late 70's.

On show "WKRP in Cincinnati" in one particular scene the DJ starts the "morning " with "Space Truckin"

On May 13, 2002, on the television show "Seventh Heaven"- there is a marriage episode (Richard Klein is guest starring) shows the wedding band playing Smoke On The Water, the caterer tells the minister how it is his favorite song and they dance to it!


January 2006, Candice Night appears on the cover of Japan's Cat Diary Magazine (she's the first human to appear in this exclusive Japanese magazine.) with an in depth intervew and lots of photos.

According to People Magazine (Feb. 10th, 2003 issue) in the Passages section written by Olivia Abel: "Gremlins star Zach Galligan, 38, was arrested for investigation of shoplifting on Jan. 22 after he allegedly stole a Deep Purple CD from a Towers Records store in LA. A rep for Galligan had no comment."

Ritchie won the "Legendary Guitar Player of All Time" readers poll in the Italian version of Metal Hammer (2000)

Smoke on the Water was named the most notable riff of the century in Guitar Techniques Magazine (issue Feb 2000.)

In Guitar Magazine from 10/00 Motley Crue's Mick Mars praises Ritchie Blackmore in his interview when discussing guitar expertise and individual sound.

In the April 1999 issue of Spin Magazine the interviewer asks Metallica's Lars Ulrich who his favorite rocker of all time is - he says, "Ritchie Blackmore!"

The Hammer of Eden, a book by famed author Ken Follett features and credits extracts of Smoke on the Water. P.46 He recalled a song that had been a hit the year he met her, and he began to sing "Smoke on the water..." The band was Deep Purple, he recalled. Everyone was playing their album that summer. It was a good apocalyptic song to sing at the wheel of a seismic vibrator. "Smoke on the water a fire in the sky"

In the 1997 book : "Learning About the Law" by Constantinos E. Scaros, the author uses an example of dissenting opinions on page 74 by pitting Deep Purple against the Beatles and Led Zeppelin as the greatest rock and roll band of all time. There is a large black and white photo of Deep Purple to illustrate his case. The outcome of the scenerio is the Deep Purple is the greatest rock and roll band of all time!

In the book "Learning About the Law" written by Constantinos E. Scaros which is part of the Paralegal Series dated 1997, Mr. Scaros lists a legal example on pages 73-75 of why Deep Purple should be granted a lifetime achievement award as the greatest band of all time. This is accompanied by a photo of the Ritchie Blackmore line up.

MISCELLANEOUS In 2006, Nintendo released their newest hottest game called Guitar Hero in which you can play along with Smoke on the Water and the animated guy that plays it is a strange likeness to Ritchie.

Candice Night on Broadway: Candice Night makes NYC Broadway debut August 18th at the Imperial Theater in Manhattan when Hugh Jackman (The Boy From Oz) invited Candice Night and Lady Nancy to the stage to perform samplers from Ghost of A Rose and Past Times during his evening performance.

IMPOSTER GETS AWAY!!!!!!: A man in Southampton England was admitted to the Cardiac Care Unit of Southampton General Hospital in January 2005 and the name he gave was Ritchie Blackmore. He then proceeded to sell his autograph and tell folks he is the "original" Ritchie Blackmore and used to be in Deep Purple. He managed to take advantage of local charities by posing as Ritchie Blackmore. Apparently this is not the first time this man has posed as Ritchie, and he has done this in several areas around the globe. The police have been notified.

The hard rock band from Argentina called Rata Blanca named themselves in honor of Ritchie by using his initials

Mel Gibson was quoted in a recent interview as saying that Deep Purple is one of his top 3 favorite bands.

Kalpana Chawla, a crewmember aboard upcoming shuttle mission STS-107 was scheduled for 19 July 2002 launch. Kalpana requested that Shadow of the Moon be played for the wake up music on board the space shuttle flight. She took a copy of Shadow of the Moon with her.

Guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen does a cover of the Deep Purple song PICTURES OF HOME on his "Inspirations" album. Also, Look at pictures of Malmsteen earlier in his career and you'll find that he dressed exactly like Ritchie did back in Deep Purple days in concert.

Radio stations are reporting that since Sweden will be playing England in the 2002 World Cup, the Swedish radio stations are boycotting English bands during the week of the game. #1 on their list not to play? Deep Purple! Now that's rivalry!

"Smoke on the Water" was used as an intro when the Olympics Swimming Section in Australia in 2000 came back from the commercial.

The German comedian Michael Mittermeier did his own version of "Smoke on the Water". He sang it together with "The King", so it sounds a little bit like Elvis Presley... quite strange...

Blackmore's Night was awarded the 1999 Vocal Album Of The Year Award from NAV.

Blackmore's Night was awarded the ESO award in the Czech Republic in 2002.

Ritchie recorded an amazing electric guitar solo on Die Geyers latest album. The song is called: Goettliche Devise. Contact them to get this amazing track!

Smoke on The Water is used in the Wynona Judd single "Girls With Guitars"

At the World Stone Skimming Championship 2001, held on Isle of Seil, Scotland. They used "Smoke on the Water" as a theme tune, with the lyrics changed to "Stone on the Water". This was played by a couple of locals on Guitar and Accordion.

In live shows, Robbie Williams band uses the riff from 'Black Night' to end their opening number 'Let Me Entertain You'

There's a heavy metal program "Smoke under the Water" on OpenRadio 102.5 FM, Moscow, Russia. The intro is Smoke on the Water in some orient language (maybe Japanese).

December 2001 saw the debut of the children's theater production "Rusty Rainbow" written by John Gould. Ritchie Blackmore has contributed his one of a kind electric guitar genius to the "Squirk Song" which was pre-recorded and featured during the performances. Entertainment veterans such as Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward were amongst the audience members

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