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The Group of Eight (G8) is a group made up of Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Canada, Russia and the United States. Besides also the European commission is represented in the committee. Spain strives already since longer around the admission than full member. In each case a country takes over the presidency for the duration of a yearly. The G8 is not considered as international organization. Their meetings are informal, in order to advise in "relaxed round" global topics and problems. The G8-Countries combines approx. 50% of the world trade and the world gross national income (BNE) - in purchasing power parities measured or two thirds of the BNEs in actual prices measured - on itself.
[edit] Overview G8
Some the states and their presidents in the G8-Länder (Jacques Chirac, Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel, Koizumi, George Bush) met in Saint Petersburg in 2006.
On the annual world economy summit the state and head of the government of the G8-Staaten and other states meet. The ministers of foreign affairs of the states meet briefly before and discuss topics particularly with regard to foreign policy. Besides there are constant consultations under the full members in the context of the G8.